
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Black + White = Illusion

Black & White quilts are becoming pretty popular lately, or are they just a fantastic classic combination that will never go away?  I've toyed with the idea of making one for years, yet never quite got there.  In order to make an impact just the right design was needed.

black & white quilt, optical illusion
55" x 72"
Back in January I started the search after seeing Christa Watson's (Christa Quilts) Illusion Quilt ~ Cafe Walls, I was so impressed and mesmerized!  I was inspired!  Now I was on a mission.

I hunted for hours which became a week easily.  Cross-eyed from all the crazy optical illusions, I eventually found the right design.

Once I figured out all the measurements and details, the process began.  I made a lot of practice blocks, took a lot of notes (which have disappeared now) and eventually came up with a formula and plan.  

The intense piecing began!  Black & white.  White & black.  Tiny squares, rectangles and eventually strips and blocks.  Some black, some white. Some white, some black.  

It doesn't like much right now, but it's getting there.  I took my time wanting to make sure each little piece was square and the pieces would fit together. 

And for the most part they did.  Each of the small squares are 1 1/2" unfinished.

The center took the most time, of course!  After the first phase of the center squares were pieces, they had to have a border.  In order for the design to translate in to an optical illusion, I added a 1" border.  Black for the black squares and white for the white squares.  

After finishing the center, I was really looking forward to the easy part of cutting the solid squares.  Charm square pre-cuts would have been a great idea and a time saver had I been making my squares 5" x 5".  In this case, each finished square is 4 1/4".  I was afraid if I went big, the illusion wouldn't come through.  Not sure that would be the case, but I didn't want to take a chance!

This photo of the top was taken in March after a beautiful white carpet of snow fell!  I couldn't pass up this photo op!!  Plus, I needed a good picture of the top for the long arm quilter!  

I found Andrea on Instagram after seeing her mad quilting skills.  You can find her here at The Champ Life.  We went over many different quilting ideas and in the end I decided not to get crazy with it and loose it's impact.  I decided this would be appropriate!    

I was super excited to see how it would look and I certainly was not disappointed!  I think the design and the white thread was totally the right call! 

The backing could have been anything!  I went back & forth and figured the unexpected was where I would go!  Eventually I decided on this gorgeous Art Gallery fabric: Cuneiform Script designed by Katrina Roccella.  I nabbed it from Hawthorne Threads.   

A beautiful sunny spring day and the chance to take some nature photos!

You know when you have an idea that brews & stews in your mind for years?  Never really knowing when or if you will get to it.  Then eventually it just happens.  You have the time, the design, the fabric and all of the sudden ~ BOOM done!  Wait, what, already?!  This one, I feel like that.  Blink and missed the entire experience!  (but we all know better than that!!) Now I guess I will have to make another one...

Inspiration:  Akiyoshi KITAOKA 

Illusionary Motion:  Is an optical illusion in which a static image appears to be moving due to the cognitive effects of interaction color contrasts and shape position.  (Wikipedia)  



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Sharon! I am so happy with this illusion quilt!

  2. Brilliant Jayne! You always come up with such wonderful and inspiring projects!

    1. I love the unexpected! Thank you Cynthia! When someone throws out the 'inspiring' word…it make what we do that much better. Especially because we all get inspiration from others all the time!

  3. This is absolutely amazing! I love that pop of color on the back!
    *Found via 2015 New Quilt Bloggers Hop*

    1. Thanks for stopping by Ashley…especially from the new bloggers hop! I am thrilled with this one!

  4. WOW! That impressive in so many ways it would take me an hour to list them all! Well done, Jayne!!!

    1. Then I have done my job! I couldn't have asked for a better response! Thank you!

  5. So visually stunning! The vortex in the quilting is just the right touch. Well done!

    1. I thought the quilting needed to compliment and not take away from the illusion!

  6. stunning, I love it!

  7. Hello Jayne. That is so absolutely gorgeous, especially the combining with that quilting. I love how simple & artful your pattern is at the sime time. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I was really happy to have found a design and thrilled with how it all came together.

  8. This looks just awesome! Now I want to make one too!

    1. You should make one! I want to make another one too!

  9. Just. Wow. I can't stop looking at it. But I'm wondering: did you feel the movement as you sewed? I like the calm green back as a counterpoint to the energetic front, too.

    1. It wasn't until it was pieced together that the 'motion' started. I'm not sure how the sewing would have ended up if there was movement during that…motion sickness?! I agree on the back as well. It soothes your crossed eyes after looking at the front too long!!

  10. It's beautiful. Good for you getting an idea onto paper then onto fabric. I love seeing original work like yours!

    1. It is a wonderful feeling to finally get an idea finished. Now I need more time for all those others floating around in my head!!

  11. what a fabulous quilt! I really admire the precise piecing you've done for this one!

    1. I tried to take my time on this hoping it would all come together easily and near perfect!

  12. This is so awesome! I would love to try it someday!

  13. Holy WOW!! OK, so mouth dropped when I saw this in my reader. . . and now I am seriously drooling! This quilt is amazing! Love optical illusion quilts. This one is the best I've seen. I have also been lurking around looking for the 'right' one. Congratulations on finding your 'right' one and seriously hitting it out of the park! And the quilting - perfect choice!! OK, I need to go back and look at the pictures again :)

    1. You certainly made my day Judy!! I've had my jaw hit the ground when I've seen a quilt…I love that your did the same with mine! I do love this quilt, optical illusions and of course, black & white! Win, win! I hope you find your perfect one too! Half the fun is finding the right one and I'm sure you will.

  14. Egads! PERFECT execution! I love to hear how perfect circumstances align to bring about a plan of the heart! (I don't mean for that to be as corny as it sounds!) it has only happened for me once or twice, but exactly how you expressed it...such a happy, gratifying experience! I adore the icy minty back with the black and white front!

    1. It didn't sound corny!! When you find just the right design and are able to execute it, it does sometimes del like the stars were perfectly aligned! Its a wonderful feeling, isn't it?!

  15. Oh my gosh, that is awesome. Amazing! and the quilting just seals the deal...

  16. I love this quilt! Great job.

  17. I found Christa's quilt inspiring too... and now this one! What a wonderful quilt!

  18. This is amazing! I love the way the illusion really makes the quilt that weird disorienting 3d effect with just straight lines! The quilting adds a nice touch to that woozy illusion feeling. Bet this is crazy to look at in person.

    1. I don't think this is a quilt you want to stare at for too long…unless you would like to go cross-eyed! The process of finding to finishing this one was a little long. However the end results is all that matter!

  19. I love it! The backing is perfect! You are not only a quilter, you are an artist. This is Kathy, from your modern guild.

    1. You are always so encouraging Kathy! Thank you for that and for stopping by!!

  20. Wow! Simple and yet so perfect. Love everything including the backing and quilting.

  21. Bravo! Lovely choice of illusion pattern. And the quilting decision was spot on! The soft colour of that backing too. This is such a gorgeous finish!

  22. Somehow I missed this post all together. OMG! That quilt is just fantastic - truly, I love it. i love the piecing and the illusion is stunning. So well done!!! Black is white is the one palette I keep coming back to over and over. Yours is very impressive. Did you make a pattern? You could / should sell it (the pattern)!

    1. I was so thrilled to finally find and make my black & white quilt! I was so good about writing down all the details in case I wanted to make a pattern, but somehow lost the sheets! Too bad this design has a copyright, because a pattern is what I was going to do!

  23. Incredible quilt pattern and design! I really love it!


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