
Sunday, August 23, 2015

A Sticky Situation

Believe it or not, I'm actually ahead of the game!  I may have learned my lesson after getting three months behind on my Technicolor Galaxy block of the month. This was my last post,  In A Galaxy Far, Far Away,  which shows just how grueling it was! 

We are on Block #7 ~ Hexie Flowers.  Little 5/8" hexies, stabilizer templates and glue.  Glue. I have used glue to stick a template to fabric and hand stitch around the edges, but I have not glued the edges before.  There sure is a lot of gluing in this BOM!  

The first problem I encountered were the templates.  I bought the pre-cut stabilizer templates, and it turns out I didn't read the fine print.  This block needs 84 hexagons, clearly you can see the bag contains 60.  I didn't think it was a HUGE deal, until I tried to find a template online for 5/8" hexagons.  It is a weird size?  I found every other size except what I needed.  At the end of my rope I came across this site:  Incometech,  You can print graph paper shapes in squares, hexies, octagons ~ just about anything and you can make them any size you need. Really very cool!  I printed a copy on a stabilizer sheet (after making sure they were the exact size and the pre-cuts), cut them out and was ready to roll.


Fabric was the next step, one I thought would be easy.  I won't go in to detail, just know that I didn't like it not one little bit!!  But I played along. I picked. I cut. I counted. I searched. I did it.

I grabbed the glue stick, snatched the templates out of the bag (plus the ones I laboriously cut), and started gluing one template to each little square and you know what?  This blew my mind, there were not 60 templates in that bag.  Nope.  Not 60 at all.  There were actually enough for all my 84 hexies and then some!!!  Crazy talk!  I may have said a few 'swears', more than a few...but dang!

Putting that behind me, it was time to get crackin'!  This would be my night time entertainment! I'm so out of control, a wild party girl, stop me now!!

It was slow going.  Trim the fabric, glue the edges.  Sticky fingers.  Like really sticky!  I may be doing it wrong, but the glue stick wasn't really that cooperative.  I felt like a hot mess. With a few flowers finished, I called it a night.  

...and picked it up the next night...

...until I ended up with...
84 of the cutest little glue filled, hexagons!  

...put them all together and you have 12 colorful flowers...

There is still work to be done in the form of hand stitching.  
Marked and ready.  One, two, three...

Quilt Porn Picture of the Month

Progress.  And ahead of time for a change!  Block are soon to be history! 

My first ever hand stitched hexies completed!  I was hoping a rhythm would come to me once I started, and it did.  I've always admired people who do English Paper Piecing.  Now I see why they love it so much.  There may be more of this in my future!  

I used a whip stitch to join the hexies.  I think I did it right! 

For those who are participating in this Skill Builder BOM, Jenn @ A Quarter Inch From The Edge will be hosting a progress link up on the 12th of each month starting in September and going through December.  A fun way to share our progress no matter how much or how little you have done.

Who out there uses glue in their quilting?  What are your thoughts on this technique?  I see the benefit in a dab of glue for hexies or for that first piece of fabric in paper piecing.  I'm not sure anything beyond that is for me.  We'll see!


  1. Well that explains it!! Your BOM of course! I was so surprised to see all those hexies pop up here! They have turned out beautifully! It is fun to follow your progress, especially since I don't have to actually hear all the swearing, lol :)

    1. Sorry about the swearing…I need to work on that! This BOM has been a challenge in so many ways. I'm happy I decided to do it, and it will look amazing when its finished…it's just a challenge! Thank you for virtually washing my mouth out with soap!

  2. Fantastic job with your first EPP. I started using glue for EPP this year (always thread basted before that). It can be messy with a large glue stick. The smaller SewLine glue pens are easier but very costly. Glue is great for larger piecing, but I have a 1/4" hexie project that demands thread basting. It really depends on the project.

    1. It was never anything I wanted to do, but I am so happy that I got to catch the hexie hand stitching bug! I'm hooked! I have a Sew Line pen, and thought about using it. I maybe should have!

  3. Way to stay ahead! I have never done EPP myself, but it does sound soothing.

    1. For one month...I'm ahead!! My first time hand stitching hexies and I think I may be hooked! When I don't have bindings to sew in the evenings, this will be a great substitute!

  4. I am really admiring the Technicolor quilts, your fabrics look great - good job getting ahead!
    I have only done a bit of EPP and haven't tried glue for them. It is great for piecing circles though!

    1. The Techni quilt is going to be amazing when it's finished, and keeping my head above the water has proven to be hard! I have seen glue used in circles, but haven't tried it. One day…

  5. Hi! Your little hexies are really cute! So small size is a challenge. I haven't tried glue and won't, I like to baste with thread. Sometimes I'm hooked with hexies and other times I leave them for a long time and need more creative projects. x Teje

    1. The glue is pretty crazy and messy! I can see more hexies in my future (thread basted!), and one of those projects that can be picked up any time!

  6. I hear you on the glue. It's a royal pain, but I refuse to give in and buy one of those fancy narrow glue sticks. I've already broken my budget for crazy notions.
    I like your colour selections for the hexie flowers. I'm always trying to mimic what Alyssa picks out. I didn't think to do LV middles. I'm letting you choose my fabrics for the next block. :)

    Also, I'm lovin' the pics of your process... what do you use to create your white background?

    P.S. Thanks for plugging the link-up! Wow.. this is a stupidly long comment! :)

    1. I have a Sew Line glue pen. I didn't want to waste the glue!!! So why did I get it?! With gluing behind me (yuck), I can enjoy the hand stitching process. I didn't think I would like it, but damn it…I do…and now I'm hooked on something else!

      To be honest, I couldn't come up with enough colors for each hexie flower, so I opted to go with the LV center.

  7. I use glue often when I am doing circles or reverse appliqué. I often use Elmers quick drying glue that comes in a tube with a really fine point. But it still gets messy.

  8. But it's so good to learn new skills. I find that since I'm mostly self taught, I have a lot of gaps in my skills. I always have to go back and learn the basics.

    1. It is good to learn new skills, even if I may not like them! They are always embedded in my brain for when I need them or when I change my mind! I totally understand being self taught. I'm always finding/learning new things, techniques or skills. There is no end to that. I am always amazed at how creative and helpful people are when it comes to the quilting community!

  9. I am a fan of glue in certain situations, but not a fan of the mess! Your hexies look fabulous! I bought some precut hexies once. . . and gave them away! LOL I'm a little more open to hand sewing these days so maybe I'll give it another try :)

    1. There are times when glue is needed! I don't know how far I want to take that skill! I didn't think in a million years that hand stitching hexies would be fun, but it kind of is!

  10. Replies
    1. I've made hexies before, just never stitched them together. I can see more in my future and perhaps some other fun shapes as well!

  11. I love EPP but have yet to try glue since I really don't want to end up all sticky! There's just something about glue, sticky, and fabric that just screams no to me. I just got the fancy narrow glue stick since I will at least try it, but.... we'll see! Your hexie flowers turned out beautifully :) I, too, like the low vol centers

    1. I think I could get hooked on this, the hand stitching hexies and other fun shapes! Glue, I'm like you…it just doesn't seem right! I'm all for tacking the middle, but the edges become a sticky, icky mess for me!

  12. I love hearing you describe the process of getting these done! Sometimes quilting is a comedy of errors, isn't it?! They look great, by the way, and English Paper Piecing is totally addicting.

    1. I'm beginning to see how EPP could be addicting Lorinda! My mind wants to do so much more! You have described quilting perfectly! A comedy or errors…which can be a good thing too! It's always an adventure and full of fun!

  13. Glue can be great but I would strongly suggest using something in the bottle. I looked at all the blogs and the one I think was most recommended was Appli-glue so that's what I got. The thing that makes this great is the long, thin top. It allows you to put just a thin line where you need it. I also invested in some metal tips which are wonderful for clean-up. So, really, it just comes down to getting the right tools :) and it is much quicker. I feel like I have more time in the fun part of sewing them together. I admit my finger tips get a bit gluey every once in a while but easy to rub or peel off and otherwise this method is not messy at all. Hope this helps!

  14. I love love love the colours! And I sort of became addicted to EPP too with glue basting. Maybe you used too much glue? I didn't experience any issues while doing mine. I used glue sticks.

  15. These are so tiny - I love how they look, though can't believe I'd have enough patience!


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