
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Captured ~ Encapsulated ~ The Finish

This quilt,'s been in the works for some time.  I fussed, reworked, changed my mind more times than I care to remember.  It sat patiently by waiting for me to figure out the best way to go about quilting it.  Very patient.  If quilts could talk we would all be in so much trouble!

I have blogged about this quilt so many times I know everyone is sick and tired of it!  Let's just say I won't go in to a lot of detail this time, but will include the links to other posts about it: It's About Time!  and Revisited With A Plan and A Seed Taking Root

Now I get to share my mad art skills with this 'quilting' sketch!  Trust me, it's easier for you to see the quilting design on this sketch than on the quilt.  Black is a hard color to capture!

The outside (black) I wanted to try an Art Deco feel.   I quilted angular, symmetrical geometric forms.  

The center was a thread nightmare!  There was a lot of starting and stopping which eventually led to hours of burying threads!  I wanted to keep the center clean, by that I mean I used white thread.  While you can see the quilting up close, you really get a sense of the detail through the back.  

The center panel has always been the focus for me.  From conception right down to the quilting.  I didn't consider that the back would be anything other than the also has become important.  

Could I be any happier?  I love this.

 You know I like a good close up...this does it for me!

48" x 65"
I normally don't have a story behind my quilts.  I read somewhere that when entering quilts in shows, a good story behind it is important.  While I can understand that, sometimes I just create to get it out of my head, convey a feeling or flow and even to just be different.  

'Encapsulated' does have a story.  Imagine by John Lennon sums it up:  

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one


  1. Ooooh, the quilting is amazing!! And I love the sentiment behind it. That song is one of my favorites. :)

    1. It's rare for me to have a deep meaning when designing a quilt, this was the exception!

  2. It really is gorgeous! I wouldn't have thought that straight line quilting would work, but it really does, it looks amazing!

    1. I have a hard time figuring out how to quilt sometimes…this one just kinda happened!

  3. The quilting is perfect. Taking the time to develop a plan can really make all the difference sometimes. Lovely finish!

    1. Luckily it all came together in the end and I gotta be (and am!) so pleased with it!

  4. Wonderful quilting on this piece. Perfection!!

  5. That is very creative and original! Lovely and geometric :) plus great quilting.

    1. Being creative and original is one of the reasons I love to quilt!

  6. Choosing that song for your quilt's story is so perfect and so meaningful Jayne. Encapsulated is a true work of art. I sure hope that you intend to keep and show this astonishing piece.

    1. I'm happy that I can create something different and original through my quilting. That may be what keeps me going! As for showing it, I just don't know. I'm a bit insecure on that front!

  7. I love that song. Your quilts are always so interesting and this is no exception. I love how you planned your quilting design - it works so well (and thanks for the back shot).

    1. If it wasn't for quilting I wouldn't have ever know I had an 'artistic' bone in my body. I think that is true of many of us. I enjoy designing something that is different and unique, not to normal. I'm so thankful that there are people like you, that inspire me to keep doing what I'm doing!

  8. Gorgeous. I think you hit the Art Deco nail head bang on!

  9. Fabulous quilt. Fabulous quilting. Fabulous fabrics. It just fascinates me. So much to look at.

    1. I aim to please, or at least make you look twice and some of my designs! I love to design unique and different quilts. My one artistic bone in my body is very satisfied with that!

  10. btw I've pinned it. I just LOVE it, Jayne. :-)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Amazing quilting! I can't imagine the diligence and patience it took, fantastic job!

  13. The quilting turned out good. I like the art deco idea of the sides even if I can't see it on the quilt.

  14. You definitely captured the art deco feel you were going for. Not having read all your process posts, it's what my mind jumped to the minute I saw it. The quilting is fab! Thanks for linking up with TGIFF!

  15. This is amazing! I love the design and the quilting is just fabulous! Great finish with a great story. :-)


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