
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Is There No End ?

Yes, there is an end!  I feel like I am finally at the point where my 'print' stash is good ~ better than it's ever been!  But like all good things, there has to be an end.  Or a temporary pause in the madness!

Not much is as exciting as a beautiful stack of fabric...for a quilter!  I mean, really!  Maybe two stacks, but I'll take this and not complain one little bit!

The color of this first bundle grabbed my attention.  Peachy-orange.  A dessert, really. Scrumptious!  Mini Pearl Bracelets, Art Gallery...a feast for your eyes!

Awwww...yes.  Cotton + Steel.  The pink made me take notice, along with grey and black.  I find it very intriguing.  

When I saw that Pink Door Fabrics was having a sale on Instagram, I jumped! There use to be so many great finds and deals on Instagram (#thegreatfabricdestash) for fabric.  As of late, I really haven't seen much.  While you can find good stuff, you really have to be there at the exact right moment.  Has anyone else noticed that?

This next batch of goodies comes from Fort Worth Fabric Studio.  I put in my request for fabric for a tutorial I'll be doing in February, and thought I may as well grab a couple things while I was looking!

I was in need of more insul~bright and also happened to see a remnant of Kona Pepper on sale.  Usually I go with Kona black, until recently when I thought I would try Kona Pepper.  I think it will be a great alternative.

I love a good shot cotton.  The warp and weft of two different fibers gives shot cottons amazing dimension.  When I say this bundle on sale I thought it was a good time to test out Moda's Cross Weave Wovens.  The colors are beautiful, they feel wonderful and are thick almost like Peppered Cottons.  I'm excited to see them in a quilt! 

For pure fun, (I'm living on the edge here!) I had to have a magnetic pincushion.  I have never had the pleasure of such a luxury, so sheltered!

But really what I'm most excited about are the zippers.  Lace zippers.  In December I made a massive stack of Clear Vinyl WIP Bags.  It didn't take long before I was obsessed with making them.  While I was happy with the pattern (from Amanda Jean @ Crazy Mom Quilts), there were a couple things I wasn't happy with.  Ideas were swirling around in this pea brain of mine, and I may have a better way for make more!  Stay tuned.  You know I'll blog about it!

That, my dears is all I have!  Except for yardage, I'm done plumping my stash!  This girl has to get to quilting!

I feel a little behind when it comes to my fabric choices.  You know, yesterdays news!  What new line is coming that you are frothing at the mouth for?



  1. There is no end! Always comes something new and also our mind change. Like mine with the colours. I haven't been a fan of peach or teal or yellow, but somehow they start to look really beautiful! I love your 'dessert' bundle! x Teje

    1. Nope! There isn't an end! I think I finally have a good print stash, so it's really time to put the fabric to good use! If only there weren't always new collections coming out…so tempting!

  2. Apparently, there is no end. If you lived closer, I'd be dragging you to a meeting of Fabricaholics Anonymous. And sending Anja to raid your stash while you were forcibly out of the house. Kona Pepper. Pearl Bracelets. C+S Basics. Need I say more?

    1. I am sorry to tempt you! I only recently started my quest to build a print stash, but I think I'm good now. I could buy solids all day, every day. Prints are much harder for me! But I'm done!!! No more, it's time to use!!

    2. I'm on my way!!! Loving that Cotton + Steel bundle.

  3. Beautiful.Have fun playing with them!

  4. Replies
    1. It made me happy! I love building my print stash…something I have never done very successfully before!

  5. I finally caved and picked up both the bright and cool bundles of Blueberry Park. Sometimes you just have to scratch the inch before it will go away ;)

    Lovely fabric choices!

    1. I love that line! And I agree!! I usually spend my time on the sidelines when new lines come out…I'm over that!

  6. I think that the US Post Office has helped me put an end to my fabric buying. I have been an avid online shopper - I support local shops, but for really good deals, you just don't get locally. I always calculate the shipping costs when I decide if something is priced right for me, and lately I find myself walking away from purchases after calculating those costs.

  7. The peachy orange grouping of fabrics are really speaking to me as well. You have a great knack for finding great deals!

    1. I was drawn to the peach bundle, not my usual color choice! It's is going to be gorgeous in a quilt I think! I love a deal…it makes it easier to spend money that way!

  8. Oh yay, I have company on the stash additions road to hell. You have some lovely additions there; those zippers-to die for! Where did you get them? And ha, I got a magnetic wristband for pins this week, well my husband did, at Harbor Freight, courtesy of Julie's suggestion!

    1. The zippers I got at Fort Worth Fabric Studio. I think they will make my vinyl WIP bags easier and cleaner! We'll see! It's a new idea brewing in my head!

  9. Salivating over some Blueberry Park and some V & Co Ombre at the moment. Love that grey and black stack and lace zippers (didn't even know that was a thing :)

    1. I want the Ombre fabric too! It's so gorgeous and would me amazing to work with! Lace is not what comes to mind when it comes to zippers…but I think these will be fun to play with!

  10. Love shot cottons! Will have to check out Moda's llne. When it comes to black, Moda has a deep, deep black brushed cotton that adds depth and richness to quilts with a black background. It's not fluffy and loosely woven like a typical flannel. Right now, it's on sale at Fat Quarter Quilts as a "Basic of the Month." Keep on quiltin'

  11. Great stash additions. Kona Pepper is such a great almost black color.

  12. I LOVE those zippers. It looks like you added some well rounded additions to your stash...a little bit of everything. I'm not usually an orange girl, but I love the soft orange grouping.

  13. I agree there is always room for more! I love those colours and it's amazing what a new shad of something does to our creativeness


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