
Friday, February 27, 2015

Low Volume Plus Block

Have you heard about the Low Volume Plus Block Swap?  Did you sign up for it?  The word is out!   Check on instagram (#lowvolumeplusswap) and on Craftbuds for a massive swap! All the information you need is available here:  Swap With Us!  Tutorial, ideas, inspiration!

This block is super easy, fun and gorgeous of course!  You just need to sign up and choose the quantity of blocks you want to make.  In return, you get the same amount of blocks back for your very own quilt!  There is plenty of time to participate.  The deadline isn't until May...what are you waiting for?!

I decided to jump in!  I've never done a swap of any kind and wanted to give it a try.  I decided to take on 24 blocks. 

I pulled out my low volume fabrics and began to cut.  It was easier for me to cut everything before I started piecing.  Let the assembly line begin!

Picking the right fabrics was interesting!  They needed to be bright and one color.  And I almost did it right!

The assembly line.  Sew, snip, iron and repeat!

Its a good thing I finally caved and bought some bundles of low volume fabrics!  I kind of love them!

I really enjoyed making this block!  Addicting is the word that comes to mind!  Because I hate to put off projects, I decided to knock out all 24 blocks in one day!  You just never know what may come up.  I was being responsible!  And as it turns out I will need to make a few more replacements!  

Turns out there are a couple that I need to redo.  The 'plus' doesn't stand out enough.  I'm ahead of the game, so I can make some changes in plenty of time to meet the deadline!

On another completely different topic!  While I was piecing some feathers yesterday, I kinda broke a rule!  

Something that has never happened to me before!  I set my ruler on the cushioned chair and before I knew it I knelt on the ruler and heard a lovely 'snap!!  Clean break.  Shock. And then I had to laugh!  (oh what?  is that woven stripes...again?!)  

I use it all the time and of course don't have another, I had to think quick!  For the time being I used some clear packing tape for a temporary fix to remedy the accident!  And, hey there sharpie sutured the crack with precision!  

Have you ever broken or messed up one of your favorite go-to tools?  My ruler will need to be replaced very soon!  



  1. I love your low volume prints! I've never done a swap either, but this would be the one to do. I don't have enough low volume prints to do anything worthwhile with them. Your sharpie sutures are great!

    1. I thought this was the perfect first time swap to do!

  2. I'm super envious of your low volume stash but not of your broken ruler! I've got some small rulers I have doubles of, cause that's what happens when you can only get the one you want in a package without having to order it online and wait for delivery. At least since it's a clean break the packing tape will solve it, do be careful with your cutter though, I imagine even a little lip could cause your blade to jump and let's not think about what happens after that!! ***shudder***

  3. Well, on the plus side.... (Hahaha!) Your quilt top is coming along very nicely. Love the brights you chose against all those yummy low volume goodies. As for the ruler.... Drat! No, that has never happened to me, but I have lost a nick out of one corner. You and Sharpie did a fantastic job of sewing yours back up!

  4. I have dropped my ruler to the floor and broke a corner off. Husband used Super Glue and put it back together again. Works as good as new.

    1. The packing tape has worked just fine for me right now. I'm still going to need an new one! I have nicked tiny little corners off rulers, which is really annoying sometimes!

  5. I really like your low volume plus blocks. They look so good together that I would have a hard time giving them away if I were you. But it will be fun for you to see what you get in return. Your sutures are a hoot!

    1. It will be fun to see the blocks after the swap, but I do like the ones I made! I hope whoever receives them likes them too!

  6. Your plus blocks look great. I even like the low contrast ones. A few of them add variety. What a clever idea to use packing tape! I knew duct tape fixes anything but it wouldn't work on a ruler. Great solution.

    1. Thank you! I like the low contrast ones too, I just want to make sure they fit the swap rules!! Duct tape would not be a good idea!

  7. Fabulous looking plus blocks. I still love low volume and really like my quilt I did like this

  8. Your blocks are stunning! I have got to try this down the road. I dropped and broke my acrylic sewing table top a few years ago. That hurt! I was actually able to Gorilla Glue it together and get another year of "gentle" use out of it before I forgot to treat it gently again.

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