
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Round Peg ~ Square Hole

I was drawn in by the colors.  The muted tones, the subtle shades.  Shot cottons, Peppered Cottons and Moda Cross Weave ... the weft & warp, nothing can compare!  With little or no plan at the outset, I quickly became inspired by a simple stack of fabric.  

In a weird way, the combination of colors remind me of being in a dense fog.  Where visibility is obscured but you can just make out shapes.  This quilt is a little less hazardous than fog, thankfully!
Round Peg ~ Square Hole
30 1/2" x 39 1/2"

If the colors weren't enough, I wanted to work in a little Raw Edge Weaving.  I saved the scraps from my 'Inspire' quilt, knowing full well they would be perfect for another weaving project.  These were wider than my first weaving project (Raw I), yet perfect for the idea I had in mind.

The wider strips made it much easier to weave and naturally, the finished piece was bigger which gave me more to work with.  Endless possibilities as they say.  

All those squares...may as well go round!  Six Minute circle to the rescue!  The weave circle is 4" across, which allowed me go bigger with the outside.  

I like things perfect and precise.  I also like things organic and seemingly chaotic.  Raw edge weave and the six minute circle combine both in the most perfect way! 

The small circles took care of every last piece of fabric, which is good!  Good that there aren't scraps left over.  Good that there wasn't more fabric or I would have/could have gone overboard!  

The quilting was a pure joy!  With grid work in the raw edge weave circles and carrying the 'wonky' of the circles around each of the three center blocks.  The rest of the quilting was organic or natural.  I love that term, you've probably guessed that by now.  Lines from side to side with the occasional bump.

I'm not sure what the color of this backing is.  A cross between taupe and grey, I think.  It may even be a sateen, but I cannot be sure because I haven't a clue where it came from! All I know is the color was a perfect match to the colors on the front!

Little bundles are the best!  After washing, this quilt was so soft and supple!  The combination of the shot cotton and the mystery backing is seemingly the right combination.

Besides more raw edge weave, more six minute circles, I also have more matched binding work!  Enough already!!!  Just a little bit on the bottom.

Lately I have seen several posts from other bloggers about naming their quilts.  Do you name your quilts?  I try, and I try to be clever coming up with just the perfect name.  But it's hard!  Instead of being clever this time, I'm going with Round Peg ~ Square Hole.  How's that for literal?! 

This quote from Steve Jobs says it all:

"Here's to the crazy ones, 
the misfits, the rebels,
the trouble makers, 
the round pegs in the square holes..."

While this describes so many people, it seems quite appropriate in describing quilters too!



  1. These colors are beautiful as is this quilt.

  2. Wow ! I love this colour combination and the design of your quilt.

  3. I started to name my quilts a long time ago but most of the time years ago it was just the name of the quilt block or name the designer had given it - then it evolved to me giving my own name to the quilt for the heck of it - a few never get a name though and I know a lot of people do not name their quilts. Your quilt is very interesting - am not a "modern" quilt but I do love the look of a lot of them and this one is great I like the wavy lines you quilted too and the weaving is unique

  4. I love how you combined the raw edge weaving with the circles, brilliant. I'm always impressed with what you come up with, Jayne. Have you ever thought about having your own trunk show? I really think you should.

  5. Love it Jayne! I usually try to come up with clever names for all my quilts too. Sometimes they're just cheesy - but that's ok by me.

  6. So cool how you used your weaving again!! And your quilting just makes it for me...

  7. it's awesome. I'm terrible at naming quilts (hey my kids are lucky they got names!) Round peg in square hole is perfect

  8. Haha totally describes quilters! I love the texture on this. Washing quilts makes everything even better!

  9. Love the colors and the quilting makes it all come together. Nicely done. Nadine W. in Northern Cali.

  10. You are right about the fog... reminds me of street lights showing in the distance of a foggy / misty morning. What lovely colors and a work of art. I will have to check out the weaving...fascinating! :)

  11. Such a fugly quilt. If I squint hard, it looks like I am staring out of the circular windows on a ship and looking at shimmering waves on the horizon. See, my description is so much more romantic than the dull grey of the quilt. Seriously, get rid of it. Don't you have my address?

  12. I love all the negative space in this one, Jayne. And the way the muted palette emphasizes the weaving is a delight. I am imagining how soft and supple this must be... :)

  13. Just gorgeous - would never have chosen those colours myself but they are wonderful - as is the weaving!

  14. This is gorgeous! Absolutely beautiful ♥

  15. I love your idea of texture to this quilt. Thanks for giving me inspiration to quilt more modern.


  17. Your color choices are spot on. Another inventive and creative finish Jayne!

  18. This quilt is amazing! The colors! The piecing! The quilting! I love it all! :D

  19. Absolutely amazing! I've only been following you for a very short time but, my goodness, every time I get one of your blog emails, I'm so incredibly impressed and inspired...and in awe. WOW.

  20. And your quilt name is JUST PERFECT.

  21. REally interesting color combo..the more I look at it the more I like it! :) weaving is tres cool.

  22. you're soo cool. How do you get it all done?

  23. Love this quilt!! From the colours to the natural waves, just awesome! I've been going over your pictures to figure out what colour thread you used? Mind sharing?!

  24. You continue to amaze me with your creativity. This is a great project.

  25. Very cool. I don't name my quilts but I've noticed a lot of quilters do. I like the name you chose. Very appropriate.

  26. Beautiful; the combination of circles, your weaving and your quilting makes this one of the most original quilt designs I've seen in ages.

  27. So different ... in a good way. That's why I like it ... I've never seen something like this before, nor is it something I would have ever come up with myself. Beautiful and original. :)

  28. You are incredible! Gorgeous quilt.

  29. Wow, Jayne, this is fantastic. Love the weave details. The colours are fabulous too. Wow!

  30. I absolutely adore the soft subtle colouring of this quilt! You have nailed this! What is the main colour?

  31. Beautiful, subtle colours; I love them. There's something particularly satisfying about working with shot cottons, isn't there - an extra layer of interest and depth. The inclusion of the woven centres is very clever, and the perfect contrast to your circles. Nice work!

  32. Another winner Jayne. I just have to try your six minute circles, especially as I am about to finish my circles quilt top. The only problem is I have committed not to start anything else this year. Have to wait until January 1st.

  33. Wow. This is beautiful. I think i say the same about all of your quilts! You really are extaordinarily talented

  34. That is such a gorgeous quilt - I've been watching it on Instagram and marveling at it! Whoop whoop for a fabulous finish!!

  35. I'm just always amazed by your work. It's lovely and makes me want to make one too. I guess they say that imitation is the greatest form of flattery right. Truly you are inspiring.

  36. I just love the colors in this quilt. So much texture.


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