
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Curves Class Under My Belt

Last Saturday at our local Guild meeting I taught my first class on curve piecing.  Now, I will tell you that I was scared to death!  It is so out of my comfort zone.  I wasn't sure I would be able to explain, demonstrate or talk a good game.  I have a hard time putting my thoughts together where it makes sense to others!  I gained even more respect for those who teach!   

I was just happy that I got to spend the day with a group of wonderfully funny, talented and sweet ladies!

Set up and ready to roll!  Our plan for this meeting was to make a finished Mini and then have Stefanie (amazing talent) show us how to machine sew on the binding.

Everyone was hard at work...cutting and sewing.  No rulers allowed (until the end), no cutting mats with the grids showing!  All free hand cutting.

There were some intense moments!  Here is Jenny concentrating and hard at work.  

Fun fact:  Every time I used the iron I left it laying with the soleplate down. Luckily Jenny was right there to catch me!  I'm a little too comfortable with my Oliso i-Touch!

Success!  Debby showing her first curve!  

Katie, Vickey, Linda and Stefanie talking shop!

Callie kicked the curves butt!  She was so focused!  I also loved that she decided to use her hand dyed fabric!!  Jane has it going on too!

There was a huge variety of fabric getting curved to pieces! From hand dyed to batiks!

I didn't want to influence any ones creativity.  I love doing curved piecing and know first hand that anything can happen!  If you don't like where it's going...change it up!  Cut it up and keep going!

I'm happy that I have that class under my belt.  It feels good to share what I know in the quilting field and hope that at the very least, someone learned a little something! 

If you are interested in learning about curves, I have a basic tutorial here:  Curves Tutorial 


  1. Congrats!!! Teaching your peers is probably the most intimidating and I bet they all thought you were fabulous. :) Everyone's projects look lovely.

    1. It really is! Luckily no one threw scissors at me! It was such a fun way to spend the day regardless!

  2. Your class was fabulous, Jayne! The Cozy Pumpkin is absolutely right. Keep on teaching!!

    1. Thank you so much for the vote of confidence Debby! Regardless of me tripping over my tongue…I had a blast teaching this workshop!

  3. It's good to know how to do curved piecing. I seem to have done lots of it lately. And I did the very same thing at my last quilt retreat--walking away from the ironing station and left the iron face down--too used to my Oliso.

    1. When I first got my Oliso I thought I would never get use to leaving it face down! I'm afraid to find out what would happen if I had to change to regular irons!

      I think curves are my favorite technique. Nothing better than slicing without having to be precise!

  4. That looks like a wonderful time together having lots of fun! I neeeed to be in a room like this sometime :)


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