
Monday, October 31, 2016

Finishing Mini Mini WIP's :: And Thank You!

How often do you dread something so much that you put it off as often and as long as you can?  I do it all the time.  Stick my head in the sand and maybe it will go away.  But it doesn't.  We end up having to deal with it only to find that it wasn't as bad as we thought it would be!  

That would be me getting my wisdom teeth out!  The anticipation, the unknown, the stress...was...all...for...nothing!  The procedure took about 20 minutes from start to finish. The pain hasn't been nearly as bad as I thought it would be and seriously, I only got one milk shake out of the deal!  

I'd like to say thank you to everyone who wished me well and made the entire process a little less distasteful!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Since I wasn't as out of it as I thought I would be, I decided to finish a couple little projects that have been hanging around waiting for my undivided attention.  

6" X 6"
When I say little, I really mean Mini Mini!  This version of my 'Star Thistle' block finished at 6" square.  It needed quilting and of course dot to dot was the way to go.  

I've been without my big machine for just over a week, as it's in for a long over due deep cleaning.  It's usually the one I use for quilting, but with little pieces like this I can use my small machine.  

It does an acceptable job and I'm so glad I have a back up machine!

Another mini block that has 'hung' around on the old design wall is this little heart.

4 3/4" 
The apricot/cantaloupe/orange/tangerine/peach colors are pretty scraps that should always be used juicy good!

Grid quilting is always amazing, but tiny, tiny grid quilting is a amazing plus one!

Up close and personal quilt porn...which I haven't explored in what seems like a very, very long time!

Can you believe it's the end of October already?  Yikes!  You know what that means, don't you?!  Power gift making starts for those of us who put it off until the last minute!  What's on your list to make...I might be looking for ideas!

And...I have an idea!  But I can't really say anything about it just'll be'll be for you!  I love the Holidays!



  1. The mini mini us darling! I'm m so glad your experience was not as bad as you thought. I've always been thankful my wisdom teeth never developed!

  2. I looove your Mini Star Thistle ♥

    1. I have to say I love the Star Thistle block and enjoyed making this mini mini version of it!

  3. The Star Thistle is stunning. x

  4. Speaking of dreading...I dread coming to your blog to discover that you have written seven posts while I was blowing my nose.
    Juicy is the best description indeed, not just of that color combo, but also your work. Full of creativity, color and inspiration. Ok, now I have to go read the other 6.

    1. No kidding Preeti, Jayne is fast as lightening with projects, finishes and posting. Maybe not so fast with wisdom teeth extractions but still. :-)

  5. Hello Jayne! I just found your blog on Karen's blog, 'Quilts...etc.', and have really enjoyed looking at your work, beautiful plain colours and combinations coupled with obvious skill! I just wondered if you had ever done a tutorial for your pot holders, the basic materials and how you put it all together.
    Well, hope your day is a lovely one, it's misty and chilly here in Bristol, UK.
    K x

    1. I’m usually all over the place with things I make…modern, improv, traditional! I don’t think anything should be off limits! I actually never thought about doing a tutorial for pot holders. I like the idea and think its a great idea! Thank you for the suggestion and hopefully I can get going on one for all the holiday gift making that will be in full swing soon!

  6. Glad you are on the mend. I am one that blows those kinds of things out of proportion and fret and fret over getting it done. You are right it wasn't all that bad in the end. But then I was totally out for the whole thing. But the nerves going in that morning were a killer!!! I love your new mini finish.

  7. so glad your dental experience didn't turn out as bad as you thought it would be - of course it is because you are a woman though you know that it wasn't as bad as it could have been- I have found that most of us can tolerate pain so much better than a man - hubby had to have dental work done which included a tooth pulled and bridge work - you would have thought he had given birth the way he carried on LOL == I love your pot holders of course and wonder what size do you normally make them?

    1. I’ve always had a high threshold of pain, but what I don’t like is the not knowing exactly what the deal is!! Men tend to be …dare I say ‘wimps' when it comes to things like that! Look at when they get sick! A common cold! My husband is pretty healthy, but catch a cold and he reverts to being a child again! Imagine if they could have babies!

      Sometimes my design for pot holders dictate the size I make them. Usually I go around 8 1/2” to 9”. It seems like a good size to me. I had one of your blog visitors check out my blog and she wondered if I ever thought about doing a tutorial for them. I think I may just do that!

  8. Happy Halloween - the last mini quilt looks like a delicious pumpkin pie to me! LOL I'm glad that the wisdom teeth removal went so much better than anticipated. I have a few quilts to finish in time to gift for the holidays, but by and large holiday shopping is already done (and gifted) for me.

  9. Ah, now you can happily check that one off of your list. Happy to hear it wasn't a big deal. Lovely little finishes Jayne.

    1. It is always nice to finish off projects that have been hanging around for a while! Even mini mini ones like these!

  10. Love the mini mini thistle, in my favorite teal colors! So glad your surgery went well. I'm gearing up for some gift sewing - but other than my son's twin size quilt, the rest will be small stocking stuffers.

  11. Hooray for easy dental work! Your minis are super cute. My only Christmas project is a lap quilt that is pieced and basted, just waiting for me to decide how to quilt it.

  12. Such lovely mini quilts Jayne ! I love your tiny grid quilting.

  13. So glad your procedure wasn't so bad after all. If getting your wisdom teeth out makes you capable of such neat projects, I want some of that--oh wait, I already had my wisdom teeth removed. I usually make Christmas ornaments this time of year. Haven't started yet, though

  14. Beautiful little finishes Jayne. I'm glad the tooth surgery went better than you thought.

  15. Your little star quilt is gorgeous! And I just love the quilting on the heart quilt.

  16. Your mini star is just perfect!

  17. Poor you the dentist , mind you the minis are beautiful

  18. I love the holidays too! Both minis are adorable. Way to quilt the heck out of them!

  19. Glad to hear you are on the mend. Too bad you only got one milkshake. LOL I love mini Star Thistle. I've got the pattern on my cutting table but haven't found time to make it yet.

  20. Both minis turned out beautifully!

  21. Can't say that I blame you about the wisdom teeth. Also, I have some unsolicited advice. I had braces, and then got my wisdom teeth out. My teeth shifted all over because of it, and I ended up getting a retainer for night to stop further shifting. I really wish I had been instructed to get a retainer before my teeth shifted instead of after the damage was done. You might check to see if this could happen to you too. Not to discourage you any further...On a happier note, your minis are wonderful. I love those melon-fruit colors in the second one!

  22. Beautiful mini quilt Jayne and I've been there with the wisdom teeth....wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.


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