
Saturday, November 28, 2020

Play Time :: Frivolous Fun!

I've been longing to make a quilt where I could let loose and have fun.  Not that most of my projects aren't fun.  I wanted a creative release and what better way than combining improv, scraps and circles?!

Enter Frivolous Fun!  And it was just that...a lot of fun!  I grabbed some Kona Haze for the background,

Flipped open my scrap bins, and began picking larger pieces for the half circles.  I didn't want to cut from yardage, so whatever was in the bins was what I was going to use.

Once the half circles were cut I began piecing background sections.  With each background I tried to use a different color.  And, since it was pieced together I could position the pieces so that they filled the curve section in a haphazardly way.  As long as I could cut the size I needed I was good to go.  

I ended up making five different circle sizes, 8", 6", 4 1/2", 3 3/4" and 3".  The largest being half circles and sewn together, but the four remaining sizes I wanted to use the six-minute circle method.  I love this method and have used it many times.  It's simple and very satisfying.  Who would have ever thought freezer paper could be used in quilting?!

I cut out background squares in four sizes for each circle, making sure that after they were inset I had enough border for trimming when it came time to assemble all the blocks.  I ended up making two solid circle sizes

The 6" and 4 1/2" circles were first pieced with scraps and then inset.  Keeping with the background of the half circle theme but different.  

Last time I made a similar quilt to this one I actually pieced together a black and white stripe because I didn't have fabric I could use.  I learned my lesson and ended up buying some 1/4" stripes just in case I might need it one day.  

This was the day!  I cut 1 1/2" (1" finished) strips of the stripe fabric and began the design layout.  After randomly placing my circles on the design wall (by randomly I mean I rearranged them over and over and over again) I started adding the stripes.  I didn't want to go overboard and add too much, so I slowed down and tried to think logically!

One thing about designing a quilt like this that needs to be puzzled together is I can trim my circle blocks to any size I need them to be.  As long as there is enough background, I can make each one work.  Which is the perfect way to make the stripe fabric work too!  

Since the stripes are 1/4" wide, I was able to trim the stripes so that they started and ended with black using the 1/4" to my advantage for the seams.  Because I allowed for extra background, I could trim my circles to the exact size needed to make the stripes work.   


Nothing is ever set in stone when 'puzzling' together a quilt.  Having the leeway to adjust and trim so that each circle or background piece fits together is both fun and stressful!  I try and plan out sections that line up without having to do partial seams...that would be a whole different level of brain power for me!  All in all, I'm pleased with the results.  I fulfilled my desire to have some frivolous fun!

I have the top pinned but will have to put off quilting for a few more days.  We have our quarantine partner family coming today!


Sunday, November 22, 2020

Where Did Time Go?!

I cannot believe it's been three weeks since my last post!  So much has been going on, yet nothing that has been earth shattering or newsworthy.  With the exception of the election!  

Halloween was filled with three happy children who trick & treated throughout our house.  Front door, back door, side door, bedroom doors...all the doors!  It was so much fun and we always enjoy and delight in the chaos that these children bring into our lives.  I will point out that our family and their family take every precaution when we get together.  We are extremely diligent and cautious with Covid protocol and we quarantine for two weeks before each visit.  Which is what we are doing right now for Thanksgiving.  Neither of our families are worried as we both limit our contact to a very short list of like minded people.

I just wanted to be clear that we are safe and therefore keeping everyone else safe.

I kept thinking I need to write a blog post.  I'd then tell myself I'll do it tomorrow.  And tomorrow, and tomorrow!  Before I knew it it had been three weeks.  So in order to get back in the swing of things I figure a small post about small things might be solution to get back on track!

5" X 5"

What better way than a Holiday Heart of the Home Neighborhood?!  I knew I didn't have holiday themed fabric when the idea came to me, but for the first time in 10 months I was able to hit a shop in person.  Besides buying a stack of sale solids (which is why I went in the first place), I was on the lookout for themed fabric for my tiny house windows.  Easier said than done!  

The windows are 1/2" x 1" finished  (1" x 1 1/2" unfinished) and finding the right scale is near impossible.  I was able to find this Snowman fabric and I immediately jumped in with both feet!  You'd never guess that I was obsessed with these mini houses, would you?!

Occasionally I like to add embellishments to the chimneys.  In this case a sweet little bird.  Fabric I also found on my outing!  

This version is with a smaller heart in the center.  The strip below the roof is perfect for selvedges from fabric.  However since I mainly use solids and never kept selvedges from the prints I've had, I don't have much of a selection to play with.  The skinny strip is 1/2" finished and about 5" long.  I've managed thus far and can always use the same 'house' fabric instead.

As you can see the main part of the house takes very little fabric.  Which makes it a good project for our scrap heaps!  I don't know about you, but I have a ton of scraps that I can't quite toss.  It still doesn't make the scrap pile dwindle down though!

The center hearts can be customized as well.  Red, pink, prints...all are fair game.  I'm having a rainbow vision that I hope to explore in the coming weeks.  

I'm always on the hunt these days for 'tiny' window coverings from animals to people.  Once you get something imbedded into your mind it's hard to let it go!

After so much time away from blogland, it feels good to be back!  I've got projects to share and I hope now that the gates have opened I can share on a regular basis again!

The PDF pattern for 'Heart Of The Home' is available here:  HEART OF THE HOME