
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Surprise :: Secret Sewing

In case you thought I have been slacking, alas that is not the case!  I have been feverishly creating, quilting some secrets, quilting some gifts and just plain quilting!

I have one project that (well two) I am not at liberty to share right now.  I promise I will soon and hopefully have a little giveaway associated with it.  When I started this project I ended up making two versions.  Two variations are better than none!  

I worked through the design and eventually I did settle on the one but then was left with a spare. What to do, what to do!  Then it hit me!  Another secret surprise gift for some unsuspecting person!  I've done this a couple times this year and vowed to continue doing so when time allowed.  I love surprising people!  It's my way of appreciating, thanking and giving back in some small way.

I wish I could show you the entire piece of this one and the other one...but I just can't!! Boo! If you follow me regularly, you may have an idea where this is going!

This one has been sent off to the 'unsuspecting' person, who has received it.  I think it's safe to say they were surprised and then some!  So much so I received a phone call from them! Now the tables were turned...I was surprised and delighted!  That I never expected, never. We had a wonderful conversation full of laughter.  I felt like I was the one who received a special secret gift...and in a way I did!

I don't expect to be surprised back!  My mission, if you want to call it that, is to brighten someones day in an unexpected way and put a smile on their face.  Plain and simple. 

You might be thinking why share if you can't really share the entire piece?!  First, I don't often get the opportunity to do this kind of secret and it's frankly exciting!  

Second, I wanted needed to write a post that wouldn't cause controversy like my previous one.  I was literally horrified and saddened.  The vitriol was something I had never encountered ever...on my blog or in real life.  I choose to stop comments and remove much of the content because of it.  I caved and became silent.  I want to thank all of you who commented in support and understood.  We should all be thankful.


  1. Secret sewing is hard on me! But yay for surprising someone special.
    Also I'm so disappointed about the negativity - yikes! I'm so sorry!

    1. It’s awful holding a secret! Hopefully I can share the news soon! There will always be people who can’t hold there tongue!

  2. Making surprise presents is a wonderful idea, everyone likes to be appreciated and surprise gifts for no reason at all except to make a person happy is a lovely way to show a person you care. x

  3. The piece you show looks exiting. Lovely idea to surprise someone with such beautiful gifts. Sorry to hear about the comments on your last post.

  4. when you love sharing its hard to keep it a project to yourself. Sorry you had a rough time with comments, as a blogger I dread that having seen it happen a few times in quilty spaces.

    1. Just a little bit longer and I can share the project and the good news! At first I was going to let the comments stand, people have the right to their opinions. After a couple days I saw how it was going from bad to worse and chose to remove the negativity.

  5. I'm glad your surprise was so well received.

  6. Sorry about the awful comments. I thought your previous post was wonderful.

    1. Thank you so much Janelle for the support. I guess I could say ‘lesson learned’ from the previous post. I’ll be a little more careful with my words and thoughts after this!

  7. I wasn't offended by your post and hate that it happens sometimes that people get carried away with their comments - I guess that is why most of us quilt bloggers tend to stay with quilting/travel/reading/&family! and away from politics - just like family gatherings politics and religion can be touchy subjects! Love your projects!!

    1. I never meant to offend anyone and honestly didn’t think the post was ‘politically charged’. I’ve always stayed away from that subject on my blog…I know all too well how out of control those topics can become!

  8. I loved your last post, and I'm really sorry you had to endure negative comments from such thoughtless people. My mother used to tell me "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". More people should heed that message. Meanwhile, I've downloaded the pattern from Craftsy and intend to make it soon.

    1. Believe me that saying popped in to my head on more than one occasion. While some of us may know how this, there are some who don’t! Thank you for the support on the post and support of the meaning!

  9. I love what you are doing to surprise someone, I have done that before and it is such a warm fuzzy feeling when they get it and love it and let you know it!

  10. Love and support your way! We love your blog, your posts, your talents. Lots of love still out there. Shame on anyone for being hateful. Life is too short for that.

    1. While there were a few who’s comments were awful and basically ruined it for me, there were many more comments that were full of good vibes and understanding!

  11. Hugs to you for that post. Sorry you had to deal with negativity. There's too much of that already.

  12. I am so sorry to hear that the last post was received in any other way than with an open heart and mind. Hugs to you and I am so glad the recipient of this was touched and in turned reached out so nicely to you.

  13. Secret surprises are the best! Doing multiple secret projects at once is hard, especially when you want so badly to share what you are doing with your readers. I personally love the sneak peeks. It shows some very creative and beautiful photography that we don't see with full quilts sometimes. :)

  14. I was really warmed by your comment and I'm so sad that you got attacked. Kindness is so important in our world, and your post was thoughtful and kind. All the best.

  15. I sent off two secret surprise quilts this week, and one recipient has already enthusiastically gotten hers. Made me feel soooooo good! I'll be sharing pictures of the quilt with her cats on it soon on my blog :)

    I'm actually glad that you decided to remove the negative comments from your blog. We quilt bloggers are under no obligation to provide a completely uncensored space. I view blogs as if I've been invited into your sewing studio to look at your projects. If I'm unpleasant, you can ask me to leave or never invite me back, right? This is YOUR space and you can do what you wish here! You're also doing us, your regular visitors and commenters, a favor by clearing out the rubbish. If I invited you for coffee and another guest was angry and unpleasant, you'd hesitate to accept my invitation again, right? You're a good hostess, and I always enjoy visiting you here :)

  16. I had to go back to your last post to see what on earth could have caused such negativity. And I still don't understand. I loved what you created. And I can't imagine why anyone would have anything negative to say about it or your post about it. As for your secret sewing, I can't wait to see the full project!

  17. Hi, Jayne! I've been a follower for awhile and always adore your sensibility regarding life and quilting. I rushed over to Craftsy and downloaded the safety pin to make my own version, and I love and adore that you did this project. You're a true humanitarian and can always feel warmed to your core that your heart is in the right place and most of us see that. I love this latest project! You are coolness personified! xoxoxox

    In admiration,

  18. you a slacker?? Bwaaahahahahahahaha You are the role model of accomplishment!

    as to the comments. Lost free speech will be the worst thing that happens after this. (Intimidation used to silence us) I hope you don't need to erase my comment but understand if you must. You want peace, and so do I. Our blogs are our self expression.

  19. I want to shout it from the mountain tops. It is me. I am the one who is so loved. I am the recipient of the surprise sewing project. And it is the BEST GIFT EVER!!!
    One time Paul surprised me with a very expensive necklace+matching earrings for Christmas...only because I had oohed at the page in the Smithsonian catalogue. But he did not make it (insert rolling eyes emoji here). And I wear it once a year.
    This personalized gift is in my sewing room/studio where I enjoy it every day!!! I am so awestruck. Still!!! Love you Jayne!!!
    Sending big hugs to protect you from all the nasty comments.

  20. Just lovely cannot wait to see the whole thing. As I already old you ,I luv your work!!

  21. If this is the surprise I'm pretty sure I read about, WOWZERS!!! This was an incredibly sweet thing for you to do and for an incredibly sweet person :)


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