
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

This Never Happens!

I'm one of those who has a very hard time having more than one project at a time going.  Rarely.  I won't start a new quilt until I'm finished with one, I don't have stacks of this, that or the other things!

However, I found myself with a stack of quilts that needed to be quilted.  Four, no less!  My sewing machine took a breath and we went to town!

But first, my latest Half Square Triangle quilts.  After making tons of HST's over the weekend, I found myself with a plethora (a large or excessive amount of something) of blue and green.  I really wanted to do something a little different that my usual design.  

I have so much fun working with HST's!  There is no limit to the designs you can come up with!  This will become a baby quilt very soon!  I was so excited to extend the green into the border.  Something new for me!

These make me want to play.  And Play.  And play with designs!   

Quilting it was relatively easy.  I knew geometric lines was where I would go with it.  Using 1/2" lines in the green and 3/4" for the rest.  Binding is happening as we speak!

And of course, I made another one of these designs!  Which I love...and you are sick of seeing!  The quilting is finished as well and it is next in line for binding.  

I have two more to quilt.  Just two.  They are much bigger and will take longer.  (I can't wait)

I have promised my sewing machine that after this a nice vacation for a good cleaning and rest!  I'm sure I will go through withdrawals, but it has got to be done!



  1. Your quilts are so crisp and bright, love the blue and gray one.

  2. Good idea to have two different qulting lines spacing. it emphazine the green movement that I didn't see when looking at the first picture. And I really like the colors on the last one.

  3. I love the colours of your HST baby quilt... they drew me over from the tiny pic on Let's Bee Social! I'm a sucker for solids. I also love how your HSTs break into the border... clever!

  4. I love your quilts - simple design but so perfect! I'm in a FMQ class right now, but have been working to perfect my walking foot skills too - so I really like how you used different spacing on the green quilt.

  5. Love the layout you used and the straight quilting fits in perfectly. Triangles are fun to play with I'll agree with you on that - like being a kid with a puzzle. Nicely done.

  6. These quilts are amazingly beautiful. Such pretty colours

  7. Both of these quilts are so wonderful. Love the colors on each of them.

  8. Blues and favs! I really like the quilting you did...perfect compliment to the design.

  9. Beautiful quilts and I love the way you quilted them. Four items to be quilted?! LOL I haven't counted mine! :)

  10. they are adorable. Love the colors you used. Great job!

  11. Jayne, you do beautiful things with HSTs! Love your color combinations!

  12. Gorgeous! Your color selections are super and the straight line quilting really adds to the modern flavor!

  13. Hi Jayne! I love these quilts! Great colours and beautiful designs! I used to be also 'for one Project in time' but slowly that has changed - just too many ideas coming all the time. x Teje

  14. Adding those pieces out into the border? Brilliant! Such a fresh look! Servicing your machine? Eeek! You are going to be beside yourself! Hope it doesn't take long!

  15. Not "sick of seeing", not at all. I love your work and each quilt has its own distinct personality. Thanks so much for sharing.


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