
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Postage ~ Over Due!!

Where to begin!  I tend to work from project to project.  I love starting and finishing one thing at a time.  I may be thinking about my next project during that time, but I usually finish one thing first. 

People talk about their UFO's and WIP's.  Some have none, while others have 3, 4 or 10!! When I see that I think to myself, ' can that be?  Self, you don't have any UFO's or WIP's'.  And then BAM, I remember.  I have one that has been lingering in the deep, dark depths of my fabric closet.  Tucked away, shoved to the side and happily forgotten.

Back in 2011, I agreed to make a postage stamp quilt with my daughter Britt.  She would help, we would make two.  One for her and one for me. We were going to use a white solid and feed sack prints. We set about cutting 2" squares.  There wasn't any strip piecing here! We had with 60 different prints.  After our cutting marathon we ended up with the following:

1858 2" print squares
1856 2" white squares

Needless to say, by the end we put them all neatly in a tote for later. Overwhelming is an understatement!  Super long story short...

We made one quilt back in 2013.  And it was for my daughter.  One down. Put the tote away.  Forget.

Okay, now it was time to delve into the deepest, darkest shelf.  Pull out the tote. Do it again. This time I was on my own.  My daughter has moved on from this quilting nonsense! 
Bound and determined I began the long and daunting task of piecing each and every teeny tiny square together.

Tote Full of Squares
Pieced Together Squares
Loving The Seams!
Pinned and Ready To quilt
Block by block.  Seam by seam. Stitch by stitch.  The long monotonous process went on and on and on and on. Until the end when this happened!

48" x 68"
An amazing piece of goodness!  

Straight line quilting.  Bright white backing.  Hand stitched binding. Machine washed and dried. Crinkle magic happening!

That...My daughter Britt.  Why is she so happy?  She didn't have to help is my guess!!  XOXO
The break down on this quilt:
1632 2" blocks
816 White
816 Feedsack prints

48" x 68"
60 different prints
Kona White back
Machine Quilted

If you are still reading...I'm happy!  This is rather a long winded post!

I have always love this kind of quilt.  It takes hours and hours of work from start to finish. Each step made me excited to get to the next step.  And yes, by the time I got to the end I was ready for it to be done!  

Believe it or not there are still blocks left over!  Crazy...crazy...crazy!  Me, well its hard to let go.  Hard to put them back in the tote and cram it in the closet.  I want to use them all.  I don't want to revisit this project later. When it's time, I'll cut more.  Most likely in a few years after this!

Yes, I made something else.  But, I'll share that a bit later!



  1. It is so beautiful. I have often thought I might like to try a postage stamp quilt but I always have been intimidated. I do like that it looks so cohesive even though there are so many fabrics. Maybe one day I'll be as brave as you!

  2. I love this type of quilt too and have made many for other people, but never for me. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Your quilt is fabulous, I love everything about it, the backing is really nice. I enjoyed reading your post and your thoughts on WIPS and UFOS...I have only one UFO in my closet, It's one of those hexies I started years ago and honestly I don't know if I will ever finish it.:-)

  4. Congratulations for digging out your old project and getting it all done! It looks great, and the photo with your daughter in front of it is super cute. :)

  5. Amazing! I don't know if I could do this without using strips. It turned out so beautiful.

  6. Love it! OMG, I so love it! My colors and style all over. Great job!

  7. You can't see but my mouth is hanging open! Just wonderful!

  8. I so so love this!!! I am going to do one too. I don't know what size blocks.I did a pixel quilt last year of 1.5" cut blocks and that was fun but daunting!

  9. What a great quilt. I'm impressed by how neat you kept all the seams on the back. I want to do a postage stamp quilt, but I think if I ever do it, it's going to have to be with a starters and enders mentality of just keeping a stack of the squares by the machine to feed in every once in awhile when I'm strip piecing other projects and just need a place holder.

  10. Just lovely! I finished one quilt (only tabletop size, though) that's been in my closet for 8 years. I still have 3 other quilts (I think) in my closet that are not done. Some day! Enjoy your new quilt!

  11. Well, if I got overwhelmed just reading how many squares were in your TWO quilts, then I have to say that you've got ten lifetimes more patience than I do. Congrats on your quilt and a big hats off to no UFO's or WIP's sitting around... you're a stronger woman than I am.

    Former West Virginia girl sending you greetings from Germany!

  12. Simply stunning! and I loved reading your story about this too! It's always been a quilt that I've wanted to make, but felt the 2" squares just a bit too daunting! Linda

  13. I love it. I have one I have pieced together, along with some embroidered squares, really really need to finish that!

  14. I started a UFO list and stopped at 24. Most are tops waiting for me to be comfortable with FMQ--and I am gaining on that front. But starting is so much more fun. Love your quilt! claire aka knitnkwilt

  15. crinkle magic indeed!!!! I love getting new quilts out the dryer for the first time! Your quilt is amazing!

  16. Your daughter is adorable! And that quilt is amazing- so much work went into it! Enjoy the fruit of your labors :-)

  17. This is GLORIOUS , she looks so thrilled. I want to make one now. What a great way to make something awesome from the wee bits

  18. It's great to finish a quilt like this! So many seams sewn, so much effort but what a reward at the end! It's lovely and scrappy and absolutely perfect :)

  19. Beautifully done. That's a lot of small squares, I admire your stick-with-it-ness.

  20. Sweet, sweet, sweet! Love that you went borderless. And that white backing? Pop! Such a very pretty little quilt with a modern vintage feel. Congratulations on tackling that tote of tiny pieces. So worth it! PS. Britt looks like a fun chick... And so beautiful!

  21. What a super sweet quilt! It certainly deserved to be out of the tote! So bright and happy!

  22. all those small squares, i can see why it was put away - sometimes you just have to be in the mood for something like this. but it's great

  23. It looks beautiful!! Congratulations on being so determined to finishing this quilt. And I read your post till the end and it made me giggle! Good on you! A lovely finish. xxx

  24. Beautiful. I have always wanted to make one of these. I am finishing up an art quilt that has a postage stamp (1 inch blocks - white on white) as the central theme... and it took hours and hours. All the cutting and sewing. But yours if quite beautiful all finished! Love it.


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