
Friday, February 26, 2016

Micro Mini Mini Quilt...Call Me Crazy

Let me start off by saying this, I sometimes love a good challenge.  And when someone throws down the gauntlet...well, I have to respond!

My obsession with rainbow paper pieced stars hit me hard.  Really hard.  My attempt at integrating one in my Confetti Quilt wasn't successful, but that didn't stop me from trying to figure out what to do with ones I had already made, nor did it stop me from making more.  

My original version started as a 4" star.  While making bright rainbows, I wondered what it would look like in pastels.  I actually loved it, but it didn't make the cut for my Mini Quilt (to be shown soon).

I couldn't very well let it flounder in the great abyss of unused blocks.  Oh no.  Logically a mini mini quilt was in order.  Don't you agree?

4 1/2" Pastel Paper Pieced Star
 lightly quilted it using a variegated pastel thread.  It turns out that I love a good variegated thread!  

That's kind of cool, Right?!  I slapped on a binding and have a sweet little Easter inspired mini mini!  I think I may swap it on Instagram (#miniminiquiltswap)!

While making my stars (Oh, My Stars!), and posting on instagram, I had plenty of input on what and what not to use with the Confetti Quilt.  Then it happened!  The challenge! 

Go Small or Go Home!!!  Chawne @  Completely Cauchy and Jeifner @ Secondhand Dinosaur threw out a challenge.  Betcha can go smaller...and so I took the challenge on and created this little jewel!

2" Finished Micro Mini Mini Quilt
Seriously?!  Paper pieced.  This is where the 'call me crazy' comes in!  I could not not try it!  

Of course I had to quilt it.  Of course I had to use Alison Glass Artifact.  Of course it didn't exactly get centered!

Binding this little one was certainly interesting!  It had to be done. What's a quilt without a binding?  A WIP or a UFO, that's what!

I have a 1 1/2" strip for the binding, but it looks massive against this little piece.

There you are!  Lost in the binding, hiding away!  I use a variation of Crazy Mom Quilts Tutorial for binding, and in all honesty I could have used a 1 1/4" strip for this one, or even smaller.

Isn't it hard to imagine binding something so small?  Let alone having those mitered corners! It kind of blows my mind.  Yeah, a little crazy!

Will I ever go this small again?  I wish I could say 'ARE YOU CRAZY'?!  Then again you never know when someone throws out a challenge what you will do!  

I took the challenge. And I loved every second of it!  There is nothing quite like pushing your limits, trying something new or stepping outside the box!  

This little one, I'm thinking I want to keep it.  Then again, I want to trade it.  Maybe give it away.  It isn't perfect by any means.  There's a little 'wonky' happening, but hell fire...I kind of don't even care!  

So, what do you say?  Are you ready to go Micro Mini Mini?!  Do you want to take the Micro Mini Mini Quilt Challenge?!



  1. Holy cow, how in the heck did you get the binding on that micro mini mini?? The challenge was thrown down and you more than rose to the occasion. The pastel version is just as cute as the original one. Jayne, your mad mini skills blows my mind :)

    1. The binding was crazy! I pinned it around first, sewed the ends together, repinned it and carefully and slowly sewed it around! It's funny, I usually jump into random projects and learn along the way. Half the time I haven't a clue what I'm doing, but it is sure fun to learn and try!

  2. That's simply amazing. That binding looks intense! Lol! I love the rainbow on the back - it's like a little surprise!

    1. I just couldn't resist a good challenge! Everything about it was a challenge, but well worth it!

  3. This is surely interesting, Jayne! Super super cute and beautiful! Binding is huge! Could you enter Guiness with this 'The smallest quilt'? x Teje

    1. I don't know if it would qualify for the smallest quilt ever, just the smallest I've ever made! It was a fun challenge!

  4. Oh my word! What a tiny little star. Both of the stars are lovely!

  5. Jayne, now that IS mini. Great job! I felt the same about binding a 4" mini, I can't imagine a 2". The variegated thread adds so much interest!

    1. Mini Mini's have an entirely different set of rules, but all very doable! The 2" one is my smallest ever…don't ask me to go smaller…at least right now!!

  6. The micro mini is fantastic. I would keep this charm all to myself, but maybe I'm not as generous as you, LOL. Oh, and I love the pastel variegated thread for the mini mini quilt - perfect touch!

    1. I love that you called it a 'charm'…new term! Maybe a Micro Mini Charm Quilt! I wonder how far we can take this?!

  7. I would wear that cutie on my jacket and share it with the world. I don't even keep scraps that small!

    1. That's a good idea! Why didn't I think of it?! I don't hoard small scraps like that either, that would be just crazy!!

  8. Very impressive small and smaller. Miniatures are really fun and, I might warn, addictive.

    1. There are super addictive! Also a great way to use small stray blocks!

  9. Brilliant! A little whack-a-doodle, too, but mainly brilliant! : )

    1. I've been known to be a little off now and again! But thank you!

  10. Pretty! I've already done this, having made coasters with their own's not easy! Nice work

  11. Ok--Crazy :) But really what fun! I thought this was a winner of a post with just the sweet little pastel mini. And then. . . winner, winner. . .!

  12. My eyebrows flew right up to my hairline when I saw the micro mini at 2"?!!! Holy cuh-rap, Jayne! You rock. I don't think I'd trade it...

    1. I'm pretty sure I'll keep it! I can say I have scratched the 'how small can you go' itch!

  13. Crazy??? No way. Because that is an understatement.
    You are outta your mind, cray-cray, nuts!!! You are not getting any sympathy from me.
    OK, it is very cute and I am jealous that you not only did it, that you made it so neat and perfect with binding!!!
    When I make something in the neighborhood of 5" (coasters), I quilt only the top with the batting. The backing is stitched all around (RST) with the top+batting, with a small opening. Turn inside out, push corners and top stitch or slip stitch it shut.
    Of course, you can give it away. You can always make another one :-)

  14. Yup. Certifiable. But you're a damned fine quilter, so whatever! That wee little quilt is out of this world.

    1. Wait a minute!! I thought in order to be a quilter you had to be certifiable?!

  15. I'm dying to know, did you somehow plan the variegation's in the pastel mini star, because they came out excellently coordinated with the different colored points, or did it just happen to turn out so splendidly? Either way, it's crazy beautiful workmanship.

  16. That's absolutely hilarious!!! As you say the pastel colour star is just perfect for Easter and the teeny tiny one? Well that can just be a reminder to you or your craziness!! Just taken a look at your IG feed too - lovely.

    1. Thank you! I could make a pair of earrings from the small one…how weird would that be?!! I'd be known as the crazy quilt lady!!

  17. I love them! Both the mini and the super doper mini! The variegated yarn looks great on the mini.

  18. Your mini mini is just fantastic. I love minis, the smaller, the better. I'm working on a real mini, coming on my blog tomorrow.

  19. Crazy, but in a good way. Here's a challenge for you--a whole tree full of micro mini's for ornaments during the holidays. When I go tiny, I opt for faux binding--little borders and then top and back sewn right sides together and turned. Your way is much more impressive.

  20. Yes, Crazy in a very good way! These are adorable!

  21. The nice thing about such small quilts is they're a quick finish Alison Glass is always a good choice.

  22. Crazy doesn't even begin to describe that teeny tiny thing! But it's adorable!

  23. Ok - that is crazy small! But how cute! I don't think I'll take you up on the challenge though - sewing and quilting that small is just way too fiddly for me! :-)

  24. Lovely mini mini! Quilting is awesome but man that binding! However did you do it? I'd go blind methinks.

  25. You have lost your mind!! Wow. They are both awesome. But you are crazy with a capital C. ha ha ha ha

  26. love your micro mini! apparently you and I are on the same wave length. I just finished a tiny(under 4" square) rainbow star. it is on my blog

  27. It seems you are having lots and lots of fun. Very cute.

  28. You have blown my mind with this tiny quilt! :) We featured this over on the FWFS blog! Thanks for stopping by and sharing!


    1. Thank you so much Lindsey! What a sweet surprise!

  29. OMG - I love that so much. Does that make me certifiable, too? Oh I hope so. Now I want to make one too! In fact I think I want to make a regular sized mini FILLED with mini-minis! Wouldn't that be awesome. Maybe I'll do it and maybe I wont... but if they send me to the loony bin, I'm blaming you!

  30. So cute! I love that the star in the backing is not centered. I think it looks like the animations of a twinkle so, which is totally perfect. I love it!

  31. Oh wow! Beautiful! You have some mad skills girl!

  32. Wow this is incredible! So tiny and so precise and so beautiful.

  33. Both the mini mini and the sweet wee micro mini are adorable! I love both versions so much, it would be impossible to choose a fave. Hats off to you for managing that binding on the micro mini. That is intense!

  34. Add a little "handle" on it and you could use them for ornaments on a Christmas tree!

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  37. Hi, Jayne! I really love micro minis and I would like to try my hand at it. Are there any special techniques I should know about? I've searched for tutorials but I haven't really found anything. Thanks!

  38. Hi! Your micro minis are beautiful. Can you tell us who challenged you to go so small? I am trying to find out how these super tiny quilts got to be a thing. I haven't seen any blogs, posts, or swaps before late 2015 and I am so curious what caused this to take off.


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