
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

When An Idea Doesn't Pan Out ~ Improv It!

It's no secret I've been in Improv world this past week!  I've been intensely absorbed in a quilt (which I will share soon), that has gotten me fired up and a bit obsessed with Improv again!  I tend to fixate on a style for a while and then go in the total opposite direction. Improv to square, perfect points to wavy lines!  Are you like that?

When I was making my 'Baby Gear' quilt, I had an idea for a mini quilt using the same block design.  Two thirds of the design worked as planned, but the other wasn't going to cut it.  Instead of letting it go and chalking it up to 'lesson learned' (and a lesson was learned), I decided I may as well make something!  

Improv + Squares:

26" x 26"
Two worlds colliding!  I thought it would be more interesting as a wall hanging to have something other than a solid center square.  With improv on the brain, I pieced together a square adding red, cream and black.  I rather like it!

Pinned and ready for something...and then I thought this might be the perfect time to practice my free motion quilting.  

So it began.  Pebbles.  Fingers.  Wonky lines.  It's all there along with the kitchen sink!  

Why not go way out on a limb and use red thread on the creamy white?!  It certainly stands out!

I discovered this teeny tiny black square while I was quilting.  I thought it was worthy of it's very own shot!

The black backing allows for a much better visual!  You're probably thinking 'this girl is all over the place'!  Yep!  That would resemble me!  Because I rarely FMQ, I tend to go hog wild.  That certainly could be why I can't master that pesky FMQ skill!

Regardless, it's fun to try every now and again!  I just remind myself that most of my quilting flaws will be hidden once it's washed!  

What's your favorite FMQ design?  



  1. It turned into a fantastic, striking quilt. It's wonderful.

    1. It was one of those things that had to happen!

  2. I really like it, at first glance it reminds me of a clock! Great job on your FM too.

    1. It never occurred to me that it looked like a clock! Now I totally see it! Maybe subconsciously it meant I was ready for some Improv!

  3. I really like the contrast of the improv and structured blocks and how the improv is rather contained in the center - it gives a nice balance and energy to the quilt. I personally also think your FMQing looks great; mastery is in the eye of the quilter, I think. ;) The view from the back is really fun.

    1. I couldn't have said it better myself Yvonne! I'm not saying my FMQ sucked…Just I really don't put much effort into learning and mastering it! Maybe one day I will change my tone!!

  4. I love them all! It is has taken years to get to the point that I love them. Your quilting looks great, you should do more. And I love doing backings that contrast with my thread so everything stands out. Thumbs up to a fun finish.

    1. My confidence level just sky rocketed! It really was a fun finish! I hate leaving anything unfinished and will scour my brain for ideas to use just about anything!

  5. I love how this turned out. Chaotic, yet controlled. I also like what one of your previous readers said about seeing a clock. I totally see that now!

    1. You get it Diana! I love being chaotic with a purpose! I didn't see a clock at all while making this. Now I totally see it! It's always funny what others see that we overlook!

  6. I just love it when you go rogue!! :D Red thread on white fabric??? YES!! It looks awesome! Your quilting looks great, it looks like you are mastering it to me! :)

    1. Oh I like that…going rogue! Thank you Judy! Every once in a while I throw caution to the wind, like red thread on white fabric! As for FMQ, it is really fun once I get in the flow of it. Especially when it's a small piece and I don't have to fight with moving it around!

  7. Replies
    1. It was fun to make and when I can use some 'unused' blocks, all the better!

  8. I love the solid back - I try to do this all the time because it really shows off your quilting. I can't believe you are going to wash this. you are brave. I almost never wash before or after, unless it is a quilt to be used. But your style and color placement on this small piece is perfect! Love it.

    1. The back is really fun to look at! It does show off the quilting, it shows the good, the bad and the ugly! Actually I don't think the FMQ turned out so bad.

  9. How cool is that back?! I think you should go "hog wild" more often! ;)

    1. The back really shows everything! I love that and I'm sure I will continue my FMQ adventures too! I'm just not sure what is good and what isn't!

  10. I love this! When I saw the first photo I thought is was the beginning of....a MEDALLION QUILT.
    I think your quilting looks wonderful. As one who has at least 10 WIP's ready to sandwich and quilt (fear is holding me back), I think you are both brave and talented. The red thread on white is brilliant. As you know, I also have my BOM in progress AND not quilted past the center block - LOL I keep thinking I'll practice sometime and actually LEARN how to do it properly - but it never happens :p

    1. I appreciate all the encouragement! I don't know what is good or bad when it comes to FMQ. I won't stop trying! Which brings me to you!! As they say 'jump in'!!

  11. Oh, this is so you, Jayne! Love the improv square and the quilting is perfect. I am not a free motion quilter. Not because I haven't "learned" how to, but because I just don't enjoy the process. If you're having fun with it... Then you have mastered it in my opinion! Looks fab!

    1. I love the 'having fun = mastering it' comment! I do believe I'll go with that! I enjoy FMQ, just not enough to attempt it on a large quilt. I had fun making the improv piece and didn't realize how much I have missed it!

  12. Love this! The colored threads really brought it all together.

    1. I couldn't be more please with how it all came together! Right down to the red thread on white!

  13. Replies
    1. It felt good to play around with some good old improv piecing!

  14. Loving the improv... makes me want to sew some bits together! And where are these flaws you speak of? I used to work at an artisan crystal factory and we said our product had features, not flaws. They show it to be handmade by humans, not machines.

    And I love that pic of the teeny tiny square... perfect.

    1. I know I will never be the perfect FMQ'er. That takes time and something I just do not possess! On the other hand it is perfect enough for me and for this random project.

  15. I love it when a plan doesn't work out and becomes something more fun than the plan! Great quilting :)

    1. I do too! I love messing around to see what I can come up with from failed plans! You never know where it will take you!!

  16. Great quilt! I like the combination of improv and more precise shapes and love the red thread on cream quilting.

    1. It was so nice getting back in to improv and the FMQ was a very fun diversion!

  17. I like your bold colors! Is the background white or off white? Nice work.

    1. I loved playing with Improv again! The back is off white. I used a scrap piece of an organic cotton I had. Super soft and frays like crazy!

  18. I love that teeny tiny black square. What a fun detail!


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