
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

This is crazy!

Finishing a quilt is the best!  Finishing a quilt that I just discovered has been in limbo for over a year is even better!!

This quilt was the brain child of my daughter Britt.  She had a vision.  A very specific vision.  Knowing that I love a challenge, she got me to collaborate with her.  I love working with her.  She is one of the most creative and gifted people I know.  (Yes, I am biased!)  

We started this one in July of 2013!  Yep!  That's right!  I was shocked after going through my Flickr photos to learn that!

This quilt required a few partial seams.  I shy away from that sort of thing.  Partial seams, Y-seams, pretty scary stuff!  It all fell on Britt's shoulders!  And she did a fabulous job!  

So, this pinned quilt hung on my quilt ladder forever.  I waited and waited for someone to quilt it.  Someone who started this thing!  I kept waiting.  Hoping.  Obviously for over a year until I couldn't take it any longer!  I pulled it down and made a quilting plan.  

The big square is a tightly quilted cross-hatch using a coordinating thread.  Very random. The lines are extended slightly on to the blue.  I went vertical and horizontal with the remainder of the quilt.  It mimics the cross-hatch, but on a bigger scale.  

I do love how it turned out.  Simple and modern.  I am sad to say that Britt and I don't do much quilting together now-a-days.  We use to have our 'power' quilting times.  Both machines whirling away on the table.  Laughing, talking and just spending time together.  I think its time to do it again...I wonder if she remembers how to use her machine!  

On a different note!  I received an early birthday gift.  Again, Britt was the mastermind!

My little card!  Guess who's going to the AQS Chattanooga Quilt Show?  That would be me!  And Britt!  It will be the first quilt show I have been to and I'm looking forward to it.  I have often thought about entering a quilt in a show.  This will be a research mission. Could I, should I?!  

I do have a couple in progress quilts to show off.  

This one is almost finished!  I'm sewing the binding on right now.  It's a modified version of my 'soon to be' pattern.  

Woven stripe baby quilt.  Ready to quilt once I figure out what I want to do!



  1. I love your collaborative quilt - I think the actual quilting really enhances the design as well.

  2. I love the simplicity and colours of that quilt!

  3. I love your woven stripes baby quilt. Great colours. I like that blue and orange combo as well.

  4. I love the quilt you and Britt collaborated on!!

  5. Love the colour combination. The quilt looks nice.

  6. (1) I absolutely LOVE the quilting on the brown quilt, with the stops and starts, SO FABULOUS!

    (2) Happy birthday! Or early birthday, whichever it is.

    (3) I love your print shoofly quilt. I admit that when I saw your print stack, I wondered if the prints were too light to contrast with a white background. But as usual I just don't know which way is up, and it's gorgeous. I recently fell in love with a vintage sheet quilt that's similar (in the lack of hard contrast, that is), and I've vowed to replicate it.

    (4) Have fun in Chattanooga!

  7. Love the quilting on the Abstract quilt. Such a compliment to the design. Hope you two enjoy the quilt show! Happy (early) Birthday, Jayne!

  8. Happy birthday, sweetie! Haha. I love you, and am so glad we got to take a special trip to Chattanooga together! Let's collaborate on something else soon!

  9. So cool that you get to go to the show! And you should by all means enter the competition!

  10. Can't wait to see what your soon to be pattern will be! Have fun at your first quilt show!


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