
Friday, March 18, 2016

Spring Has Sprung!

I love Spring!  The temperature is rising, the air is fresh and everything is sprouting!  Of course that means those pesky weeds too!  I've spent the past week weeding like a mad women!  It also means the windows can be open all day long.  Good-bye stale winter air...spring is here!

Spring.  It inspired me to make some thing springy.  Light, airy and fresh.  Too bad it didn't work out! Or did it?!

Have you ever began something with great confidence only to realize too late that you messed up?  Maybe you back tracked and fixed it, or maybe you didn't.  Maybe you thought it won't make that much of a difference (or will it?), so you decided to power through and hope for the best.

That would be me!  I needed to make a gift, something I have made a couple times before and really didn't think it would be such an ordeal!

Hazel the Hedgehog.  Oh Hazel.  With Spring on the mind I carefully picked fabrics that were light, airy and fresh.  I began feeling very confident, after all I've made Hazel a few times, and I was sure I had it in the bag even before I started.

I was careful.  I knew there was one step that always tripped me up, but I aced it!  I made it through without a hitch.

But my cockiness was short lived.  I screwed up!  What the heck was I thinking?  I missed one step, but had sewn and trimmed before I realized it.  At this point I was at a cross roads. The right thing would be rip it out, re-cut and start over.  The right thing.  

I may take a little heat for this, but I totally didn't do the right thing.  Rationalizing, I decided to move on and hope it would all come together and look fine.  

What did I do?  Where was the mistake?  Look at Springy Hazel and now look at my previous Hazels...

See the dark strip between the ears?  I forgot to add it.  I missed that step.  I was betting it wouldn't make that much of a difference.  That after adding the glasses, it would be fine.  

I'll let you be the judge of that!  In my mind, she still turned out to be a winner, a keeper.  

I know most everyone would take the time and make it right.  I should have.  But plain and simply...I did not.  

After adding the glasses, and they did help, I finished her up with the usual straight line quilting. Naturally highlighting her highlight!  

The question is:  Was I wrong or was I right?  Is it okay or is it not?  I don't know that there is always a right or wrong way.  How many times have you modified a pattern to make it easier or different?  I feel like I should have gone the extra mile and fixed the mistake.  Then again, she doesn't look bad either!  



  1. I think she looks o.k. There is no right thing to do every time, it is your sewing and you can do it any way you want. The quilt police have never turned up at my door to tell me off about what I have been doing, so now I just do my best and am always loathe to unpick because it drives me nuts. x

    1. I haven't heard the sirens coming down my street, so I think I don't have to worry about the quilt police on this one!! I need to learn to follow directions better and not rush. I still think she looks pretty good regardless!

  2. Hi Jayne! First: when we learn not to tell about our 'mistakes'! I couldn't have noticed anything and had to read twice to see it. I think she is perfect as we all are with our little mistakes. We couldn't create anything on our own, if just followed 'blind' the patterns. Lets enjoy the mistakes that lead us to new ideas! x Teje

    1. I think sharing mistakes isn't a bad thing at all. Sometimes making do can be just as effective, as is the case with this one to me. I'm use to taking a pattern and changing it up on purpose … this wasn't the case with this Hazel! I am totally fine with the outcome!

  3. Like Teje, I was scanning back and forth. I see where the strip provides that definition, but it's not in your face. Hey, it is done!

    Silly question: I own this pattern, and know I've read through it, but never made it. I don't remember seeing the glasses. Have I missed something, too?

    1. It is done and I haven't been hauled off! It does provide definition with the strip, but I think it's fine just the way it is. She is her own person…unique and special this way!

      I was asked the same question about the glasses on IG. Here is a link to the free download for the glasses:

  4. Like our quilt mothers before us, you made do. This Hazel has a slightly smaller head than her sisters. She got that from her dad. ;-) She is lovely.

    1. I love your reply! Yes, she is the unique one of this Hedgehog family!

  5. I think I like it better without the missing strip. In any case, you made a "design decision" not a "mistake."

    1. From now on I'm calling my mistakes 'design decisions'! That makes me feel much better! How we beat ourselves up over things like this!

  6. No mistakes, only design opportunities.

    1. Yes! If it had been a hugely noticeable mistake I would have fixed it I'm sure. I just didn't think it made that much of a difference. I'm sure I will have plenty more 'design opportunities' in the future!

  7. You were not wrong unless you keep agonizing over it. Hazel looks happy!

    1. I did want to kick the end I decided to go with it and I think she is just fine!

  8. I think it's fine as is for sure!

    1. I made the choice to go on as is and I'm good with that. We can be way to hard on ourselves sometimes!

  9. If you hadn't pointed it out, I would have never figured it out. I think there is no right or wrong in this case. When I did my binding presentation the other day a lady seemed slightly aghast that I wasn't using bias binding. My response was, I don't think the quilting police is coming after me for that. Pretty sure if they do I have committed more heinous quilting crimes than that. Everyone had a chuckle. Maybe this Hazel is just holding her head a little higher than the others and that prevents us from seeing part of her back. She just a very confident hedgehog...and that is okay.

    1. I made a decision, right or wrong, it's one I can live with. We all tend to be hard on ourselves when mistakes are made. Hazel is going to be stronger because of it!

  10. I think it looks totally fine. She's still a cutie, and aren't we all just a bit different? :)

    1. I have to agree! But it doesn't lessen the guilt of letting it go! Why do we have to be so hard on ourselves? She is just unique and special!

  11. This is a cute Hazel! I never get tired off seeing all the different versions :) Don't worry about a little mistake. I never would have noticed. Sewing is supposed to be fun. It's okay to give yourself a break, as much as we all want to do a good job, we don't need to be perfect all the time.

  12. She's adorable Jayne. Just as adorable as the other two!

  13. No mistake...we quilters do variations ! ;)

  14. It looks fantastic and you did exactly what I would have done...rolled with it. I have several quilty friends who would have ripped it out but I subscribe to finished is better than "perfect." Love her! She's so springy!

  15. I agree - no mistake just your creative spin on it. I've never made Hazel but have been contemplating getting this pattern. I really had to look for your mistake I couldn't figure out what you were talking about, so clearly it's not that noticeable to the untrained eye (ME). :) Great job.

  16. I looked and looked but couldn't see your mistake until you showed my the pillows. I think as quilters we are to hard on ourselves and with the idea of perfection, most other people (non quilters) just see our work as being beautiful and clever, knowing the hard work that has gone into it, not noticing our focusing on a small error.

  17. I have no idea what mistake you are talking about, Honestly, I have not seen anything from you that I have not loved. Someday, when I grow up, I will be like you...I hope.

  18. She's still gorgeous and the fabrics you chose are lovely!

  19. I never even picked it out! Sweet little hedgehogs!

  20. Your Hazel is just younger and doesn't have a furrowed brow!

  21. It is wonderful! I would be thrilled if I were the recipient of this. I had to look several times to find what you were referring to as your mistake. Think it was a good call not to rip and redo.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I made the same mistake on my current Hazel (or Thistle as I like to call her), but I hadn't trimmed anything so I was safe to add it. But your lemony, flowery, cheerful wee Hazel lacks nothing in style for her missing strip. Sometimes you've just got to keep on truckin' and see what happens. Thanks for linking up with TGIFF @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge!

  24. I certainly didn't notice until I flipped between the two a bunch of times. :) Love the bright airy version! She is just lettin' her hair down. :D

  25. I think she looks beautiful. I might have fixed it if I had noticed earlier in the process, but I think you did the right thing. It gives her some character.

  26. I wouldn't have changed it at that stage either - there, I said it. She is adorable just as she is! You made her your own.

  27. She's awesome! A bit height challenged perhaps, but then so am I! Honestly, I had to read to find out what was wrong. I couldn't spot anything until you told me where to look. She's lovely.

  28. I don't see a mistake at all. It's a design choice to not go back and change it. And as long as it doesn't bother you, it's perfect the way it is. It's only when something you changed (or forgot!) bothers you every single time you see it, then it becomes an issue. And since you love it, then we love it!

  29. It's perfectly perfect - not at all a problem. I know what you mean about noticing that something isn't quite right but deciding to leave it anyway sometimes finished is perfect, you know? She's a doll.

  30. I've seen a ton of Hazel hedgehogs, and I had to work really hard to determine what strip you were talking about. Therefore, I'm going to go with the stance that your hedgehog is fine, and the mistake wouldn't have even been noticed had you not mentioned it. Stop agonizing because, unless it's Elizabeth Hartman, the recipient of the gift would never think to miss it.

  31. I'm absolutely in love with these beautiful, amazing pillows! I want such one.

  32. You're golden! I'd not have gone back to add that strip, either. Spring Hazel looks terrific - I couldn't find your mistake, and I have made one Hazel!! Now I want to make a spring one like yours!!! Happy Easter!


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