
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Granny With An Edge

You know the say 'out of sight out of mind'?!  I totally forgot about sharing this quilt during my Postage Stamp obsession.  I made two other quilts:  Postage~Over Due!! and Perfectly Imperfect with the hundreds of 2" squares that were tucked neatly in the closet.  Because I was on a roll (and frankly, just wanted the madness to end), I made a third and final quilt with the left over left overs!

33" x 50"
Introducing 'Granny With An Edge'.   Granny squares are a tried and true block.  A great 'go to' method.  For this one I knew I needed to amp it up, make it as modern as one can with feedsack prints.  I decided it was going to be diagonal and have a little rainbow action ~ edge.

I tried to make three completely different quilts, and I believe I did just that. This one may be my favorite!

Once I finished making seven different colors of blocks, I added a white border around each block.  It just wasn't 'doing it' for me.  

A little too boring for me.  I needed an idea...some 'umph' was screaming loud and clear to me.

Which led me to adding yet another border using a solid to match and compliment each block.  Oh yeah, and why not add corner squares in white?! 

Adding the additional color was a little tricky for me.  I had to think about diagonally piecing the blocks.  Since I wasn't adding the colored borders around all sides of each block, I had to quickly figure it out!  I admit that I messed it up a couple times until it finally made sense.

No more boring!  

I was anxious to do a little quilting on it!  Okay, a lot of quilting on it!

'Granny With An Edge' was a fun little quilt to make.  Fun to quilt.  And have I mentioned, there are no more 2" feedsack blocks staring me in the face anymore?!  As Martha would say "that's a good thing"!!



  1. What a great quilt!! I'm not typically a white background kind of girl but this is awesome with that added color border. And your quilting!! Beautifully done!! :)

    1. I had fun with this quilt! Especially the quilting!

  2. Wonderful!! I just love it. Awesome job....

  3. Adding the frames to each block was the perfect touch, enhanced by the quilting. How convenient that your final scraps came out so even! :-)

    1. I love the colored sashing on this quilt too!

  4. That is so beautiful! Love the quilting too!

  5. Wow!!! I really love this quilt from A to Z!

  6. I just LOVE this quilt, the fully outlined red square just jumps right out at you and the way you balanced all the other color frames is just perfect. Not framing each square fully would have made my head explode (too type-A for that?) but you handled it perfectly. The quilting is just wonderful too. Jeez everything about this quilt is my favorite <3

    1. It took a while to figure out the right balance for the frames. In the end…thankfully it worked!

  7. This is great Jayne! Isn't it fun how the leftover leftover squares made your favorite version? Love the wonderful texture your quilting added too!

  8. I have a "granny square" quilt on my "to do list" and I had the squares cut but I just couldn't find that "umph" for making it. Your quilt is the perfect inspiration.

  9. Looks wonderful! I like the colored sashing in particular. And I had to laugh--when I first saw the title of this post, I thought it said "Granny on the edge." I was picturing someone at the end of her rope! The pretty quilt is better!

    1. I actually love what you thought you read better than what I named it! Perfect!

  10. Very pretty. I especially like how the red is so dark and emphasizes the center.

  11. Very Nice. I love the old-fashion feel with your choice of quilting!

  12. This quilt went from meh to mahvelous with that change in the colors of the block borders. And the quilting is amazing! I think Granny would like what you did with her feedsacks.

    1. Love how you saw it as 'Meh'! I did to, but I just kept playing with it!

  13. HA! Quoting Martha. That gave me a chuckle. I'm so impressed with the versatility of these. And the name suits this darling quilt perfectly. :)

  14. This is so beautiful! I love the rainbow borders, they really make the quilt.

  15. It's really great and you definitely captured a modern vibe.

  16. Fantastic quilting! I totally agree with your choice of coloured borders; they totally transformed the quilt. (And Granny with an Edge is such a great name - that's what I hope to be one day!)

  17. I love that! You've inspired me. I can see a whole quilt made like that. so pretty.

  18. This is my kind of quilt. I LOVE everything about it! Your work is very beautiful and a great inspiration. This one just makes my heart happy...thanks for that!


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