
Monday, December 23, 2013

No More Sloppy Seconds!

The quilt was a HUGE hit!  As you can see, Taylor has become 'one' with his quilt!  It hasn't left his side, bed, floor or chair since he received it!  I was thrilled and yes...I even got a few hugs afterwards! 

We all know I love to make quilts.  I love to put my twist on each of them in one way or another.  It hasn't always been that way.  After years of quilting, I finally found my style - my way to express myself. 

When I started quilting I made some pretty 'ho-hum' quilts.  I had the bug and just had to quilt, quilt, quilt!  I always made twice as many blocks as I needed!  (I still do, just not as many)  Of course, I couldn't just let the blocks go to waste, now could I?!  Nope!  I used all the sloppy seconds to make two different quilts for my son Taylor.  He loved them, was fine with it, he still uses them both.  The last time I made him a quilt was 4 years ago.  I've come a long way since then and it was time to share that with Taylor.

In two previous posts:
A Little Less Imagination Required and Caution: Imagination Required

I showed the progress I was making on his quilt and hoped it would all come together in the end.  Here it is, in all its glory!


The back is a fabric from Ikea that my daughter gave me and it became the inspiration for the quilt design.

Little House

Little Dog
Quilting Detail

I ended up quilting organic horizontal and vertical waves over almost the entire quilt.  It was my intention to create 'windows' with the curves.  The little house on the front is a combination of machine quilting and free-motion quilting.  Some cobblestones, foliage, shingles and a cute little doggie!  

Taylor has been a huge fan of my quilts.  He doesn't have a lot to say most of the time. So, when he throws out a compliment, I know he is sincere!

I'm excited for him to open his special present from me.  I've tried to keep this one top secret from him.  I think he will be surprised, big smile and perhaps I will even get a hug!

Taylor my wonderfully awesome son.....
No more sloppy seconds for you!

Linking up at WHOOP WHOOP Friday!
and  TGIFF Sew Fresh Quilts


  1. This quilt looks great! I'm sure he'll love it when he opens his present. It's so neat to see our kids open their gifts, especially when it's something we made or picked out special for them. Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you! He did love it and it hasn't left his side.

  2. Very interesting quilt. I love the houses on the back. Great quilt.

    1. Thank you! I kind of love to 'go crazy' with my quilts!

  3. That's a wonderful idea! And there's nothing like hugs & kisses of appreciation from a son, is there? Well done!

  4. Congrats on a fab finish! I love your improv style! And that quilting is such a compliment to the overall design. That little dog is adorable! You are sure to get a huge hug!

    1. Thank you Lorna! It was a hit and so was the dog!

  5. That quilt is awesome! Really fun. The backing fabric is great too. I think I need to shop in ikea more!

    1. Ikea has some great fabric! I was lucky enough to get this piece from my daughters stash!

  6. I'm jealous! This is such a great quilt. Every time Taylor catches me using it, he takes it from me and gives me a different one to use! Hah.

    1. At least he gives you a 'sloppy second'!! Kidding! Of course, I am thirlled that you like it too...since your advice and opinion is very important to me!

  7. That is really cool quilt. I really like when the back somehow work with the front. It is actually 2in1 which is the best!


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