
Friday, August 14, 2015

No Rest For The Weary

I wouldn't have it any other way!  I love to stay busy.  Busy, busy, busy.  I've never been much on taking it easy, taking time off or taking time away.  Instead, I continue to play with fabric day in and day out.

In some ways, I feel as if I'm trying to catch up.  When I started quilting in 2005, I quickly became addicted and found my creative outlet.  The more 'balls in the air' the better!  

Do you remember my 'Cool Waters' Quilt Top?  I wasn't sure how I was going to quilt it and then I got an idea!  Light bulb moments are great!  I just finished sewing the binding on last night.  It will hit the washing machine today and I share the finished piece in a couple days. I'm pleased with it.  I'm anxious to use the rest of the Denyse Schmidt charm squares for another project soon.  

 I thought I had lost my notes on my Illusion quilt, but found them in the most unlikely place.  Why would I put them in my Low Volume fabric tote?!  Go figure!

I wanted to recreate this quilt  Black + White = Illusion because I love it and thought...why not?!! I pulled out the good old black and white fabric and thought I could just get to it from my notes. Not the case!  I seriously tried to take decent notes for the first one.  I thought I did.  I couldn't figure out what the heck I was talking about!  I ended up making a couple test blocks (again), and this time...certainly I took better notes!

Please tell me I am not the only one who writes cryptic confusing notes?!  I could say I learned my lesson, but I'm sure I have not!

This quilt top will be ready whenever I am!

Briar Rose, Briar Rose!  You are a delightful, gorgeous stack!  Believe it or not I have decided to part with this stack of fat quarters.  I'm still a bit shocked myself and must admit...a little saddened!  

The first step in recovery is letting go...and let go I shall!  

These will be going to a friend in my Guild.  I'm sure she will cherish them as I have, and I hope she will use them as I have not!  I made one quilt with them and I still have some decent sized pieces left, all is not lost!  In a way, it feels really good!  Who knows, this could be a new beginning! 

And lastly, after painting my toe nails with the skill of a two-year-old, I took a moment to play!  I don't usually paint my finger nails and, I'm not sure one nail out or ten counts, but I painted 'A' nail!  

It still looks like a two-year-old did it, but was fun!  Cross hatch...take that!!  So, my artistic skill do not cross over to nail painting!


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one that puts things in odd places and then forgets. I've been known to take a picture with my cell phone of something so that I can find it later :) I'm always amazed at people that can paint their nails. I can do an ok job on my dominant hand, but when I switch to the other side I paint the nail and everything around it :) I think your cross hatched nail looks great.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one too! I try so hard to document, document, document and then can't figure out what I was getting at! Love the cell phone idea! Nail paint my fingernails is totally a waste of time! They look awful after just one day ~ chipped, broken and plain pitiful!

  2. I had to laugh at your cryptic notes comment. I do the same thing. And when I discover this, I think I'll do better the next time and that I've learned my lesson - but like you - I know I haven't. I use an index card and pin it to the block(s) with the fabric for when I return to the project. It works pretty if I could just take sensible notes - LOL
    I also didn't get caught up on my BOM last weekend like I said I would. I'm behind on my bee blocks - arghhhhh
    I just started FMQ on my 2nd quilt - a top I made in like 2002 maybe? it has sat around for the last 13 years that I wasn't sewing !! I can't believe it has survived 6 moves, a house fire, divorce and general chaos!!
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Were in the same boat Pamela! Maybe this is why I can't make patterns, I never remember from one time to the next what I did! I try to be so precise and detailed, but in the end its futile! Index cards are a good idea…but I would most likely misplace them!

      I think being behind is normal on BOM's! Especially during the summer when there seems like there is so much to do. Wintertime would be a good time to start a BOM, I think. It's winter, it's cold and sewing seems like a much better choice than going outside!

  3. I have notes and scribbles in several main locations around the house, but darn it when I really need one it is impossible to find. :) I find that I do best with a balance of projects. Only one is not really enough, but too many and I get overwhelmed and don't make progress. The right number seems to bounce around a bit, but 2-3 in sewing progress is about right for me.

    1. Welcome to the club Yvonne! I would never have guessed you had this same problem! I swear, the more I try to organize myself the worse it becomes. My daughter is forever buying me cute little books that I write my ideas and methods in, but I must have half a dozen with a little of this and a little of that!

  4. My notes always make sense in the moment LOL Great fingernail.

    1. That is so true! I'm beginning to think this is a 'thing' with quilters! Try as I might, I'm not much of a good note taker!

  5. Your illusion quilt is so fabulous!! You did a lot better job with one fingernail than I would have :)


    1. I was happy to have found my crazy notes for the Illusion quilt! Even though I could barely understand them, they did help in a small way to recreate the darn blocks!

  6. Well it certainly looks like you are getting right with that super roll of batting :) I love Cool Waters can't wait to see it all finished :) And your nail immediately made me think "Lotta Jansdotter" who is the nut among us?! Lol! :)

    1. Oh have I got plans for that batting!! I hope to share the finished Cool Waters quilt in a couple days! I love how it turned out, not to get decent pictures…white is a hard color to get photos of! I don't plan on doing any more than that one nail…call me crazy!

  7. You are not alone in the note taking. I have had notes and ended up tossing them as I couldn't for the life of me figure them out.

    1. Isn't that crazy that so many of us do the same thing?! I try…over and over again, but it never seems to get better! Maybe next time!

  8. Well, Jayne, at least you TAKE notes...wish I did! I once had to recreate a piece I had done improv-style for a magazine and had no earthly idea how I had made the thing 'cuz - no notes! Your nail looks cute to me. Nail polish comes off so fast anyway- might as well have fun with it.

    1. I haven't a clue how you could take notes for improv!! It changes from slice to dice! Were you able to recreate the piece for the magazine? I try and take notes for my 'normal' projects, projects that require a ruler…I just suck at it!

  9. I take notes too but mostly I forget to write "name" or something that would say for which project those dims are, lol. Your B&W quilt is perfect. I still have my optical illusion unquilted because my husband said he won't look at it on the wall since it hurts his eyes, eeek.

    1. Isn't it funny that we forget the most important info sometimes! Like accurate dimensions! I usually have two sets of notes, the first rough draft, then the second (still rough) draft. Each one still too cryptic! I am happy to say it all worked out and every black and white block is ready to assemble, but dang…it should have been easier! Maybe my third set of notes is better!

  10. Note taking ... it all makes sense when I write it down, then something weird happens when I'm not looking and somebody scrambles it all up!

    1. I'm certain that my third draft of notes is much better, but that remains to be seen when I make it again! For now, I will continue the note taking, probably misplace them occasionally and find comfort in the fact that I am not alone!

  11. You're hysterical. I never take notes... I'm sure it I did I would not know where to find them either. I guess it is a good habit. My memory is not that great anymore. But I can't wait till you reveal the rest of the first quilt. Looks huge! Do you have a long arm? The black and white will be fantastic.

    1. Thankfully I was able to decipher and recreate the Illusion quilt blocks and I'm almost sure that this latest set of notes are perfect for when I make it again! Maybe…time will tell! My memory isn't getting any better either. I think in a few years I'll have post-it notes strewn throughout the house reminding me of this and that!


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