
Friday, May 1, 2015

Motion Of The Ocean

The past couple days I have been making waves!  Not trouble...beautiful blue waves!  It has been a little sporadic with a moment here and an hour there, but its coming along!

I was asked if I was going to make another one any time soon and it just so happens I had that on the dreaded list of projects.  This time I decided to make two.  It made sense since all the fabric will be right there at my fingertips!

First thing was bring all the blues together in one spot.  I cut strips from 25 + different shades of blue and arranged them on the design wall.  Once I was happy with the 'flow', I began the piecing.

I start from the top and work my way down to the deep dark depths.  Cut, sew, press.  

A calm peaceful feeling always takes over during this process.  I love seeing where it goes, how it all comes together.

The pieces slowly come together bit by bit and my version, or my vision of the deep blue sea eventually emerges.  

The waves wash over each other, a playful splash here and there.  The sound, the mist spraying with each crash...can you tell it's been a long winter?!  I need me some beach life!

I keep building until it becomes close to the size I have in mind.  Which is about 13 x 17 when all is said and done.  

Both are finished and very soon will be ready for the quilting part.  Many, many waves of thread!

Another thing I love about my ocean, each one is different and unique. 



  1. These are beautiful, and you've captured the waves in fabric. I'm looking forward to seeing how you quilt them.

    1. These really do put me in a 'zen' state of mind when I make them! I hope to quilt them in the next couple days!

  2. Really, really beautiful Jane! Like a wonderful painting! You definitely get a Whoop Whoop!

    1. What a beautiful description…thank you Lara!

  3. So gorgeous! I love the improv piecing and fantastic color choices!

    1. I totally get lost in the entire process while making these!

  4. That is just lovely, Jayne! I wish I had that many shades of blue in my stash - this would be a fun project! Must start collecting...

    Whoop whoop!

    1. You can never have too many blues, well solids to be exact!

  5. Beautiful and calming. I also see a misty dawn over rolling hills. I think I need to do some more gradual curves like yours. I'm glad to see this project.

    1. Funny you should mention the rolling hills. I was contacted a couple days ago wondering if I could do the same thing but using the Smokey Mountains as the inspiration!

  6. eyes are thanking me.

  7. These are beautiful and your writing makes the process sound so relaxing and fun. Very inspirational.

    1. They really are relaxing to make ~ I get in the zone!

  8. These pieces are incredible, Jayne. Nice job of tackling those curves. Looks like smooth sailing!


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