
Sunday, August 7, 2016

It's Been A Week! Sunday Stash

The past week has been full issues with my forever nemesis...computers!  I have been saving, scrimping and dreaming about having my very first laptop for a long, long time.  It finally happened!  I have my MacBook Pro!  Easy, right?  Don't I wish!  

Anyone who has Mac anything knows you can have all your Apple devices synced up. Well, only if you have updated operating systems!  We decided to update the desktop with the same operating system as the laptop and boy oh boy!  Everything works.  But there are things that don't work the way I want or am use to!  It'll be fine, I know it will!

After computer chaos, I was certainly in the mood for surprises and goodness!  The stars must have aligned when I popped in to Instagram a few days ago, just at the right time.  The Fat Quarter Shop posted a flash sale on Aurifil thread boxes.  

The deal was too good to pass up and after trying half a dozen times, I was able to get my screaming deal!

Could you resist?!  Me either!  The colors are bright and beautiful!  I mean, rainbow heaven!

I also received my Cloud 9 Organic Cirrus Solids for the 2016 New Block Blog Hop.  This will be my third year participating and as always, I look forward to creating a new block showcasing the sponsored fabric.  Along with a block, there is a tutorial that goes with it.  

There will be 60-ish blogs participating, each with a new block and tutorial.  It's so much fun seeing all the creativity!  The hosts are: Yvonne @Quilting Jet Girl, Cheryl @Meadow Mist Designs and Stephanie @Late Night Quilter and, as always they put on a great event!  And let me just say, the Cloud9 fabric is amazing! 

Another fun surprise I received was 12 fat eights of Art Gallery Round Elements.  Gorgeous, right?!

Afton @Quilting Mod threw down a challenge!  Create a finished project using any or all of the fabric and blog about it.  I couldn't resist the challenge and I've got ideas...lots of ideas!  


It's been really nice getting new fabric!  If it isn't for backing, I don't buy.  (not usually!)  I'm working on using what I have.  It isn't easy, it isn't fun.  But it has to be done!  

Lastly, I was thrilled when I received an email with a picture of a quilt using my tutorial for Wonky Blocks.   Usually I squeal like a school girl when I see that one of my patterns or tutorials has been used!  This was no exception!

Sue who blogs @ Quilt Times, was kind enough to share her quilt with me.  I love the colors! The quilting made it even more spectacular!  She shared with me that this quilt will be making its way to South Africa soon!  A charity quilt for the Zoe Project!  I think this quilt will be forever loved and appreciated when it arrives to its new home!  Thank you for sharing this with me Sue!



  1. Hy Jayne! Congratulations to your new laptop! I leanrt to use computer with Mac and it was so easy (imagine how many years ago). Perhaps never get again Mac but it's a dream - enjoy yours! Beautiful fabrics and exciting challenges! x Teje

    1. Computers always give me grief! I know everything will work out, it’ll just take a lot of adjusting! It was a good week of little fabric treats. All of which was needed and welcome!

  2. thats a cute quilt - love those colors. I have been struggle with Windows 10 on my computer, just installed it last week and you have to take photos from your camera in such a different way! ugh I keep getting messed up can't say I'm happy. Good luck with your new computer

    1. Yes, exactly! You are having the same issue I am with photos! It use to be so easy and now I am having to find a way to work around it! Good luck getting it worked out, you’ll get it!

  3. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the new fabrics! Sue had sent me a pic with her cute quilt-I told her now you done it-I want to make another!! I have one in progress, LOL

    1. I was very happy to see Sue’s version of the Wonky Block tutorial! Thanks for having her send it my way! I think it makes for a fun quilt in any color or fabric!

  4. I know you will master the computer changes in no time. Even my recent iPad software update has me scratching my head. We can do it! LOL And oh my, that thread is lovely! I look forward to seeing what you do with it!

    1. Eventually all the ‘devices’ will come together and everything will work like before…maybe even better!! My iPad is so old I haven’t even attempted any syncing with that!! There was a time when all Mac things were easy and fool proof!

  5. Computer problems aside, looks like it was a good week!

    1. What ever happened to plugging something in and it worked?! Awww….the good old days!

  6. Those threads look yummy! And that Cloud 9 bundle looks so soft and inviting. Lucky lady!

    1. The thread deal was just too good to pass up! I’ve never seen it so cheap, which made me have to get it! The Cloud9 fabric is really gorgeous. From the colors to the feel…I can’t wait to cut in to it!

  7. There will definitely be more wonkiness in my future, maybe for me this time. Thanks for a great tutorial Jayne.

  8. Congrats on the new laptop. I hope you figure out your woes soon. Such wonderful fabric. I got my Cloud 9 fabric as well, but don't have a vision yet. Yikes!

  9. I love your Wonky Quilt pattern! I went and got your tutorial and I'm going to try it. Thank you for sharing it. Hugs,

  10. Gorgeous threads! Is that Cloud 9 bundle as soft as it looks?

  11. Congrats on the new computer! I wanted so bad to participate in Afton's challenge, but didn't think I had the time. Can't wait to see what you create! the Berry Harvest bundle is beautiful!

  12. Love the colours of the Cloud 9 solids. So yummy!

  13. It isn't just you! 2 days after "lessons" in Open Office, from my friend, our laptop went black! Grr...had only been waiting for those lessons for a year!! Can't wait to see what becomes of your new goodies!

  14. Lots of pretties and yummies today :) Enjoy!


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