
Friday, July 8, 2016

Another Secret Surprise!

It's that time again!  I've made another Mini Quilt for an unsuspecting victim person!  I can say that there are so many amazing people in our little quilting world.  People who inspire, people who have become friends, people who support, people I can't imagine living without. You know the saying 'there is nothing like quilty friends'.  So true.  

I decided a couple months ago that I would start thanking random people for making my journey a hundred times better than I ever thought it could be.  In May I made my Crystallized Glacier Mini Quilt for one such person.  They were truly surprised, shocked and it made their day!  

Let's do it again, shall we?!  Rainbow hearts are everywhere and I gotta say I'm honored to have been a part of the quilt drive sponsored by  The Orlando Quilt Guild.  I'm sure many of you have saved and even used the sliced off corners from the hearts.  I couldn't let them linger or get tossed away.  And in the end, they inspired me to make my next secret surprise quilt.

14 3/4" x 14 3/4"

A warm welcome to Mama Heart and Baby Heart!  How could I resist showing both together?!  

I grabbed the rainbow corners and stitched them together giving me one big stack of half square triangles.  I was able to pick and choose my rainbow colors which was harder than I thought it would be!  I trimmed the HST's to 3" square, arranged the heart shape, and then added the low volume squares.  The rest was a breeze. Sew the blocks, press, sew the rows, press and done. 

Which left only the quilting and binding.  I had just read a blog, A Quilters Table where Debbie had quilted her quilt using a grid design.  It obviously stuck in my mind, because that is almost exactly what I decided to do with this heart.  Sweet inspiration!

The squares are roughly 1/4", and the grid is just in the inside of the heart.  I quilted the vertical lines using a neutral thread, but I still wanted to bring in some color and fun.  I decided to quilt 1/4" horizontal lines in each heart color using a matching thread, and carrying it through the center with double lines.  

I ended up using 12 different thread colors in the center.  The corners and center were finished off with the neutral thread.  I couldn't be happier, I do love dense quilting!

I couldn't stop there, now could I?

I've done this before, its been a while...piecing the binding to extend the color.  One more fine detail!  I can't say I didn't struggle, cursed a few times, or even that it's perfect.  Do you ever get to the point when you want something done?  You work too fast, make mistakes and it usually takes twice as long?  It wasn't even that I was sick of this darn thing either!  I was so anxious to see it finished and get the binding sewn on!

So yeah, it's a little off here and there.  Aren't we all?!  Let's not go that far, won't speak for everyone!

You can see the quilting a little better on the back.  And that my friends, is just what I was hoping for!

(Tutorial for Hanging a Mini Quilt)

The backing is Architextures Crosshatch in grey (Caroline Friedlander).  A fat quarter that has lingered a while in my stash was perfect for the backing and the corners.  

This is a simply simple, delightfully delicious way to use those corner HST's you have stacking up!



  1. oh this turned out super cute and that grid quilting is awesome on it! Oh and the matched binding-always love that touch!

    1. Guess I still have the 'heart' bug! Thank you for the grid inspiration, it was the perfect choice for this mini. The binding gave me fits of anger, but it worked. I know I should never rush when I'm quilting, but damn…sometimes you just want to finish!

  2. These are great Jane: We've been saving the triangles from our quilts as well but we hadn't figured out what to do with them yet. Lot's of possibilities...but this one is so fresh and creative. We only saved the big ones , now that I've seen your mini mini I wish we saved the little ones as well.

    1. I will say that the little bonus HST's were a one time save for me! They were great for the Mini Mini, but not something I would keep normally! The big ones are well worth keeping! And they were great for this heart project and so many others!

  3. This is beautiful! I love how the red and orange in the top of the heart continues into the binding. I'm enjoying the rainbow craze happening right now and this is one of my faves. But how could you not love it and the mini mini??

    1. After seeing all those bonus HST's, I had to figure out something to make with them! The heart seemed like a perfect solution and I'm rather in love with it!

  4. Wow that's all I can say! It is beautiful. I love the minis, but am new to quilting and haven't the courage to try one yet. It will happen, but not just yet. Still working on mastering the basics. I love the cross hatch quilting.

    1. It will happen Jan! You will get to making a mini and when you do…theres no going back! If you're looking for a quick project, minis are the way to go. The quilting was the cherry on top…I had fun with it!

  5. Awww, what a great quilt concept! I LOVE the extended binding. Awesome job on that - looks like a lot of detail work. Your quilting is gorgeous!

    1. I felt that since the design was pretty simple, it needed a good dose of quilting to elevate it! That and the binding tipped me over the edge! Next time, I'll not rush at the end and maybe do a better job lining up the binding!

  6. Jayne, what a great design to use those bonus HSTs and I love how the binding emphasizes the heart even more!

    1. I had to make something out of the bonus HST's, otherwise they would sit forever!! I still have a lot left and may have to make 'hearts' for everyone!!

  7. This is wonderful, and the detail of extending the heart out into the binding really is the icing on this rainbow cake. :)

  8. I love the sentiment behind your suprise quilts.....and of course the quilts too!!

  9. OK, this has to stop. You and Sandra both need to understand that writing more than one post per week is unacceptable. By the time I see the post, think of a witty/meaningful comment there are two more posts. Do you not understand that I really want to follow you but I am EXHAUSTED!!! Love everything you do, but must you do so much and so soon and so well?
    P.S. Do you need my postal address...ahem!!!

  10. I love the colored quilting that you did on this one. Using those little cut off bits always makes me feel rewarded. ;-)

  11. wow, I am exactly the same, I rush because I am excited. the result is sometimes and error, or just not quite right and I have to stitch rip and do over. Your hearts are lovely.

  12. It is perfect and I might need to try one of those myself :)

  13. how adorable... is that for one of us?? Or another follower? That baby one... so sweet. LeeAnna

  14. Wow, I love how the colours continue into the binding. That is just amazing.

  15. I just love this! And that binding is amazing!!! :)

  16. These are amazing. <3 I love the binding, definitely worth the cursing!!

  17. Don't be offended, but you're crazy! The binding is fabulous but crazy! Okay, it's mostly amazing, but still! I have some HST's that are now crying to be put in a quilt like this one. I want to listen and accommodate them, but I have to get some other things done first. I'm going to bookmark your post so I can find it again because your heart block is perfect!

  18. This is absolutely stunning! What a very lucky quilting friend who is receiving this! It is really really gorgeous. And then the tiny one too! Fantastic. The binding is amazing and you are very brave! I haven't attempted that you because I feel like it will be almost impossible. It's a good idea to try it on a mini quilt though! Maybe I will be brave enough to try on a mini. :)

  19. What a wonderful little surprise for someone. I love all the little details you put into every piece. You are always so inspiring!

  20. Once again, love the low volume fabrics you used with the brights. I like this a lot, and I'm not much into hearts either!

  21. I just love this pair Jayne! How big make that how little, is the baby heart? I have a ton of HSTs saved from the Lake quilt, was thinking of making a pouch but hmmm, this has got my wheels churning now too! Thank you for more inspiration!

  22. I just love your Secret Surprise quilts! Thanks for the link to how to hang a wall-hanging.

  23. You always share the neatest things, Jayne. I love Debbie's gridded quilting idea. I am probably one of the few quilters that has not been bitten by the mini quilt bug yet. I do have a few ideas. Thanks for sharing your inspiring post and linking up with last week's TGIFF.


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