
Monday, February 2, 2015

Baby Retro Finish

 My Perfectly Imperfect baby quilt is finished!  I fixed the row that was way off kilter.  It made me feel better, it looks better and it was worth it!

After washing not only do the little imperfections become less noticeable, but the free motion quilting I did also becomes less of an issue!  Yay!

I quilted an orange peel design in the blue X's and diagonal/vertical lines through the blocks. 

You can see the quilting a little better on the back.  The backing is pieced using two different, yet coordinating blues and white.  

33 1/2" x 44 1/2"

Another sweet little package! 

After seeing it finished, I realize just how much washing and drying a quilt changes my feelings about them.  The imperfections, flaws, blemishes or undesirable features we as quilters see are not quite as glaring.  Little inconsistencies  are harder to find.  

I have always said flaws and imperfection give something character!  I'm sticking with that!  

How about you?  Are you a perfectionist?  Do imperfections drive you crazy?      



  1. I am not a perfectionist. While I always like things to look nice and not to be sloppily put together, flaws are not something I lose sleep over.

    1. I don't think there are many who can make a perfect, perfect quilt! I, for one!

  2. This is such a fabulous baby quilt, I really love the back as well. I'm a perfectionist about some things but definitely not everything. I agree that imperfections give character and make something look handmade rather than machine made.

    1. I don't mind imperfections, just not 'glaring' ones!

  3. I don't see a single flaw : ) it's just darling. I like a freshly washed quilt too

    1. Then the crinkle magic worked! thank you Carla!

  4. I would be so happy if someone gave this to my baby. There is just something I love about this quilt. I would snuggle my face into it immediately if I was around it in person, so you would probably want me to stay away, haha! I really like the quilting, the colors, and everything about it. I am glad that you fixed a wonky row in it, that might have bothered me, but the way it is now, I see perfection!

    1. Isn't it funny how a quilt can do that?! Snuggle your face, your baby or your puppy...I just love that quilts get used!

  5. I'm a mechanical draftsperson and love straight lines and perfect points - well, that was until I took up quilting! I'm more comfortable with imperfections now especially in quilts I make lol ... I'm always on some type of learning curve so there are bound to be imperfections. I really love the orange peel quilting, it makes it look like you have two quilts in one :)

    1. I am glad I used the orange peel quilting. FMQ is still and always will be on the top of my list to master!

  6. I am a little bit of a perfectionist, but I am human, too. That's the beauty of handmade, the teeny tiny imperfections that no one sees but the creator.

    Another splendid quilt. This one put me in mind of the quilts Grandma Vivian used to make, kinda like old flour sack prints. xxoo

  7. I can definitely be a bit of a perfectionist, but I am trying to cultivate my philosophy that "quilts are meant to be loved", too. I think the finish is lovely, and congratulations on your finish.

  8. I love this quilt and think I might copy it (!) for my Flea Market Fancy quilt I'm making later this year. It may be the perfect pattern for those repro fabrics. Love everything about it, especially the quilting!

  9. This is such a sweet and cozy looking finish, Jayne. I love how you quilted it - such a compliment to the design. I am NOT a perfectionist. In anything. I think sometimes we can worry so much about making things perfect that it stifles our creativity and takes all the enjoyment out of the project. You are so right that most of the time..... All that worry is for naught.

  10. My mom says the same thing about the imperfections! :) I always feel like I should embroider that and hang it up somewhere. It's such a sweet quilt and the quilting does look fantastic! Now...if only I can let go of my perfectionism....

  11. I agree with your mom....and it would be a good wallhanging. I'm impressed with your itty bitty though...I'm NOT good at those for sure! Yours look fantastic!

  12. I love this quilt - it reminds me of the vintage quilts that almost everyone loves and thinks of when someone mentions a quilt. All of those quilts had imperfections and have been loved for-like-ever until they fall apart, right?


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