
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Triangle Kick (WIP)

My initial thought was to use up some hand dyed scraps.  Lots of little bits and pieces.  Pieces I couldn't bear parting with.  Even though I have been getting better about scrap collecting...meaning letting go sooner...I just don't have the will power to toss my hand dyed beauties!

While I was waiting for fabric to arrive for a custom quilt, I took the time to sort these scraps.  Pink, yellow, aqua, blue~some purple, green and peachy delight!  Not trying to be too fussy or precise, I pieced sizes big enough for triangles.  Such a lovely stack they made!  

This aqua and gray was the first!  Its a baby quilt.  Baby sweetness!  Very simple design, but delightfully trendy and hip!

Why stop there?  With a stack of triangles and a renewed energy...I decided 'let's go with yellow next'!  C'mon baby!

I am in the process of sewing the binding on this one...but I like it!  Some of the light yellow pieces in the triangles match the background, so it looks like there are different sizes of triangles.  There are not!  

And lastly, yummy pink and pewter gray!  How about that?!  

The quilting on all three are geometric straight lines.  I used 1/2" - 1" lines randomly throughout.  Small quilts like this are a breeze to quilt the 'heck' out of!  I'm still finishing up the pink and yellow baby quilts.  Hand sewing on bindings is a happy place for me!  I love it!  

I cannot wait to wash them up, see the crinkly quilting come to life!  I'm not sure which combination is my favorite or which I am going to say I love all three equally!


  1. These are all lovely. What size do your triangles finish?

    1. Thank you Andrea! The triangles are 6 1/2" finished!

  2. These are gorgeous! I particularly like the pink/grey combo!

    Katie =^..^=

    1. I just can't decide on my favorite! All are so different!

  3. oh my goodness! gorgeous quilts!

  4. They all look so wonderful. The pic of the folded green would make an awesome set of placemats.

  5. Each are beautiful. Love the colours! And the quilting. Will look great all crinkled up!

  6. So cute! And I love your quilting...simple but goes well with the overall look of the quilts =)

  7. Wow! They are perfect, I love all three. Very elegant! I thought you'd made the green one into a bag. It would look great as an evening bag!

  8. I can't believe you just whipped up 3 quilts like that! They are lovely, great colours

  9. wonderful, I love all three, but the green really grabs me...which is strange because I am more of a pink lover.

  10. Very nice, I like the three different color versions and the quilting!

  11. I just found you via Jeni at In Color Order. I immediately started following you on Flickr and went through your photostream. Amazing! I'm SO glad I found your beautiful work.

  12. Those are so simple and striking, just beautiful! Thanks for linking up while I hosted Anything Goes Mondays!

  13. What a great way to use up some beautiful scraps! I love the quilting on them too. Thanks so much for linking up to Sew Solid Sunday!

  14. If I hand dyed fabric, I'd not want to throw a scrap away either. Great way to salvage them.

  15. Love how all of these are turning out! These are so modern and fun!

    Thank you for linking up to Fabric Frenzy Friday!
    Fabric Frenzy Friday


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