
Saturday, December 3, 2016

Thank You :: GIVEAWAY :: Week

I don't think I mention nearly enough how grateful I am to have met so many wonderful people through my blog.  I've been inspired, humbled, thankful and deeply touched by this quilting community and what it stands for.  You guys keep coming back with amazing comments and constant encouragement.  

With the Holiday Season upon us and with the spirit of giving in mind, I have a week of giveaways planned just for you!  It's my small, but heartfelt way to say 'Thank You' for all the support throughout the year!

Starting Sunday December 4th,  I will be hosting a giveaway a day!  One week!  Seven Days!  I'll leave the giveaway open until Sunday December 11th at which time I will pick the winners using Random Generator. 

I'll be asking one simple question to which you may leave your ever appreciated comment! You don't have to follow me (unless you want to!)  It's about giving back.

From mini-mini's, pin cushions and pot holders, to fabric, wall hangings and a potpourri pixie basket!  Little but mighty!

I hope you will join me and invite your friends to drop by too!  You guys are the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the bee's knees!  I couldn't do what I do without you!!

Don't forget...SUNDAY DECEMBER 4TH is the first day...and THANK YOU!


  1. I'll be there, your work inspires me so much! Thank YOU.

    1. Yay! I’m happy you will be entering the fun! Good luck and don’t forget…its for 7 days!

  2. Always enjoy seeing what you have accomplished! Will check back in for the giveaways. Nadine W. Northern Cali.

    1. I appreciate that you are always popping over to see what I have going on!

  3. I'll be here and have always admired your work. The perfect giveaway!

    1. I appreciate your kind words and having a giveaway is the least I can do!

  4. This is so sweet, Jayne! You're very generous :)

  5. Hi Jayne, I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing even the tiniest of your creations is so fun. I am seriously coveting that pin cushion with flying geese in a circle. Adorable!!!

    1. Good luck with the pin cushion giveaway! It was a blood, sweat and tears project! And it was the perfect giveaway gift too!

  6. This is so sweet of you!!! I love your blog and you have inspired me over the years with your creations... thank you😘

    1. I don’t think I could ever repay everyone who has followed, inspired and encouraged me this year…My small way to repay!

  7. I don't leave comments, thought I was totally out of place since my artistic medium is polymer clay. But then, since I'm front & center for every post & Loving your use of color & design... perhaps you will accept that as an awesome compliment to your skill & talent. Many Thanx, Liz

    1. You and people like you are why I keep doing what I’m doing! I’m honored that you commented…you don’t have to be a quilter!

  8. You inspires us just as much as you get inspiration from all of us-just wantted to make sure you knew that!!! What a sweetheart, I'll be back tomorrow! BTW I love your collage of the prizes, what program did you use to make it?

    1. What goes around, comes around! I hope you pop back for the next seven days. The prizes aren’t earth shattering, but they are my small way to thank everyone!

      For the mosaic I used Big Huge Labs ‘Mosaic Maker’ for the collage. It’s best if you can make your photos square first. Here’s the link:

  9. Thanks you love your projects and your fabric eye!

  10. You have a kind and generous soul Jayne. Your posts are always inspiring and always fun, I follow you because you make me happy.

  11. these projects are all so great. I love your blog. Thanks for the week of give a ways

  12. This is so very sweet of you!!!!

  13. That is so cool! I look forward to your posts peaking at all your beautiful work!

  14. And thanks right back at you. I love following your quilting adventures.

  15. oh, the perfect Christmas gift, anything from you!

  16. I didn't see the question so I made up my own. It is, "What do I appreciate about your blog?" I subscribe to too many blogs and try to trim back occasionally as there's only so much time. Even if I don't have time to read your post on the day you post it, I don't delete it. It's always worth the wait and I always find time for it. You put something worthwhile in your posts - something about you or your projects. I never get the feeling that you're just filling up space. So thank you for taking the time to share with us!

  17. Your blog is one of my favorites! Your use of color inspires me to break out of my safe zone! Thank you!

  18. How sweet and generous of you! I follow your lovely blog on Bloglovin, and appreciate the inspiration!


Thank you for visiting my blog! I love getting comments, and try to respond to each and every one.