
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Pleasure In Scraps

There is pleasure in scraps.  Scraps can be anything from funky shapes to half square triangles to strips of fabric.  If you try to define what a scrap is you would most likely get half a dozen different definitions from half a dozen different people.  And frankly, it doesn't matter.  I'm a scrap lover through and through!

19 1/2" x 19 1/2"
I can't remember where these scraps came from or what I was working on that I had a stack of triangle-ish pieces, but I sure was motivated to see what I could put together with them! 

The colors were dreamy...they worked together for me.  Each piece could easily have been a funky triangle, but I opted to make improv diamonds instead.  All different sizes, all with a different 'wonk' about it.  Piece by piece, section by section.

I know there are many people who don't feel they can 'let go' and ride out the process of improv.  I totally get that!  I feel that way about putting together a quilt with quote unquote 'traditional' blocks.  And I even feel that way when it comes to quilting a quilt.  

This one I kept adding and taking away.  This looks good here, this not so much!  I knew this piece had a center and needed a border of some sort.  Something that would enhance the overall piece.  

When I settled on the triangles, I had to decide the orientation.  Should they all point out or should they point in?!  I fiddled with it on the design wall until I decided some will be in some will be out, and the rest would point up!  Play with it!!

Here is just a few of the perfect colors for quilting!  Aurifil must have every color in the world, all of which I wish I had.   The triangles and diamonds were color coordinated with thread and I kept the lines straight.  I didn't use a ruler, instead I used my dual feed for the guide.  

I decided I may as well go with Free Motion Quilting for the rest of the quilt.  I won't even pretend I nailed it!!  But the effect was what I wanted in the end.

It's a rare day when I know exactly how I want to quilt a project.  I admire anyone who looks at a section or a quilt and knows precisely what it needs!  If there is a secret...I'll pay you to tell me!

I don't now about anyone else, but this time of year it is so hard to find the exact right time to take pictures outside!  Where the morning use to be perfect, it isn't now.  Evening photos have to be in the magic '15 minute' time slot, that of course changes from day to day!  

Figuring out what to do with scraps, fabric bundles or a super duper special stack of your favorite in the whole entire world hard!  I can improv this and that just fine, especially with scraps.  It's the 'normal' things I struggle with!!  



  1. I had to smile when I saw this...I just made a bunch of wonky HRts out of are so one step ahead of me...I have some ideas now what to do with them:)

    1. I can’t wait to see what you do with them Sarah! I’m a firm believer that there is no right or wrong way with improv!

  2. Love that you just let go and created. Looks great. Thanks for talking about the process.

    1. We all have our areas of comfort. Mine is improv!

  3. I love it! It's a beautiful quilt!

  4. Thanks for the improv....these kinds of posts are interesting to me at the moment as I want to make 2017 they year I try to figure out improv!

    1. I hope you give improv a chance next year. It’s a good technique to have in your tool box!

  5. I think there is no big secret to quilting. It just takes practice like everything else. And perhaps embracing the knowledge of what you are good at and letting go of the need for perfection. But I am guessing you already know that. :)

    1. I think other than confidence…there isn’t a secret to quilting! That alone is or can be enough to stop some in their tracks. Me!

  6. I think you are brave to just cut and try and cut again. And the result is just WOW.

  7. This is such a fun quilt, Jayne! I'm definitely one of those who can't just let go with improv, but I like seeing what others create with it. Getting decent outdoor pictures is almost impossible here right now. What with the incredibly short days and the ugly, grey weather, it's just not working. Here's hoping I can find some sunshine over the weekend :)

    1. This time of year and pictures…nearly impossible! You have to wait for the ‘magic’ moment!

  8. scraps are fun, life is mysterious.

  9. I'm always somewhere else when that magic moment strikes!
    Love your improv. This is the second post I have read to day on that subject. I think the blogging world is trying to tell me something!

  10. Very nice! I'm a big fan of blues and purples, and your soft grays for the background work wonderfully. I think you nailed it with the quilting, too!

    I've never attempted this sort of free pieced improv, it looks fun!

  11. I always love reading your posts but I have to restrain myself and not head to my sewing room to start something new. Wonderful job turning a pile of scraps into something beautiful!

  12. Hi Jayne! I love this! Great play of scraps and colours! Your quilting is super! I don't know if I could make a quilt without scraps leading me. Or perhaps I could like for example the diamond quilt I'm starting with jelly roll. But scraps and colours give me inspiration! Happy weekend! x Teje

    1. Scraps play a big role in our quilting story! There is so much fun and inspiration in a pile of color!

  13. You are truly genius with your improv scrap creations Jayne! This might be my most favorite!

  14. always. Your creative eye looks at the pile of scraps and sees so much more. Did you name it yet? Fragments or glass shards or the broken dreams of an ice princess. You play with scraps, I'll play with words :-)

  15. I love scraps too! They pile up in buckets and I rarely do anything with them! lol Great use and great colors!

  16. I love the quilt Jayne and I'm with you on finding a good time to take photos outside. It's either dark or too light or raining.

  17. Maybe you should cut all your fabric into scrap sized bits! I like the colours in this and as usual I totally love the picture of the quilting from the back.

  18. I've yet to find the secret too but as Yvonne says here maybe it's practice and I don't practice enough . I've never quilted with rulers . I love your improv quilt and I love the blend of colours

  19. As with so many of the other comments, it's the dreaded "P" word -- practice. Improv takes practice. Practice letting go, practice listening to what the fabric wants to do. Quilting takes practice. Ah, if only there was more time in the day to practice. One thing that I have noticed about your work that I think makes it easier is that all of your scraps are solids. You don't have to fight with competing prints in addition to everything else. Maybe that's my roadblock.

  20. Beautiful! I love the arrangement and the quilting. The background quilting almost gives a crackle like appearance, very cool.

  21. What a great improv piece. Love the colours.

  22. This is very cool. Love the colors and spikiness, I have a bunch of scraps waiting for some improv inspiration


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