
Sunday, August 9, 2015

Semi Sunday Stash!

I love a good Sunday Stash!  Seeing peoples prized cache, finding new 'gotta haves', sharing my latest and greatest...the perfect way to shop (with your eyes) without spending money! 

I'll admit, this week I have very little to show.  I did go stark raving mad buying Kona yardage in glorious greys, mostly for future backings, I didn't actually take a picture of them!

I did however, sink a large chunk of cash buying a roll of Warm & Natural Batting!  My last roll was running thin!  It was on sale at Joann's and with an extra 20%, I had to jump on it! The convenience of having batting on hand at all times is wonderful!  I stick with Warm & Natural, which is my preferred brand, it works for nearly all my quilts as long as they aren't white!!  

This roll should last a while!  The roll is queen size: 90" x 40 yards.

I may not have new fabric to hoot & holler about this week, but I will!!   Since my stash of Hand Dyed fabric has dwindled to nearly nothing, it was time to bust out the dye, buckets and gloves!  If you can picture a mad scientist...that's how I work while dyeing fabric!

The first squirt is the best!  I love watching how it spreads out in the water!  Hand dyeing isn't for everyone.  For me, I enjoy getting unique colors and textures.  While you certainly can (and many do) use one dye color per bucket, I never have.  I like to mix my colors. Blue, with a touch of red, a squirt of yellow and a dash or orchid!  My concoctions almost never fail me! 

These are soaking in a cold water bath.  Once most of the bleeding stops, they get a nice hot bubble bath!  

I like an humongous variety in color.   After the first piece of white fabric hits the dye water and goes through the one phase of soaking, I add another piece and get a completely different shade.  Viola!  Two for one!

For those who need a little 'bling', I will share the Michael Miller Glitz Fabric bundle.  Gold and black, silver and white!  Polka dots to boot!  

The Quiltcon Fabric Challenge, is upon us! Guess it's time to put on my thinking cap!  Are you participating the the challenge?  And do you have a plan?  



  1. I just got my first roll of batting a few months ago -- and I will never go back to pre-packaged! I love how little scrap there is with the roll. :D Can't wait to see how those hand dyed fabrics turn out!!! Someday, I will live in a house with enough space to dye... but until then I'll just have to keep wiping the drool off my keyboard.

    1. It makes all the difference in the world having that batting at your fingertips! I use to run to the store far too often! I dye fabric in the basement, in between tools, work out gear, cars, soap factory (my daughter makes and sells soap) and storage! Not ideal, but it works okay!

  2. What a lovely roll of batting; I had to get a new roll recently myself. It is so fun and satisfying to know how many quilts are waiting to be created using a roll... Your hand dying process sounds like a lot of fun!

    1. It makes financial sense and quilting sense to buy a roll! There are always deals out there and while it seems a lot of money all at once…so worth it! Do you use warm & natural Yvonne? Hand dyeing is fun and a lot of work! However, it's fun to see what I can mix up!

  3. Dying Easter eggs is one of my favorite all time holiday crafts. I always mix my egg dyes. I have never considered dying fabric. What is wrong with me?!? Gah! What have I been missing!

    1. How funny! I never even thought about easter eggs along with dyeing fabric! But it's a good comparison! I don't dye fabric real often, just enough to build my stash occasionally!

  4. I have never bought a roll of batting...but it looks divine!! Your loose method of dying sounds so clever and intuitive!

    1. If you make a lot of quilts, it's the best way to go! I have it tucked in a corner and it's always ready for the next finish! It's nice to have a fabric related diversion in dyeing fabric!

  5. Hi Jayne! I turned greeeeen here watching your batting roll! Wow that's enjoy to have enough batting for lots of new quilts! Your dying looks exiting and I'm looking for to see the colourful fabrics! x Teje

    1. It is such a huge convenience having batting on hand all the time! I always know I have just the right size on hand with a roll!

    2. It is such a huge convenience having batting on hand all the time! I always know I have just the right size on hand with a roll!

  6. Oh my. An entire roll of batting... now I'm envious! Himself keeps telling me to buy a bolt, but I just don't have anywhere to store it! And I marvel at the fact that you hand-dye fabric. The pic of those buckets is positively fabric porn. I didn't include my Michael Miller fabric in my Sunday Stash, but it did arrive. I'm stumped for the moment!

    1. I love not having to wonder if I have enough batting on had and the roll ensures I always do! It took me a long time to take the plunge, but so worth it! Maybe you could hang a roll from your ceiling? I have my daughter to blame for getting me into dyeing fabric! I learned a long time ago that when she say's 'Mom, your going to love it', she is usually right!

  7. I buy that exact same roll from JoAnn's. Best deal of all. And I also love having it there when I need it. I don't know how many I've have gone through in my quilt life, but there have been several!

    1. I never thought I would use an entire roll the first time I bought one. How wrong I was! Not sure what number I'm on, but so glad I took the plunge!

  8. I bought my first roll of batting just before Christmas this past year after seeing Guicy Guice on IG standing next to his. It was a crazy 60% off sale and I snuck in just before it ended. I imagine the roll will last me all year, at least--probably longer, since I quilt on a fairly small scale these days. It's a great investment indeed!

    1. I love a good sale, especially on rolls of batting! Where I use to always wonder if I had enough batting on hand…(and then it being slightly short!)… the roll ensures I always do!

  9. Do you ladies quilt your own quilts? If you send out to a long arm quilter do you send the batting along with the top and backing? I've yet to finish my first full sized quilt. I've been told you can select the batting the quilter will use. I didn't give it any thought that you buy your own and send that along too.

    1. I've sent my own batting and used what they had on hand. Many long arm quilters offer batting options, or let you send along what you want to use. I would contact them and verify, but it's a pretty standard practice!

    2. Thank you for bringing to light something I'd never thought about. I do appreciate it.

  10. I love the pictures of your dye pots....maybe one day I'll buy a roll of batting. I would have the storage issue as well.

    1. The rolls of batting are pretty huge! If I didn't have room, I might of had to kick out a kid or two…lucky for them I found a spare corner!

  11. Sounds like a fun time! I wish I could buy batting by the roll. I just have storage issues. Drats! ;)

  12. My challenge fabrics arrived but have no idea what to do with them. Good luck with the looks fun.

    1. I'm not really feeling the MM Challenge yet! Usually I throw together some ridiculous something or another! I may have to think this one out better!

  13. I got my fabric for the challenge and have plans, but I'll just start after my needle turn class with Carolyn Friedlander next month, because that's what I'll do. I cannot wait! :)

    1. Your class sounds like a lot of fun! I'm happy you have an idea for the MM Challenge as well…I need to get the thinking cap on!


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