
Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Epic Saga Continues!

I might be a little proud of myself, after all, I am staying caught up with Epic Sampler Block of the Month this year. It is a surprise, and maybe takes the sting out of the fact that I haven't even looked at my Skill Builder BOM ~ Technicolor Galaxy in months!  I suppose I need to revisit that one in the very near future!

I'm anxious to see how it all comes and my rainbow take on it.  I truly won't know until it's finished!

Another month, three more blocks.  Rumor has it we have nine blocks left to go!  I can see the finish line!

What I have loved the most about this BOM is all the paper piecing.  Seriously!  If you know me, know my blog, I thrive on improv and the unconventional.  So, how does one go from that to the precision of paper piecing?  Total opposites?  Maybe it's the precision, or the amazing shapes and designs...either way I have come to love paper piecing.  Putting myself in one category has never been a goal, it's all about creativity in my humble opinion!  

Without further ado, let's check out the blocks, shall we?!

Here we have 'Bow Tie Mania', this 12" block features a combination of purple and light grey. Traditionally pieced, with my fingers crossed every time I make a block for this rainbow vision I have!  I just do not know if it will come together!

Bow Tie Mania - 12"
We have 'Star of Awesome' next.  Paper pieced  12" block.  This one is a favorite of mine. I had extra paper templates left over that I used for one of my Secret Surprise quilts!  

Star of Awesome - 12"
It looks like blue and black, but it isn't!  This one is all about the blues...singing the blues, perhaps!

I'll finish with another paper pieced 12" block, aptly named 'Spider Web'.  I'm good with spider webs, just not the spider part.  Being from Tennessee, I can't help but worry about the infamous Brown Recluse spider!  I won't bother you Mr. Brown Recluse, if you don't bother me! 

Spider Web - 12"
Can you see the end coming?!  I can't wait to get some yellow added to this mix!  


  1. So you had the layout in advance so you could plan your color placement? 'Twould be nice if more QALs were like that. Great job!

    1. The layout and design were set at the beginning of the BOM. It included a coloring sheet of the full quilt which has become invaluable with my vision of the finished quilt.

  2. This is looking amazing! I can see why you live the Star of Awesome - that is a pretty one.

    1. This has been a fun BOM! Usually I'm sick of it by now, but the paper piecing has me hooked. That and the fact that I am anxious to see if my rainbow comes together!

  3. This project looks super fun! And the Stars of Awesome is, well, awesome 😊

  4. Totally agree on the spider part and I think that is my personal favorite of those three blocks.

    BTW I need some cheering on for my Technocolorgalaxy as well. Maybe we need a cheering group (we can't be the only ones)... :)

    1. I'm really surprised I've kept up with the BOM! OMG!! I think there are a lot who need extra motivation and cheering on with the Technicolor Galaxy quilt. The break in between set me back and made me lose interest. It's a design that is worth finishing, one day…(this is where I need motivation)…soon! I hope you are able to get back to it too!

  5. This looks great so far. I love your use of strong saturated colours and really can't wait to see your take on that huge block in the middle - it looks epic!

    1. I'm anxious to get to that big block too! I think it's scheduled for next month, and will be looking forward to tackling that lone!

  6. awesome color sense. Very dynamic

  7. oh my goodness Jayne...this is really going to be so amazing! Love all your blocks this month!

  8. Love it so far. I'm sure your vision will work out and it will be awesome. Nadine Willis

  9. Wow, looks impressive already. Keep the motivation up!

  10. I am in love with this project. Good job staying caught up! But with blocks as gorgeous as these, how could you not :)

  11. It's awesome to see how this is shaping up. It will be an epic quit, for sure. I love the graphic nature of the solids with the sharp precision piecing. Good for you, pushing out of your comfort zone and learning to love paper-piecing.

  12. Wow Jayne! I was liking the individual blocks as I read down your post (especially the fabulous colour mix in your spiderweb, but the diagram that shows how it's all going together makes it clear just how gorgeous the finished thing will be.


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