
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Shape Family Challenge ~ A Pillow!

I've been anxiously awaiting this finish!  It all started with an envelope of shapes and a little imagination!  The Shape Family Design Challenge is being hosted by Jodi @Tales Of Cloth and it couldn't have come at a better time for me.  I was in need of a EPP project and this one struck my fancy! 

The Hexie Shape Family packet  made it so easy to come up with designs.  All the pieces work together and there is no end to the possibilities!  
20" x 20"
The shapes went together easily and semi-quick.  You know how hand sewing is, slow and steady.  The design was always destined to be a new pillow for my couch. The center was the perfect size and let's be's Anna Maria Horner fabric!

The background is two different shades of grey, Kona Silver and Kona Shadow.  After deliberating for a good while, I decided a neutral would put all the attention on the center...the center of attention!

After the extra row of hexies and squares, I still needed to fill out the corners.  I ended up making a large corner piece based on a hexagon.  It was a weird shape, but worked perfectly.

As you can see I went with hand quilting and machine quilting.  I love the combination. Geometric, orange peel and big stitches, what's not to love?

You can see the quilting better on the back.  I stitched in the ditch around each interlocking circle, ditch stitching...not my favorite thing to do!

One of my favorite photos... 

...and my favorite way to finish my pillows.  The good old hidden zipper!  Here is a great tutorial I use all the time:  s.o.t.a.k Handmade ~  Hidden Zipper.  

Surprise, surprise!  I found another WIP my daughter started and 'gifted' to me.  Back story: Britt use to quilt and had many projects in various stages.  We shuffled and moved them around until I had enough!  Over the years I have picked up where she left off and finished a few of her projects.  

So, while in the middle of my EPP, I found one of her EPP's!  Perfect timing?  Divine intervention?  I don't know, I do know it's hexies, it's Anna Maria Horner and it was mostly finished!

20" x 20"
I added half a dozen linen hexies to increase the size and done!  Took me long enough to finish her WIP!

I kept the quilting simple opting for triangles.  It's so easy to achieve with straight lines!

In case you are wondering, the scarf used as my photo prop, was a birthday gift from Britt. Dare I say I can't wait for cooler weather so I can wear it? The color is amazing and the 'dingle balls', one of my favorite accessories!

That drab couch at least has a little pizazz now!  For someone who loves bold and bright, my decorating is sorely lacking in that department!

The Shape Family Design Challenge Link Up ends the 30th. On October 1st, viewers can vote on their three favorites and a winner for the grand prize will be crowned!  Prize...oh yeah!  85 fat eights, Aurifil thread, more EPP templates!  So, if you feel like checking out the entries and voting, you can do it here:  Shape Family Design Challenge!


@talesofcloth and #shapefamilychallenge and #talesofclothEPP


  1. I love the design and fabrics, EPP always make me happy and these colours and patterns go together so well. x

  2. Wonderful Pillows Jayne. Good luck in the contest =)

    1. I was so happy when I came across this challenge! I was in need of a new EPP project!

  3. It's gorgeous Jayne ! I love this pillow. It makes me want to try EPP ;-)

    1. One day you will try EPP! I think the stars have to align just right before you take the leap…at least they did for me. It wasn’t something I ever wanted to do, until I did it!

  4. That's a happy looking couch! Both are gorgeous.

  5. Lovely cushion or should I say cushions!! The recent finish is a great use of colour and fabric and looks right at home with the other cushions. Our sofa is neutral so I really should make up some cushions aswell.

  6. I love the colors in the pillow and that scarf looks like it is going to be divine to wear in cooler weather (and matches so perfectly!). I love the photo of all the happy pillows lined up on your sofa. And what a great time to finish up your daughter's WIP, too. Do you have any idea how many of her projects you still have around to work on?

    1. I’m not looking forward to cooler weather, but I am looking forward to wearing the scarf! I don’t know why I didn’t change the pillows years ago!! It’s funny, my daughters WIP keep appearing! I think I have one more that I know of! One of these days, it to shall be finished!!

  7. These two pillows are wonderful additions for Hazel and her man and look great on your couch. I love how you used machine stitching and hand stitching for the quilting, you are creating some pretty awesome textures.

  8. As always, your end result is beautiful. This pillow really has a WOW factor that you can't ignore!! Beautifully done, and I love your mix and hand and machine quilting. Oh yeah.

  9. Jayne, I admire your ability to put colors together. The results are always striking. Gorgeous finishes.

  10. Lovely fabrics for your project, thanks for the pointing us in the direction of the challenge.

  11. I really liked the piece when you were making it. The pillow looks really wonderful, and the other pillow is a perfect match. Well done, Jayne!


  12. I love your pillows! All of them!! I am just in the middle of making pillows for my sisters out of my Dad's old work jeans. I have been a little wishy washy about the closure, but seeing your favorite way to do the closure sealed the deal for me. I just have to go get a couple of zippers! Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. Both pillows are so pretty, but my favorite part - the photo prop of the scarf! I noticed it right away, wondering if it was a table runner but a scarf is even better!

  14. Beautiful finish Jayne. Your fussy cutting is perfect and your color choices are yummy. You now have a great collection of pillows to enjoy!

  15. Both of these pillows are beautiful. How can they not be with those yummy fabrics?!!! And they look right at home with the cute hedgehog pillows. What a beautiful and inviting line up!

    1. It’s all about the fabric in these! It was the perfect fussy cutting fabric and I was certainly influenced and inspired by the colors!

  16. What a great challenge - I hadn't come across the Shape Family before, but am so tempted - maybe another year! Your pillows are just lovely, of course. :-)

  17. Jayne, your pillow looks fantastic!?! Well, with such great AMH fabrics in the mix, you were sure for a big win. I love them mixed in with your hedgehogs! Great epp project!

  18. I love making pillows and yours are just divine!

  19. Wow, what a magnificent project. It reminds me a lot of a kaleidoscope. And I love how you finished this into a pillow cover. I'm never too sure, what to use EPP projects for as I don't really like applicating things, I might give this a try.

  20. Oh my....I want one of these packets. Your pillow is amazing! I think I could get on board with EPP knowing I was making something so stunning.

  21. Gorgeous! What a beautiful pillow and all of that hand stitching is wonderful!

  22. Hi Jayne! Happy pillows! I love your 'brave' colours in your 'shapefamily' pillow and the happy colours on your daughter's wip! I'm now so IN these epp shapes as just today received my packet. I'm so late for the shallenge but that was the thing that finally made me realize that, hey I can alos order those. It took on month to arrive but now I can't wait to start playing! x Teje


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