
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Thankful for Power & Cable Again...

I love a good storm.  The rumble of thunder, the flash of lightning and the sound of rain.  I know when it's over there will be a freshness about the air, the lawn will flourish, the flowers watered.  However...

This is Tennessee!  And you can't really rely on accurate weather forecasts.  Around 7pm last night, we lost power.  ARGH!  With that, we also lost all access to cable!  Double ARGH!  I am totally lost with out those comforts, shoot I can't watch TV, let alone sew on bindings!

My kids were sweet enough to load the laptop with Pirates of the Caribbean movie, so you know, Johnny Depp helped me through!

It could have been worse!  I had just enough light to finish gluing my hexies down for some pillows.

I have two 18" x 18" pillows in the works using 1" hexies.  For some reason  hexies and polka dots are my favorite combination!

There are also two 18" x 18" pillows in 2 1/2" hexies.  I've made pillows with this size before, Cheerful Spring and was excited to do it again!  Here's a link to a fabulous tutorial at Modern Handcraft ~ Modern Hexagon Tutorial.  You will love making these!

I used my favorite tool the ever popular Hera Marker to mark some lines for machine quilting.  

As for the storm and power, we got the power back on at 10 pm.  Still no cable, no Internet, no sense staying up!

I finally went to bed after the movie only to be jolted a few times by the loud crack of lightning!  Really LOUD!  Turns out one street over a bolt hit a huge oak tree and that sucker went down!  

The cable finally, finally have I said finally (?) came on at 2:15 pm today!  Now it must be time to get back to work and get these pillow finished!  



  1. Your hexies are so bright and cheery! They'll be lovely cushions. I hope the storm passed by with minimal (cable) damage!

    1. I love this combination of color, dos and hexies! It's hard not to go back to them over and over again. The storm did pass, and as long as I have electricity and internet, all is good!

  2. So cute! And I'm not talking about Johnny. I don't ever get lines that crisp with my Hera Marker. Am I doing something wrong or is it the GA humidity? I have to mark one line, sew with my eyes squinted and hope the line lasts long enough so I make it to the other side without an oopsie. Those are going to be super fun pillows!

    1. I would totally understand if you were talking about Johnny Depp!! I'm pretty sure it isn't the humidity with your Hera marker! To be honest, it does show up a lot when using solids. I would suggest more pressure! I'm not shy about being heavy handed. For the four pillows, I marked all of them before quilting and it wasn't a problem at all. Maybe angle it more to the front of the hera marker too.

  3. I love your fabrics and colors!!! Such a beautiful pillows!!!

    1. I guess you could call these my 'go to' fabric/hexie pillows! I love the combination!

  4. Your hexis & spots made me smile... very cute! I must try this Hera marker out, looks very effective!

    1. I feel the same way about the polka dots and hexies, they are such a great combination! You gotta get a Hera Marker!! I have never loved a tool as much! It has made my quilting life so much better too and I always can use help with that!

  5. I love polka dots with hexies too - the variation in size/scale of your polka dots is extra amazing!

    1. I love the combination! After cutting the large hexies, I had some small scraps and thought 'what the heck', may as well make smaller ones too!

  6. I've been hearing a lot about the Hera marker lately. I'm trying to find one around here. How do you like using it?

    1. I love my Hera marker. I've been using it for a couple years now. It has always freaked me out to use markers, or pens on fabric and the hera marker eliminates the stress of that!

  7. I'm glad you got your life back again! Your dotty hexies are adorable. I had no idea you could mark that much with a Hera before quilting.

    1. I've never been in to hand sewing hexies. This method of gluing the hexies down is much better for me. Simple and gorgeous! I marked all four of my pillows yesterday before quilting them. I've never had a problem with the lines staying visible.

  8. I adore polka dots and your hexies show them off so well! Glad you have your power and cable back! I'm good until the battery dies on the computer, then I start getting antsy. Lol.

    1. We get so use to our comforts and when they suddenly disappear, it isn't pretty, fun or a good thing!

  9. I flew through part of that storm Tuesday in one of the worst flights of my life! Don't even want to think about it... rather think about Johnny Depp - at least of the incredibly talented Johnny Depp of Benny &Joon, Edward Scisscorhands, Chocolat, Fear and Loathing, and let's not forget Don Juan! One could say even the first Pirates movie are all great. After that, a lof of his work has gone donwhill for me. Just saying. :) In other news, love those bright hexies.

    1. I'm glad your flight ended safe and sound! I've never had a really bad, scary flight. I think that is always the fear when walking up the gang plank…speaking of which! Johnny Depp has had some incredible movies, all of which are worth repeated viewings. Then there are the duds! Which thankfully, I haven't seen!

  10. Your cute little hexies pulled me in from Sew Fresh Quilts. the dots and hexies are adorable. Going to have to give them a try. I was doing them wrong, rookie mistake! Now what to make...

    1. I love this method of dealing with Hexies, I'm not much for hand sewing! The combination of hexies and polka dots has become one of my favorites (this is my second go around with them)! Check out the tutorial for them and if you search (google, flickr, Instagram) for Modern Hexies or Hexagons, you will find a ton of inspiration!

  11. I'm thinking that hexies and dots are my new favourite ! So cute. These will be fantastic finishes ; )
    We had a power outage too. I put skeins of wool over hubby's feet and wound them into balls. It was nice to have a captive audience ; )

    1. I find the combination too good not to use over and over again! Not having power is really hard! I love that you took full advantage of your husbands feet…of all things…to make it through! You are now at the top of my 'she rocks' list!

  12. Just love how these pillows are going to turn out. I'm a bit obsessed with polka dots too. I used the exact same hexie tutorial to make a Christmas wall hanging ( Might need to make some cute pillows now!

    1. I love your Hexie wall hanging! There are so many great combinations using this technique. It really makes it hard to hold back and do everything! The pillows are a great way to use this technique. I'm thinking a runner is next!

  13. I'm in Maryland and we lost our power this week for 12 hours. Annoying and hot. I did not have the assisstance of Johnny Depp however. Did he help by rubbing your feet? The hexies are great.
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color

    1. I have to admit that Johnny did make it easier to cope with! For some reason power outages always happen in the evening, why is that?!

  14. You have my sympathies, Jayne. We have had power outages that last for days following a few ice storms here. And we have a little gas powered generator so we can still access the computer and watch tv. Oh, and plug in the freezers and fridge. Your hexi pillows look fantastic! Love those dots!

    1. There is never a great time to lose power, but I have often wondered why it always has to happen in the early evening just when I'm ready to settle down!

  15. I love the polka dot hexies! Those are so bright and cheerful. I would love to try this technique soon.

    1. You have got to try this method! I promise you will love it!

  16. I really like the polka dot hexies they are such fun. Your pillows are very, bright, and cheerful.

    1. They are a bright bunch, which is what I love about them!

  17. Glad that you and your home survived the storm - that lightning sounds like it was too close for my comfort!

    1. Too close for my comfort too! While I love hearing and seeing a good electrical storm, I don't much care for it to be in my backyard!

  18. The hexies are AWESOME!!! And I love a good storm until it kills my electricity. Glad to hear all is back to normal.

  19. Johnny Depp is often my savior! Those hexies are fabulous. Thank you for lynking up with me for TIGFF!


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