
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Highlight It !

So, it happened.  My desire to acquire Kona's Color of the year is done.  I don't often get excited about any color of the year, whether it be Kona's or Pantone's.  Let's face it, the colors usually don't spark a desire to dabble with them.

Then I saw Highlight.  I'm thinking this could be a color I could get behind!  I ordered a yard and then a day later decided it might be a good idea to up my order.  Two yards was respectable!  I could play with it and not worry too much about running out!

Then I figured while I was getting one, I may as well get something else.  Essex Line in Graphite.  Don't they look good together?  Not my intention, it just happened!!

I have an idea of where I would like to take the Highlight fabric.  I just need to work on the details!  

Do you buy fabric and wait for an idea to hit you?  Or do you just plain buy fabric?!  No shame in that, right?!

This fabric was purchased from Pixiespit Studio on Etsy.  This fabric was super reasonable and the owner was more than happy to up my order!  In continuous pieces no less!

Who's jumping on the Kona Highlight band wagon??  



  1. Hi Jayne! I love this yellow...which means that my 'nolike' to yellow starts to turn to love. I'm the same with year's colours, even this time I love the Pantene's colours and this yellow. It looks great with the grey like most of the solids. I have been saving my little solid pieces but at the moment they are coming a part of the colourful project I'm working on. You always give me solid inspiration! x Teje

    1. I think it's going to be a fun color to work with Teje! I just need to get my ducks in a row and figure out my design!! I actually liked the Pantone colors this year too! It rarely happens, but I think they will also be interesting and fun to work with

  2. When I first opened this post, I thought "Not me - I'm not buying any fabric. I have enough. Besides, I just went though and ruthlessly cleaned out my stash..." Now I'm thinking "Can't wait to get ahold of some of that highlight!!" That is definitely my color! Just enough green in it to make it really perfect - you are a bad influence, Jayne!

    1. I think it will be a fun color to play with! I totally get not wanting to buy more fabric, but this one was irresistible! Sorry to be a bad influence!

  3. I really think it might just be the perfect yellow. Yellows are tough - like reds - too bright? too green? too orange? Nope. think this is the perfect one!

    1. I knew the minute it was released that I had to get my hands on it! I think it will be so much fun to play around with, lots of possibilities!

  4. Yes, I have some Highlight purchased and plan to use it + coordinates in our guild's bom this year. Figured I might as well enjoy it all year long!

    1. I'm not one to jump on the bandwagon, but Highlight was one color I couldn't ignore! Looking forward to see what you make with it!

  5. Oh, I am so hoping for details from Adrianne @On the Windy Side and Anne @Play Crafts on a color of the year quilt challenge. I really want to play with highlight, too!

  6. Yellow is a difficult color for me. I don't like to wear it or sew with it. But I do like it with that Gray. It will be fun to see what you make with it.

  7. I love PixieSitStudios!! With a name like that how can anyone resist? So many "favorites" from her shop :)

  8. I have been buying rather a lot of kona, including a yellow, but not sure if they were highlight or not. Yours goes brilliantly with the Essex linen.

  9. I'm on the bandwagon, but our LQS won't be getting it until the end of February. I was thinking two metres...maybe three....

  10. What great colors! You had to get that gray it goes so well with that nice bright yellow. I'm beginning to think I need to purchase some solids.

  11. Yes, the yellow and gray do pair nicely together. Looking forward to seeing what you make!

  12. I like the way those pair together, it's very back to school which I dig!

  13. Thank goodness I included a "Highlight caveat" in my Stash Manifesto! It looks so good. I'm thinking that 3m might be needed. It'll be at my LQS in February... the staff have given me a heads up!

  14. That color combo is just divine! You are going to have lots of fun with that yellow!

  15. I totally love that bright yellow and you can never go wrong with an essex yarn dyed linen, great color combo!

  16. Love, love, love yellow - in all shades. :) And I can hardly wait to get my hands on some highlight. :D


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