
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Hexie Flower Update

I've been bitten by the EPP bug!  Oh boy!  While these little hexies for the Technicolor Galaxy BOM are pretty basic, I find myself perusing everywhere for inspiration.  I can't get enough, I'm infected!

These are the glue method from start to finish.  Indeed a sticky method for me!  But I love them.  The cute little hexies, the pretty rainbow of colors and the sweet flowers!   

I've picked the low volume background, placed them just right and will finish them up with some quilting after the next block is released.  

What I learned from making these:  Glue is sticky and messy.  You have to be very careful. I don't think I like the stabilizer hexagon templates very much.  They are meant to stay put, stay in the finished hexies.  Which made it harder to sew them together because of the thickness.  

I decided to try my hand at diamond stars one evening.  These were so much easier to stitch together without the stabilizer.  The needle went through only fabric making it glide smoothly.  I didn't have to fight it so much and in the end I feel that the stitches were better and less noticeable.  

These are small diamonds!  Small, small, small!  But big on fun!

I'm working on a new quilt!  Big surprise right?!  I've had this fabric, Denyse Schmidt ~ Florence, for far too long.  Longer than I want to tell you!  It sat and sat and sat and sat some more.  I am happy to say that I cut up every last piece of it for my newest design! Could I be turning over a new leaf?  Using my stash?  Maybe just this one time!

On Tuesday I will be sharing a block tutorial for Fabri-quilt New Block Blog Hop Challenge. There are 60+ participants lined up and it promises to be a fun and exciting time!  

After making my block I was concerned it wouldn't make sense at all.  Sometimes it's hard to imagine how one block would look in a quilt.  My block needs to be repeated in order to complete the 'vision'!  The secondary designs are the key, the star! 

Which is why I used that bundle of Denyse Schmidt!  I had to see if that block was worthy of a whole quilt.  Would it come together?  The answer is YES!  I couldn't be happier with the results!  I have 5 more blocks to piece before I can finish the top, but it's cool!  I can't wait to share it!

All the blocks in the New Block Hop will become charity quilts.  At least three will be made and donated!  How cool is that?!

I hope you join me and the rest of the 'cast of characters' for this hop!  It promises to be an epic event!


  1. You have been busy! Your tiny EPP star is adorable. Can't wait to see your block . I'm sure it will be creative and fun!

    1. I've gone off the deep end with EPP it seems! If I don't have a binding to sew on, I feel like I'm slacking in the evenings when I sit. I figure EPP will be a great alternative to sitting idle! The block alone, is pretty ho-hum! I just finished piecing the top and I'm thrilled with it! Keep watching!

  2. The hexies look great, and I have always wondered about the stabilizers for just the bulk and ease of sewing reason. I am very excited to see everyone's designs next week! I love designing for secondary patterns, so it will be awesome to see your design extended out into a full quilt very quickly, too. :)

    1. I'm sure there are others who swear by stabilizer templates, I am not one of them! It will be fun to see all the block designs, I know I'm finally super excited to share mine. I wasn't sure at first, but after making a quilt top…I'm thrilled!

  3. I could never see what the fuss over hexis/EPP was about, till I tried it earlier this year. Now I am addicted too. I have a large hand pieced pillow cover I am slowly working on. I hand paste mine though not through the cardboard templates, just on the fabric, and pop them out afterwards.

    1. I'm with you on that Julie! It looked like way too much work for me…then I got the bug! I started tacking through just the fabric, but haven't popped the templates out yet. I think it will save some time! I have yet to make anything, I'm too excited to try everything!

  4. Love the Florence and can't wait to see what you have made up with it!!!! I like other people's hexies... ;)

    1. This fabric line is so not current! I have never been much on staying or being at the forefront of anything! But I have always loved 'Florence' and so glad I got to use the fabric in one of my own designs!

  5. What did you use in the diamonds instead of the stabilizer? Can you show us how you are doing the glue? Your flowers look great! I look forward to seeing you hop block.

    1. I printed my templates on card stock so that I could reuse them. Not that I'm a pro at any of this, but I glue the template to the fabric with just a dab of glue (glue stick). I think it would make a great post! I'll do that after our Epic Block Hop!!

  6. Addictive, isn't it? I've only got one colour (of four) left to go on my hexie flowers, but I'm enjoying having an EPP project to pick away at. And I totally agree about the glue and stabilizer. I don't think it's a better method than the thread basting and card stock templates I've been using for the past couple years. But at least I tried it!

    1. I needed something else to consume my time, after all I had a few unaccounted minutes that needed to be filled! I had no idea I would fall this hard for EPP! Right now I'm just playing, maybe one day I'll actually put this new obsession to work and make something!

  7. I know I know! Hexies everywhere ; )

    1. They are addicting! One day I will actually make something with this new found obsession!

  8. I've been chipping away at a star epp for quite some time. I love working on e.p.p. while watching t.v. with my husband. Of course I love your fabric choices in the hexie. Looking forward to seeing your block. I've had some anxiety about my own blocks

    1. EPP is a great evening project and perfect while watching TV! I have a feeling wintertime is going to be full of EPP magic!

  9. Nice projects! I'm looking forward your block.

  10. So far I've been sewing small hexies like your own in bright colours. no idea what to do with the, and I have also been making larger hexies from Liberty fabric using a grey solid centre. Not quite where I'm going with them either. I'll know when I get there. Love the background to your hexies I'm off now to follow your blog.


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