
Friday, April 22, 2016

Scrappy ... and a Test.

I am not computer savvy.  I loathe having to figure out issues.  It makes me want to cry! 

Blogger has been very, very good to me since I started my blog.  I've had an easy time of figuring out 'things' I need to know.  However, as of two days ago there has been a problem. With every comment I receive on my blog I get an email notification.  Or I did.  Now I'm getting nothing.  As one who likes to respond to comments, this has caused me one very large headache.  SO.  I will apologize now for not responding in a timely manner.  I appreciate every single comment. The fact that you would take the time to view my blog and then leave a comment means the world to me.       

This is the test part.  While I've tried everything and contacted support on this issue, I thought maybe that one blog post was a fluke.  Maybe I should try another post.  With my fingers crossed and not much hope...I'll give it a try.

After I finished my Phantom Triangle quilt, I still had a good stack of scrap blocks that needed a new life.  Instead of getting my 'creative' mind on, I got my 'simple' mind on!  

28" x 40 1/2"
I grabbed those 2 1/4" hand dyed and shot cotton squares and thought...Granny squares...sort of!  In order to make enough blocks, I also grabbed my grey scraps.  You can tell from the picture there are at least three different grey's, it's actually four.  

I had enough blocks for six squares, if I were to add some sashing.  Which you can see I did!  The blue is Moda Pool.  I bought it for another quilt and decided to use the rest for this quilt.  When I say the rest, I mean I just had enough for the sashing with no left overs!

It still wasn't a usable size at that point, so a border was in order!  The border is Kona Steel, as is the backing.

Keeping with the simple theme, I quilted each square in 1/2" straight lines.  Randomly, of course, as well as the sashing and border.  The binding was all scraps!  I love using scraps! And having the majority of the binding from scraps of bindings is as good as it gets!

I know this is a far cry from my recent Phantom Quilt!  There is something sweet and simple about these kind of quilts.  

I'm praying blogger is working again, I'll receive email notifications and can comment in a normal way to your comments.  I hate being frustrated, especially by a darn computer! 

Has anyone had this problem before?  And if so, how did you get it fixed?  



  1. Have you checked your spam directory? Once I thought I was not receiving emails and it turned out my email decided that all comments were spam. After I marked them all as NOT spam, everything was right in the world again. I am so sorry you are having this difficulty and *fingers crossed* it is all OK.

    There is something very sweet about this finish, Jayne. It makes me think of checkers or those games where you slide tiles around to make a picture or get numbers in order. :)

    1. The quilt does have a checker board vibe about it! It was fun having a simple quilt to 'whip' up and as always, nice to use some scraps that have been accumulating!

      I did check my spam in both accounts and there wasn't anything. I've tired to contact blogger/google tech and as of yet nothing. Today I discovered if I go to my gmail account, some of the comments are in the trash and if I move them to the inbox, they show up where they should be. I also have to do the same thing in my comcast account. They should all end up in the same place! Such a royal pain in the butt!! I have every finger, arms, legs and eyes crossed hoping this resolves itself!

  2. I'm having a problem too. With me it is only odd ones that are disappearing. I will check out Yvonne's tip but I do check my spam occasionally and I don't think they are going there. Sometimes Google puts them in the Social category, depending on where I am checking from (computer, phone, or tablet) I don't always see them.
    Your finish just goes to show you don't need a complicated pattern to end up with a lovely quilt.

    1. Sometimes simplicity is all that is needed! I'm happy for scraps, but once in a while you have to wrangle them to keep the pile down!

      I'm sorry you are having issues too! It's really difficult for me to know what to do, computer issues are not my strong suit! I shouldn't have to go to three accounts and hunt for email comments, but it appears for now that's my only option!

  3. This is a test ... this is a test ... I'm gonna try Yvonne's tip, too.

    1. Computers!! If only it was for the next '60 seconds'!!

  4. It drives me nuts too when email or blog stuff starts going off kilter. I struggled with my stuff randomly switching to non-reply blogger until I finally just unconnected my google+ and blogger. Hope you can figure out what is going on quickly.

    1. Me too! I totally glaze over when any glitch happens! I don't even know if I'm connected to google+, and if I am how to not be! So far I've discovered I can retrieve my email comments if I go to two different accounts and pull them out of the trash. It really should be that way, simplicity is what I need right now!

  5. Well your quilt looks like you took a lot of time planning it! Good for you using some more scraps up!

    1. I like that it looks like it took time…but it didn't really! It always feels good to use scraps even though they never really go away or decrease!

  6. I love his little quilt! I agree, there is just something about these simple ones. Have a great weekend!

    1. It is very true! I found myself wanting to make something simple and quick for a change…this was my solution!

  7. I love the simplicity of your beautiful quilt. ... I too struggle with not getting the comments in my email. I'll have to check to see what's happening.

    1. Getting email notifications has never been a problem before. Since I'm not real savvy with this stuff, it makes it even more frustrating!

  8. I hope this passes the test! The colors of your simple quilt are so soothing! I love the pool and steel together! It is so aggravating to deal with malfunctions...I hope this works...

    1. It did not Sarah! I did find if I go to two accounts, the comment emails are in the trash in both. If I move them to the inbox, they show up where they are suppose to! Go figure! I'd much rather they show up where and how they are suppose to!
      This little quilt was a diversion and a scrap pile buster…actually the scraps didn't diminish that much!!

  9. Are you connected to G+? If so, that may be the issue. Good providence figuring it out. Your simple scrappy creation is refreshing! I adore scrappy. Thanks for linking up.

    1. I haven't a clue if I'm connected to Google +! See…I'm not savvy at all! Guess I better go search that out next! Thanks for the suggestion!

  10. That is beautiful!

    Blogger does have its issues. Some of my comments do not come through and others I have no problem receiving. There is no rhyme or reason.

  11. Bummer you are still having issues!

  12. I'm pretty much illiterate when it comes to computers, that's why I still don't have a blog! Hope it sorts itself out for you. Love your little quilt!

  13. Jayne, I like seeing how the different grays play with the colored squared. Fingers crossed, your email issues will be resolved!

  14. Congratulations on using all those scraps. So much better than putting them in a bin and then having to pull them out later. As for your email problems, I'm one of those readers whose comments disappear into the stratosphere, as if I were not is frustrating and I've not been able to solve the problem.

  15. I love this! Hope you get your issues figured out. :)

  16. Very nice. Many times the simple ides look the best. Love the grays. Karen

  17. Your quilt is lovely. Hope your techie issues get sorted xx

  18. I had a similar issue in the past and I had to turn off Google+ in order to fix it. Of course, any comments that used to exist on my blog via Google+ disappeared but the old ones came back. That probably makes no sense, but I've not had that problem since. Feel free to contact me offline if you need help with that specific issue (it's a tab in your blogger menu).

    1. Oh! Here was the other issue I had and it had to do with others not getting my comments. Wondering if this is happening --

  19. I haven't posted in my blog for ages so I don't know if I have this problem. I know there was a change in something that was causing some problems with some comments. Very vague I know but Jo at Riddling Whimsy dos a blog post about it - perhaps have a look at that and see if it helps? Good luck!!

  20. Ugh. The comment business sounds like a royal pain in the ass! Fingers crossed that it's resolved soon! (And your wee checker board-y quilt is fun!)

  21. It is a very simple pattern and lovely solid fabrics that has become a beautiful quilt.

  22. Computer issues make me want to cry, too. Uuuugh. Wish I had a tech support person to sort it all out! Lovely quilt! Simple is best, sometimes!

  23. Computer issues make me want to cry, too. Uuuugh. Wish I had a tech support person to sort it all out! Lovely quilt! Simple is best, sometimes!

  24. Scrappy quilts are the best! Thanks for sharing yours with Oh Scrap! Best of luck sorting out your email issues.

  25. A great scrappy quilt, I love the different greys in with the brights!

  26. This is great. Simple yet so striking. Love the colours, especially the sashing. Good luck with your computer troubles.

  27. Your "leftovers" quilt is beautiful!

  28. Love tha tscrappy leftover something which turned to be a beautiful hormonic colorful quilt. Great


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