
Thursday, January 7, 2016

A Former Time ~ 2010 Throwback

Here's to learning lessons and new techniques!  Back in the day...  Yes, it's that time of the month were we get to share our Throwback @ A Quarter Inch From The Edge.  Thank you for the reminder Jenn!

Digging in to the deep, dark recesses of Flickr, I decided to share this little lovely!  A baby quilt I made in September 2010. 

A virtual smorgasbord of feed sack prints and wonky delight!  I remember starting this and thinking how fun it is to make wonky blocks.  The tiny whimsical prints, the delicate colors and a very simplistic design...all together, pure sweetness to me!  

Even back in 2010 I wanted to be creative and change things up, take a chance.  Which is why I added a few applique circles to round (pun intended) out the design. 

One lesson I learned after this was finished, not all whites are the same whiteness!  A very hard lesson to learn at the time.  I was so angry, sad and disappointed.  I was too new to know better, too new to know what a quilt blog was and too new to google to know I could find an answer or ask a question!  Serious lesson learned!

That wasn't all I did that was new...

Of course, I felt like I had to add a colorful border.  But that just wasn't good enough...something weird, but perfect!

I don't know how this popped in to my head at the time.  It was one of those moments, you know what I mean?  A gathered border.  I've wanted to do this again for so, so long!  I'm glad I choose this quilt to share because I'm so doing this border again!  

It was a pain in the butt, that I remember.  Chunky.  Gathering is a pain on its own, a pieced strip to gather is twice as hard!

I love seeing the quilting on the back.  Though not perfect, it certainly touched my fancy at the time.

The tag.  The proof.  The mark of forever!    

You may be wondering what I did with this little mishap of a quilt.  As with many quilts it was gifted to my daughter.  She assured me that the different whites were not a problem, she loved it regardless and wanted it badly.  Who am I to argue?!  I just love her that much!!

I learned that all whites are not the same.  I learned to take chances, applique circles with wonky blocks.  And I learned that having an idea or vision is so worth exploring, just look at the border!   Even if you are a 'greenhorn' in the quilting world, you need to follow your gut and give it a go!  


  1. Oooh, a gathered border; I don't know if I have ever seen or would have ever thought to do that, Jayne. It looks great, but I can only imagine the time it took to piece. I hear you about the solids lesson. I seem to need to remind myself about dye lots on a fairly repeated basis, too...

    1. It was one of my early 'that's cool, but what about this' ideas! I really want to do it again now that I've revisited this throwback! Plus, I've learned my white lesson very well! It is so crazy how dye lots can be so different. I just came across that yesterday with silver grey.

  2. Love that border! I don't think I have ever seen one like it. I have a whole tote full of feed sack prints. It seemed like everyone was loving on that style of fabric when I purchased it. Somehow me and my fabric got left behind. I haven't used it yet (key work yet). I haven't been brave enough to try applique circles, it looks like you have them perfected. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I haven't played with feed sack in a long time. I use to have a huge stash and variety, not so much any more. I've moved a way from them to solids. However…seeing this throwback I want to do it again! And the border has my mind swimming with ideas! I better get something in the works before someone else does! LOL

  3. Wonderful border concept, this has me thinking!! Cute cute quilt, and I hear ya bout the whites!

    1. It has me thinking too Heidi! I really want to try this again!

  4. One of the most incredible things about this whole TBT experiment is seeing the quilts that people made way back before they knew better. We did some cool things before we got good at this quilt foolishness. :) And Lord, how did we manage before Google? Or quilt blogs? Thanks for infusion of feedsack prints into this volume of Throwback Thursday @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge!

    1. This quilt seems so different from where I'm at now! However…I want to play with feed sack and that crazy border again. It's hard to think of like without google!

  5. That gathered border is amazing!! And the varied whites don't bother me a bit. Just a version of low volume, and they add interest and movement. But I can see where it bothered you when you wanted them all to be the same. I'm glad you shared this creative fun bit of the past.

    1. I wonder if my daughter will give it back to me?! So true about low volume, which wasn't really a thing back in 2010!

  6. 1. This quilt is so happy. 2. I actually love the different whites.

    1. Thanks Jenny! It's been so long since I thought about this quilt! I kind of want to do it again, play with that border! Maybe I'll do a low volume version?!

  7. This is a darling of a quilt! I tend to throw all my whites in together and let them out as they may...unless there is a really good reason for all the white to be the same :)

    1. I try to keep all my whites separate, especially after this quilt! Sometimes it doesn't matter, but in this case…it did, at least to me!

  8. Jayne, if I didn't know this was Thursday, I would have thought this was a newly released modern quilt pattern! And that ingenious border would be the start of something big (which I suspect it will be)!

    1. Then I better get off my butt and claim this border fast….I am churning some ideas around in my mind and really, really want to give this border another try!

  9. I've never seen a gathered border before. Very interesting. I love the shapes in your were already modern back then.

    1. How funny! I look at this quilt and do not see modern! I see interesting twists, but not modern. It must be because of the feed sack fabric. I'm hoping to take the border and run with it…so many ideas after revisiting this throwback!

  10. Lovely quilt. I have never seen or heard of a gathered border. Interesting. I've been learning about a lot of new things this week.

  11. This was an excellent job for a person new to quilting. The border is fantastic. I haven't attempted that myself. On my computer screen I can't see the different whites but I can understand how upsetting that would be. :)

  12. What a great reflection! And that label! You remind me that I need to start documenting my quilts better!

  13. Very cute quilt! I really like the gathered border, it gives a great texture.

  14. A sweet quilt, and I just love the variation in the whites! You were obviously ahead of everyone else back then with the 'low volume' thing!

  15. I LOVE this quilt. And hey, you were a trendsetter - you mixed whites before it became popular to do so. That gathered border is so darn cool. Love your creativity, as always.


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