
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Planning My 2017 ~ It Isn't Easy!

Here we are at the end of another year!  It seems that every year flies by faster than the previous one.  In a blink of an eye we are ushering out the old and welcoming in the new.

That means it must be time to reflect, plan and start with a fresh slate for 2017!  If I didn't blog I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be as organized as I am.  Which in reality doesn't seem that organized!  It also means I'm able to go back through 2016 and revisit what it was all about.

A good way to start the New Year off on the right foot, joining in the 2017 Planning Party hosted by Yvonne @Quilting Jet Girl.   

Last year started with the use of my first quilting planner.  The 2016 Quilter's Planner was helpful to me, yet I wasn't as consistent as I wanted to be about making use of it.  This year with the 2017 Quilter's Planner, I will give it another go and try harder to keep up with each month.  

2016 was my year to try new things!  New techniques, new ideas, new avenues.  And if I could squeeze a lot of quilting in between...all the better!  What did I learn?  What did I try? I'm glad you asked! 

Knife Edge Binding
Mitered Corners 

Knife edge binding is another way to finish off a quilt instead of the tried and true binding method. I've only done it once...but I did it!  

Mitered corners was something I tackled because of the quilt, not so much because I wanted to do it!  I think it will take a lot more practice on my part.  I also did my first fancy flanged binding!

Spray Basting
Glue Basting

It's hard to with all the years of quilting under my belt that I had never tried spray basting!  In truth, I only spray baste small pieces even now!  

Glue basting turned out to be one technique I loved!  Especially with the curves of a drunkard path block.  I most certainly will use it often!

Raw Edge Weaving
Six Minute Circle

I had seen so many amazing things being made by weaving fabric on Instagram, that one day I went off the deep end and grabbed my bowl of 'shavings' to try weaving my way.  Raw edge weaving has made it in to a couple projects so far, with several more in the works.

The six minute circle changed my life!  Dramatic!  I had so much fun making all kinds of circles using this method.  I love making circles where I don't have to match up seams!

Faux Trapunto
Hand Quilting
Much like English Paper Piecing, I could never understand why anyone would hand quilt!! And just like EPP I was immediately obsessed with it once I tried it.  I've since done a few other pieces and hope to add that to the 2017 line up!

Hands down my most inventive moment of quilting this year was my Faux Trapunto experiment. I've since taken it to another level, trying a few things here and there.  It will make many more appearances both on my blog and ... in publication!

Pixie Ghost

A pixelated quilt had been on my bucket list, although I was thinking much bigger than this little ghost!  I used the interfacing method because of the size of squares I used.  I have mixed feelings about this method.  But I tried it...I tried!

Star Thistle

And the proudest achievement of 2016 for me?  This will come as no surprise I'm sure! Star Thistle.  It was my first paper pieced pattern/design.  It was also the reason I opened a pattern shop on Craftsy.  Both huge milestones for me!  I have another pattern ready to add to Craftsy, but think I'll hold off until after the Holidays.  That being said...if anyone has any time to test it between now let me know!  It's a basic, simple pattern.  
What are my plans for this next year?  What are my goals?  What are my resolutions? Much like every year, I try to layout what I want my year to look like.  And much like every year, well made plans change constantly.  It isn't easy for me to make and stick with anything! 

I want to be more organized.  From quilting to life.  Pretty broad, right?!  If I can be a little more organized that the year before, that would be a success for me.

Patterns.  Yikes!  This is one I say every year and one goal I can't say I really have accomplished to my satisfaction.  I get very frustrated and freaked out about writing patterns.  Confidence building is ongoing especially in that department!

I would love to do more tutorials!  If I could do half a dozen, I'd be happy!

I need to start taking care of me!  Selfish me!  With each year that goes by, there is this thing that happens...aging!  Yup!  I said it...I ain't getting any younger!  From mind, body and health, it needs a little (or a lot) more tender loving care than it use to!

It would also be in my best interest to 'get out' more.  I'm not a social butterfly at all!  I'm content to stay at home in my cocoon.  I'm not sure what this will look like, maybe take some classes, take a hike, or take a drive.  It might even mean that I need to work on and build better relationships with the people I already know on-line and in person.  I always feel like I'm not as outgoing as I should be or would like to be.  

The biggest goal is simply to quilt, learn and explore.  Test the boundries, push the envelope.  Quilt from the heart.  Do me, do the best me and do me proud.  

Which is what I wish for all of you!  Do your best, do what makes you happy!



  1. Nice to revisit what you accomplished during the year Jayne. You tried so many new things ! I'm looking forward to reading about your future projects.
    I'd be happy to test your pattern.

  2. I think you are very organised Jayne, you must be, your workflow is so high, you accomplish so much, and your blog is always so interesting. I have followed you for a couple of years now and look forward to seeing what you do next year.

    1. Organizing does not come easy to me, but I try! I’m more of a spur of the moment kind of girl! When an idea hits, I go with it!

  3. I do love the way you are always experimenting and learning new techniques, something I really plan to do in 2017, with much inspiration from you, no doubt! Have a wonderful Christmas and a very creative New Year! xx

    1. It has been a great year! I love our quilting community! I met one goal this year of trying new things. I think everyone should try something new, you may like it or not, but you won’t know until you try!

  4. always good to experiment with our quilting. I do not set goals like you do though as I have so many projects I am working on, I just try to keep on finishing things and make more new

  5. Your 2016 was so. Much. Fun!! I have thoroughly enjoyed tagging along as you insatiably gobbled up every new creative goodie that caught your attention! I look forward to being front and center of the 2017 Cheer Squad too! I am excited for your upcoming publication(!!!) and more tutorials and patterns!!

  6. For an unorganized person you sure do manage to get a lot accomplished and up on the blog. I know what you mean about taking care of yourself as you get a bit older. It never mattered to me in the past but now I'm realizing I can't put it off any longer. I've always felt connected to you through your blog Jayne and I'm looking forward to reading along with you for another year.

  7. Great write up of a busy gal having a busy year. I also find that taking care of myself became more mandatory as I age... It is the secret to feeling good and getting a lot done. If I make time to exercise (I do yoga) I always have time to do the other things. Good job on your Craftsy pattern! yay! That is a goal of mine this coming year. I love to find the sewing/quilting tricks I haven't tried, glue basting is one. Ok then! Happy New Year from Jane to Jayne

  8. You tried so many new things and learned so much, Jayne, and it was such a joy to get to go on that journey with you. I really like your goals for 2017 and how they leave you open to continue to grow and evolve with how the year shapes up. I wish you a fantastic year and thanks so much for linking up!

    1. It turned out to be an action packed year of learning! I love trying new things and more times than not, I have found a new love/obsession!

  9. Hi Jayne! Very good post! Kate and Sewmotion have said well how impressive your work is! I enjoy always to see and read about your projects, process and experiments! You inspire me always! Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year! x Teje

  10. Jayne, I just woke up from siesta nap and forgot to say that don't worry if you are a home person. I'm too and you couldn't believe how seldom i go anywhere. Not everyone are/can be social persons. I saw a good Finnish programm about this which made me realize why I'm so unsocial. Now I know that I'm introvert and don't need to feel guilty for stayind qyilty at home! x Teje

  11. I love this post as it gives me a peek into what you are really all about. Based on your writing, I would have guessed you to be quite social. It is a reminder that blogs only give a small picture of what the person behind the blog really is. I am not a terribly social person either but that doesn't really bother me. I agree with the need to take good care of myself, at any age, but probably more so now that I am in my 50's. I admire your skills Jayne. From the technical skills to your sense of style and use of color. You are one talented Quilter. Happy Holidays!

  12. Being an introvert myself, its really nice to visit blogs like yours and enjoy both the projects and life you share.

  13. It's been exciting to watch everything you have accomplished this year. You have taken the bull by the horns and showed him who's boss. I think you've listed the most important goal for any of us at the end of your blog. "Do me, do the best me and do me proud." Here's to an even better 2017!

  14. Had to go look at your Star Thistle pattern - that is an awful weed here in Northern California, but your pattern is wonderful.
    Popped by from the link up.

  15. Thank you for wishing us all the best for in what we love! Your post is adorable and inspirational! Love your quote!

  16. Great post! So much of what you said is in my mind as well. Take care of myself, be the best me, quilt from the heart, I could go on and on here. Very excellent post! Best of luck reaching your goals. Know that if you need a little support, just shoot me a note, because it seems there might be a good chance I need support/encouragement in a lot of the same things.

  17. What was the name of that book? Oh, I remember--you've just given me A Kick in the Seat of My Pants--and I thank you for it! If I just make a little list of things I haven't tried yet, I might end the year with a list of new things I've learned! And that would be great!!Congrats on all your accomplishments and all the beauty and creativity you have to show for it :)

  18. Wow Jayne what a lot you learnt and did in 2016 - some amazing pieces in there. It's been lovely following along these last 6 months or so. Good luck with all your goals for 2017 - I certainly share some of them!

  19. So wonderful to read a post like this. I myself have been a poor blogger. I could test your pattern.

  20. You had a wonderful 2016 and I look forward to following you on your quilting adventures in 2017!

  21. It's always a pleasure to see what you are up to and 2016 has been a wonderful year of experimenting and trying new things. I love your pixelated ghost. Hope you will consider making some patterns along those lines. Happily looking forward to spending 2017 with you and your lovely projects! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

  22. You always seem to get so much sewing done as it is, I can't begin to imagine how much MORE you'd get done if you were more organized! :) Best of luck to you in 2017

  23. I am excited to see what you do in the coming year. I know it will be amazing! Ha...No pressure there :)

    I wish you great happiness and success in 2017!

  24. Good for you in stating our goals! That's the first step to meeting them (corny, but true). Enjoyed the recap of what you tried in 2016 too.


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