
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Starting a New Trend

I think for the first time ever, I'm on the front edge of a trend!  In fact, I'm starting this trend! Watch may be next! 

Do you jump on the latest & greatest band wagon right away?  Or do you sit back and see how it plays out?  Really, this is one your going to want to jump on!?

All kidding aside, here is a little project I did just for me!  It isn't something we do very often or often enough.  

In a previous post, My Thread Is A Staple, I showed you the transformation of my dining room chairs after I reupholstered them with Anna Maria Horner home dec fabric.  I was lucky enough to have almost a quarter of a yard left.  I could have put it away, but me being me, I had to think of something to make with it.  What do you think?  

Cross Body Bag
10" H x 9" W

My chairs look great, why not make a bag?!  The trend I am starting:  match your bag to your chairs!  Who does that?  Can't think of anyone can you?  Which makes me a trendsetter!

The last one I made was nearly a year ago and it was getting sad looking.  Large purses are not me.  I need a small, compact, a couple spots for keys, phone and lip balm and it must have a strap long enough to go across my body.  

I had to cut and piece together the fabric.  Very simple job since the stack of the colors are wonky anyway.  Plus I added fusible fleece because I like a little cushion and it looks better after quilting.  Luckily it was just enough to cut off a basic pocket for the inside.  This one needed to be a little bigger than the last one, so far all the stars are lining up!

The pocket is sewn on to the lining which has a light interfacing.  It has three pockets for the three most important things I carry!  Boom done, easy peasy, simple simon!

I do not make bags often.  I can count on one hand how many (not including zipper pouches).  They freak me out!!

For the inside I went with Kona Wasabi.  Wasabi, Wasabi, Wasabi!!!  I love that color, perhaps my favorite ever!

I didn't do a lot of quilting on this.  I quilted organic straight lines, changing the thread color a few times for a little drama.  Stitched up the sides, boxed the corners and then had to remember what to do next!  I  forgot!  

Putting it together is so easy (once I remembered).  Just like a fabric basket.  Right sides together, add the strap between the outside and the lining, pin, sew around the top, leave an opening in the lining for turning, and it was done!  

It looks huge in this picture!  It isn't really.  A mere 10" H x 9" W.  I like my bags (by that I mean purse) long, I like them to smack me on the butt when I'm walking...not really smack me, sway with me!

And for Leanne at She Can Quilt, the chair and bag!  Because you know you want to follow this trend!  

I almost made a tutorial, but think this is such a basic, simple design that many could whip it up just by looking at it!  Plus, have you seen how many cool bag patterns there are out there?!

Do you love to make bags?  What is your best advice for those of us who are intimidated by the thought of making one?



  1. I love the bag, the bit of quilting is just perfect! But surely we should get a picture of it with the matching chair, you know, to encourage us to join in the trend. By the way I love your chairs too and now have an urge to redo some of mine.

    1. I love simple, basic and practical when it comes to bags! Luckily I only know enough about making them to do simple.

  2. Okay... I fully meant to comment on the awesomeness of your dining room chairs. And then my Bloglovin feed got all filled up with more awesomeness. What I wouldn't do for a few extra hours some days! The bag is just as great... perhaps more since you'll have the pleasure of people commenting on it and nonchalantly saying "Oh... I made it myself" :) As for trends, I don't know that I can manage this one. The dining room chairs are newish and I daresn't put fabric on them. You know.. with almost 8 month old twins exploring the wonders of solid foods and all. Perhaps we can start another trend... modern Amish anyone?

    1. I have a feeling my 'trend' will be around for a long, long time. Perhaps after the kids are grown, you can still do it! LOL! I know just enough about bag making and fabric baskets to make something simple like this bag. Which is a good thing since I'm not a bells & whistles purse lady! It's going to be hard for people not to comment on it as it sways back & forth as I walk…I had fun with this one!

  3. I sew quite a few bags, but reupholstering the chairs, I have not tried. Don't know that I ever will. Yours both look great. I have a yard of this fabric and might sew a bag out of it. Very nicely done!

    1. I figure once every ten years I can stand to change the chair covers! Not my favorite thing to do or I wouldn't wait so long. As of the bag, this fabric just seemed right for me and I did have a little left over that I had to use!

  4. Very cute!!! My bags do not match my chairs - so you might be really starting a whole new thing!! Go you!!

    1. I'm telling you Alycia…it's going to be the hottest trend ever!

  5. I do love the photo of the bag with your chair - they are a great matched set! I also totally agree about the size and length and wearing of a purse. :) Awesome trend, except that all my chairs are hardwood with no cushion or padding or fabric... do I need to make a wooden purse?!? :D

    1. I'll be styling' while eating! Well Yvonne, you know there are a lot of fabulous wood grain fabrics out there! So you really could jump on board of this trend!!

  6. What a great bag. It looks great on the chair. Wasabi...who doesn't like saying Wasabi.

    1. Wasabi or anything in that color is like bees to honey for me, I can't resist!

  7. this bag is adorable. i never make bags because i'm terrible at making them look cool. but, this one looks so cool!!

    1. I feel the same way about bags! This one is the most simple, easy and quick bag ever! It might be a good candidate for 'bags for dummies' books!

  8. I love the trend! My chairs need help desperately. Your chair looks great! Perhaps a tutorial on that. :) then with the leftover fabríc, voila! A new purse! I can see the tutorials sweeping through the Internet!

    1. I can see this trend spreading too! I have had so much fun with this post! Thank you for making this a lighthearted, fun and crazy day! Even though deep down I feel this could be an amazing trend…I won't force the issue!

  9. That is an awesome trend! Perfect fabric for both the chairs and the bag.

    1. Trend or not, I had fun with it…plus I got a great bag out of it!

  10. Your bag is a winner Jayne! People will be topping you and asking where you got it!

    1. I love my sweet, simple, 'no bells or whistles' bag! I've never had anyone compliment me on my bag (the one and only one I made), so I'm not going to hold my breath on this one!

  11. Replies
    1. It was fun to do something different and have fun in the process!

  12. Both the bag and the chairs look great. As for the trend, it might catch on, but it will be a stealth trend unless people start carting around a chair with them so they can see them!

    1. You bring up a good point Diana! My claim to fame has been dashed! I've had fun with this post and thank you for stopping by and 'playing along'.

  13. Great chairs and I love your matching bag - very trendy ! Maybe people will hang the bag off the chair as the official photoshoot for friday finishes!

    1. I think it is a great idea for a photo shoot! I had so much fun making the bag, and the chairs were a welcome change!

  14. Love everything about your bag! The quilting complements it so beautifully too. So glad you linked up to TGIFF!

  15. Love this bag! And even while you say you like small and compact, I still think I could fit a diaper and packet of wipes in there and make it work for an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink purse carrier like myself! Your bag and your chairs are fantastic!! Well done!

    1. Actually, I think the bag is big enough for a diaper and wipes!

  16. Gosh that's a pretty chair. Oh, and the bag smart is that!? I need to do that. :-)

    1. I knew if I didn't make something right a way from the left over scrap, It would sit in the closet forever. So a purse it was!!

  17. This is just way too cute!!! Good for you!!!!!

  18. I love your new trend, LOL Both projects are really cool! As for bags, yes I like to make them, the more you do the easier it gets! The pattern I use most is one I designed for my own use to sell the purses and I have made dozens of them-but not an easy pattern exactly.

    1. I admire others who can make bags of any design, I'm not sure why but I have the hardest time with bags! Luckily I like my super simple! I can hardly mess that up!

  19. I am not a bag maker. Or a trend setter. But yes, I do like your new purse and how it matches your awesome chair covers. Lovely, lovely, lovely!

  20. I make custom quilted tote bags for a needlepoint shop. I am mostly all self taught. I never imagined I would do this, but I LOVE making them. It is so fun to make something so useful. My advice is to not fear the zipper. Zippers are so easy... and your bag needs them or all the stuff falls out - mostly in the car when you slam on the brakes. I send you some good tutorials - try - zipper tutorials. Go for it!

  21. I make custom quilted tote bags for a needlepoint shop. I am mostly all self taught. I never imagined I would do this, but I LOVE making them. It is so fun to make something so useful. My advice is to not fear the zipper. Zippers are so easy... and your bag needs them or all the stuff falls out - mostly in the car when you slam on the brakes. I send you some good tutorials - try - zipper tutorials. Go for it!

  22. I love the bag, even though you claim it's the easiest and simplest you have ever made - it makes a huge impression. Great choice with Kona Wasabi!

  23. Okay, I only just realized this is a printed fabric, not pieced!! I am not embarrassed, either, because it really does look like something you would make, doesn't it?! Lol!


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