While I'm waiting on a brilliant idea (or any idea) on how to quilt my Drunkard Path quilt, I decided the best thing I could do was play with the scraps and see if I could make something out of nothing!
When making Drunkard Path blocks there is always a lovely pile of scraps that happen no matter how careful you are not to waste valuable fabric real estate! Orange peel shapes seem to be the predominate shape scrap left after it's all said and done. My mission was to take the scraps and see what I could construct, configure and imagine. I think most people might have thrown the scraps out, but not me!
ABSTRACTION 16 1/2" x 22" |
Instead, I worked through the pile and created a fun quilt that let my imagination go wild! Which after making a quilt that's all about accuracy and precision it can be a nice diversion and clears the mind.
The fabric in this quilt is Kona Ash Gray and Michael Miller Neon Pink.
I really enjoy the process of mindless sewing. Most of the time I don't really have any expectations or clear ideas when I start a project like this. I cut, sew and repeat until it's time to puzzle pieces together. At that stage ideas start to form and I can begin to figure it out. Perhaps that's a crazy way to work, but who's to say!
You can see how the orange peel shapes were used to create some of the shapes. I didn't want the neon pink to overwhelm the space so I tried to keep it at a minimum.When I finished the center I decided I'd inset it into a large Ash Grey piece. I did a wonky oval shape and did just that...which worked but I didn't like it. It was too stark. Not only that but by the end I could have saved a lot of inset circle headache and just added strips on all the sides. The left side really brought it together for me. That's the beauty of improv! Don't like where it's going? Cut it off and do something else!
I'm not a great free-motion quilter and my capabilities are limited, but I'll never back down or shy away from it especially when it's a small quilt like this. I can do whatever I want, and in the end be very happy about it!
I didn't quilt on any of the pink, just the gray. I might have had I had a matching thread or something close.
Lastly, the binding. I considered doing a faced binding for a minute or two, and then thought better of that idea. Half and half with the neon/gray but take the time to match one little spot! Matching the binding was the only precision skill in this quilt!
Now that this is finished and all the scraps are used I can move on to quilting the Drunkard Path quilt! I don't plan on doing 'crazy' with the quilting, so expect straight line geometric quilting!