
Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Guilt Quilt

Oh boy!  Throwback Thursday is here!  I have so many from years gone by, it was hard to decided which to share next.  I decided the infamous 'Guilt Quilt' would be worth a revisit!

By this time, I was well on my quilting journey (2010), quilts had been made for everyone imaginable...except my own kids!  My daughter Britt, made me a second quilt for Christmas hoping once I received it, guilt would set in and I would make one for her.  

She choose Tanya Whelan's ~ Dolce fabric and told me to go to town!  I was referred to Fresh Modern Quilts on Flickr for inspiration, which was so overwhelming!  The task at hand, design something...for the first time...EVER!

It was agonizing designing my first quilt!  I wanted to knock her socks off, impress her and surprise the hell out of her!  

Eventually (and I mean weeks), I came up with a rectangle inside a rectangle.  The inside piece is place differently inside the blocks.  Center, horizontal, vertical, top, bottom...all over the place.  

Finishing the blocks was pure relief!  You would have thought that was the end of it, but no you would be wrong.  Just finishing the blocks was not enough.  Always wanting to impress my dear daughter, I had to come up with a layout!  

I could have gone simple.  Rows of blocks.  But that 'knock her socks off' thought kept creeping in!   This is where husbands cower and hide!!  Usually!  Mine helped me!  He suggested the diagonal layout.  Seriously, I think he got the T-Square out too!  He even drove me to get the grey fabric for the sashing!

How many times have we said how much we love the backing of a quilt as much as the front? I did, she did!  Plus, I didn't have any scraps left over after this!  

Eventually there came a time when the quilting needed to happen.  I hadn't really played with designs at this point, but came up with what I called my 'Chicken Scratch' quilting.  

Which was inspired by this print.  Randomly placed all-over lines.  It worked.

This quilt gave me confidence.  It started me on the path of designing my own quilts.  It was the beginning of what has become a daily adventure!

You know how I know she loved it?!   
This picture said it all! 

I look back on this quilt with pride and joy!  

Britt said this on her blog: 
'This is one of the best gifts I've ever received.  Mama, you outdid me.  Moreover, you outdid yourself!' 

End of story.  



  1. Wow, what a great photo response to your gift - that photo and her awesome words about the quilt. My husband likes to help me out, too, which I really deeply appreciate. :)

    1. I almost felt like I was back in that exact moment when I saw the picture and response from her. Such a 'deja vu' moment! Throughout the years my husband has pulled me out of a slump, helped with color or layout…he's been very supportive and helpful! Just like your husband! We are lucky!

  2. "The Guilt Quilt" should be renamed "The Breakthrough Quilt" Jayne! One would think you had a lot of experience when you designed this, it turned out so great! I love the photo Britt took with her "I Love You Mom" message!
    Chicken Scratch quilting - LOL - It's perfect! I'd like to give that try now.

    1. I just remember how much I agonized over this quilt, wanting to make Britt proud! I had totally forgot about the 'chicken scratch' until I saw this quilt again! I want to try it too!

  3. Wow! How fun to learn you and your daughter get to share the sewing/quilting adventure together! A wonderful quilt and story!!

    1. My daughter was the one who taught me how to quilt! I never wanted to, but she wore me down!! Now-a-days she has other things she loves more so we rarely get a chance to sew together. In fact, when I ask her a quilting question, she looks at me strangely and says 'you know more about quilting than I do'!

  4. Awesome job for your first attempt at designing! And it turned out beautifully. Chicken scratch quilting..too funny.

    1. One of the most agonizing quilts I have ever made! She was thrilled with it, so I did my job! It was fun revisiting this quilt! I totally forgot about the quilting part!

  5. I enjoyed reading your post today and got a great big smile when I saw your photo! Awesome quilt for an awesome daughter! Thank you for sharing and have a spectacular creative day!

    1. Thank you! Agreed...she is an awesome daughter!

  6. What a great story and what an appropriate week. A story about when you starting designing and you released a block this week for the hop. The Guilt Quilt...I love it! No one can guilt us into doing things like our children :) Thanks for sharing your story.

    1. It hadn't even occurred to me about the block hop and the guilt quilt timing! Children do have a way go pouring on the guilt…I don't ever remember doing that!

  7. Awww.... that's sweet! I love the "Guilt Quilt".

    1. Nothing like guilt to make you come out of your comfort zone!

  8. What a beauty, especially with that layout & quilting. Great pics too, your daughter obviously loves & appreciates it!

    1. I really had to search the archives for this one!

  9. What a sweet throwback! I like the combo and that it is double sided.

    1. I think this may have been when I started my obsession with using every piece of scraps too!

  10. It's a really great quilt, and that photo your daughter sent is great! I really love that gray - it's a cool, cool pattern and I think you did great with it. It is a WOW.

    1. I love the photo ~ it said it all! I think I bought 3 different grey shades before settling on this one. There really wasn't much in the way of online shopping back then for me!

  11. It's too funny to me that your daughter gifted you a quilt in order to get you to make her a quilt! Sounds a bit like coals to Newcastle! :) Love the fabrics for this one.. especially all that grey. That Joel Dewberry print that inspired your quilting is one of my favourites - though the scraps in my stash are in the aqua and orange colour pathway (big shocker there!) Thanks for linking up with Throwback Thursday!

    1. Kids have a way of making you do anything!! Britt loves getting quilts! I think I've made her 4 or 5 so far...she keeps wanting more and more!

  12. Such a sweet story, I love it! I wonder if Britt would let you showcase her quilts too, I'm so curious!!

    1. It has been a long time since Britt has made a quilt. Not too long after she roped me into quilting, she moved on to other things! Every once in a while she will churn one out and I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I shared. I would love to have her collaborate on a quilt with me again…I miss our sewing adventures together!!

  13. Beautiful! I love the diagonal layout, and your daughter's response is priceless.

    1. I was just so relieved to have finished this quilt for her, too stressful at the time!

  14. great photo! I love your diagonal design, very effective!

  15. Aw, you had me all misty eyed at the end there. What a sweet story to go along with that quilt.

    1. Amanda…you are too sentimental! Thank you just the same! It was nice to revisit and remember all the details of this oldie!

  16. I haven't seen this fabric for a while. I made my daughters a quilt with some of these. Your inspiration fabric is a favorite of mine! Great finish!

    1. It had been so long since I thought about this quilt! Nothing like a good blast from the past!

  17. Even if we think so ourselves, isn't it nice when someone else confirms it? That's a pretty positive and resounding, YES! Excellent Throwback Thursday post.

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