
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Officially ~ It's Big!

My current work in progress is BIG!  Big, big, big!  This officially the biggest quilt I have ever made!

I'm working on a custom queen size quilt right now.  An improv, abstract, mid-century modern type quilt.  Huge.  In the end it will measure 90" x 95".  Immense.

This is the beginning.  A few blocks to get the feel of where I want to go.  From here, well its a lot of tiny piecing.  The block sizes are every size imaginable.    

This quilt is inspired by a previous quilt I made.  My 'Green With Envy' Improv quilt.  This one was way smaller...tiny compared to the one I'm working on now!

I tried to get a couple WIP shots.  My project wall isn't in the best place to get a full size view.  I could move the wall...

I have one more panel to make today.  One more piece to the puzzle.  Hopefully one more day of meticulous piecing and placing.  

With that said...I better get off the computer and get to work!

If you haven't already, please feel free to enter my Sew Mama Sew Giveaway!



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. It is beautiful Jayne! I can't imagine making an improv quilt that big. I too wouldn't have a space big enough to lay it out. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I just finished a king sized top, my biggest ever, so I know what that feels like! I love your improv blocks and color choices!

  4. This is going to be stunning - so fresh and spontaneous.

  5. I like your slicing and dicing! It's very alive, energetic with places to rest in the white frame. Keep up the great work of inspiration.

  6. I really like those bits and pieces spread out between the improv blocks. Looks great!

  7. Really Cool! Your colors are a great palatte,


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