
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' WIP

Here we go again!  Round and round and round I go...where I stop...

This idea was floating in my head spurred on by the 2015 Pantone Quilt Challenge.  Anne at Play Crafts and Adrianne at On The Windy Side are hosting this challenge again this year. 

You know the color?  Marsala.  I don't know how I feel about it.  Actually I do...I'm not a fan! I'm just not.  But, I seriously wanted to participate in the challenge and see what I could do with the color ~ or close to the color.  I'm going to blame this all on Anne (just kidding), she does inspire me and makes me want to push the limits. 

I pulled out some solid scraps of 'in the spirit of Marsala' colors to begin with.  I call this my 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' work in progress because I didn't have a clue what I was going to do once I started.  And I still am not sure!  Fun stuff, right?!  

I pulled out a couple Circle of Geese paper piecing templates and started there.  I just randomly places the different shades for texture.  The fabrics are a mix of Kona, Shot Cotton and random scraps dug out from the depths of the bucket.

A couple weeks before I started, during my brainstorming phase ~ I saw this gorgeous solid staring me down.  I decided it was going to be in the Pantone Challenge piece.  That I was sure of!  I think, but not positive this color is Bella Tawny Olive.

Hexagons.  Why not.  It may work, it may not!  

I guess I should say I also decided to use Emma's Garden by Patty Sloniger. (the top fabric)

The bee part anyway!  They were perfect as 1" hexies.  Sweet little, buzz, buzzing!

I'm a little bummed that I couldn't get the true color of this Tawny Olive.  It's similar to Kona Wasabi or Cactus.  I made a few 3/4" hexagons last night and this morning I decided to throw in some 1/2" as well.  Apparently I'm taking this project in some direction ~ hexagons seem to be the theme!
Moda Tawny Olive

Here I am.  At this point.  Is it the point of no return?  The point of contention?  Or pointless? If I only knew!  



  1. I love this! So cool. I want the skills to sit down and make this!

    1. Try it! It sometimes is trial and error, but really a lot of fun.

  2. Keep going, it's looking really good!

  3. I love the addition of the olive. Can't wait to see where you go with this!

  4. If you don't like the color,then it is truly a challenge ; )
    Can't go wrong with hexies. Enjoy

  5. Oh man, I'd love to take the blame for this beauty!! I don't think it's really warranted, though. ^_^ Loving those shot cottons and flying geese hidden in there! I can't wait to see how you incorporate the other hexies. :D

    1. I was in the weeds, now I'm not, now I am…and so forth!

  6. Loving your colours so far, especially the olive, and I always love hexis! ... so glad someone else just plays and hopes for the best! Linda

    1. I think I would have tossed this project if not for the olive addition!

  7. From what I can see this is the Point of Awesomeness Jayne. It might be pushing your limits to design this way, but it also looks incredibly fun!
    I love that bee fabric... of course.

    1. I do love designing like this. It's just that I honestly cannot step back and take an objective look at it. Being confident…what is that?!

  8. I really like where this is going! I am not a huge marsala fan, but I really like the color paired with the yellow you are using.

  9. Wow! I've been messing around with Marsala too, and I love the direction you've taken it in. It's not an easy colour, is it? (Also, those BEES! Love 'em! :D)

  10. Amazing with this colors. I love it.
    Thanks for linking u to the TGIFF
    Love from Amsterdam


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