
Thursday, January 5, 2017

Trials and Tribulations

This year started just as I had hoped, by releasing a new pattern on Craftsy.  For me it was a confidence builder and hope to keep the momentum going.

Usually by this time I would have a nice new beautiful quilt made from start to finish.  I have always enjoyed getting that 'first' of the year underway and completed.  However, things get derailed, off track, or just plain life happens.  I knew going in to the New Year that there was going to be a change in our household.  Our 'norm' was going to change.  

My baby boy is flying the coop!  Yay? Yes and no.  It's time he spreads his wings, build a life, see what the world has to offer.  I have wanted that for him and expected this day to come.  I didn't expect that he would be moving to New York City!  Of all people, not him.  As much as I've tried to prepare for him moving out, it has been especially hard knowing he will be so far away.  He will be with his girlfriend, and I'm thrilled about that.  

Through tears of sadness and joy we will take him to the airport today so he can start his new adventure, his new adventure.  I'm going to miss him so much, I can't even tell you!  

That alone has slowed my quilting to nearly a standstill.  Almost!  I've been trying to work on my latest design and make slow progress on it.  

I designed a paper pieced block and began playing with it.  I've always wanted to make an orange something, and decided this was the project for that.  The black, well I love how it makes the colors glow.  Black I have heard isn't a modern quilt color.  I'm not buying into that notion.  I happen to love black, so that is what I shall use!

It began with a block.  I played with the shape thinking at first that I wanted it more of a 'flying geese' shape.  I ended with this instead.  I went with the a 3" x 4" block because after all, it's just a test.


I love starting a paper pieced project knowing the size of fabric needed for each section. For me it makes the process easier and faster.  After cutting the pieces needed I was able to make the first test batch to play with.

Progress happens pretty fast especially when I trim 1/4" on the next section.  I can then align the piece and not have to worry about making sure I have it in the right spot. 

Perfect points always make me smile and make the extra work worth every second!  

I finished this section and liked it so much I decided to make another batch!  You know the point where you love it so much and wish you had made bigger blocks for a bigger quilt?  At 3" x 4" I would need a gazillion blocks for something substantial! 

Instead this will be all about testing the design and testing the block!  It will be a baby quilt or wall hanging.  Or a table runner.

I've been playing with layouts.  I really like this one.  Can you imagine it filled in with black?

Or this one?  I'm leaning more towards this one.  But one never knows...

Perhaps a table runner?  Or should I have it be a quilt with a lot of negative space?  Dang!  I don't know what to do now! 

I think this block needs to be made bigger...that I'm excited about!  Maybe it could be a new pattern!  What colors would you use?

Being an emotional wreck this week and especially today, I'll not make any decisions right now. 

One thing I have to remember my son by today...

He was teasing and mocking me yesterday (which I will miss immensely) , I spun to leave and the door frame jumped out and caught my foot!  (damn door!)  Talk about instant pain shooting through your body!  I'm left with a swollen toe and good bruise.  Thank you Taylor...I'll think of you with every step I take!  And I love and will miss you dearly!



  1. It's a stunning design Jayne ! I think I would turn it into a table runner but it's difficult to imagine it filled with black. The funny thing is that I've started yesterday a new project with paper piecing blocks too. I'd like to make my first tutorial about it.
    When my son left home for one year in the UK I felt just like you. He speaks a lot and teases and mocks everyone. We spent a really too quiet year ... Everything's back to normal now and sometimes I wish him to be miles away :-))

    1. Thank you Sophie! I’m loving the block and have been frantically twisting and turning each one looking for just the right layout! Paper piecing is so much fun! I’m looking forward to your tutorial…keep me posted! I’m hoping one day my son will move back this way, I can’t imagine him living in NYC for a long time!

  2. You've done it, again, Jayne! I especially like your center motif and I favor more negative space elsewhere.
    One of my grandsons moved to NYC recently and he's loving it.

  3. Wow you knocked that out of the park, great design no matter what it becomes. Oh boy that brings back memories of the year we became empty nesters, it's not easy at all. Even if you know it has to happen.

    1. I really love the colors against the black and hope to choose the final layout today!

  4. I admire your courage to step away from the modern quilting 'rule book' to decide your color scheme. I much prefer your first layout and might go a step further by offsetting the top and bottom thirds to achieve an asymmetrical layout. Thanks for sharing your insights as you work through this project.
    Sometimes motherhood heartaches are tough but it's also a joy to share in their excitement.

    1. Sometimes a color combination just feels right! This one did for me. I am a firm believer in do what you want, what you feel…not what is expected!

  5. Ah, there are no rules about quilting! I love to use black, too. Do what makes you happy, right? I'm glad you are finding a little healing from this quilt. Best of luck to your son in his new digs!

  6. I love it!! Orange and black are awesome....but you knew I was going to say that. But then you lost me at 3 x 4 inches. That's small. But I love all the layouts you've shown. Hope the toe feels better soon. I'm sure it will take some time for you to adjust to not having your son around. :(

  7. it takes a little while to get used to the fact that the child has left the nest - been there and done that! you will get used to it. love the orange and black. One of the Dear Jane diamonds is a bit like this piece - with about 10 more pieces in it probably!

  8. The orange pops with the black and I am certainly not the modern quilting police. I think black can be very modern! I really like how sometimes you frame the triangles with all black or sometimes a deeper, richer orange. And ouch! So sorry about your foot and toe, and I wish you and your son and your family a smooth transition to the new.

  9. Ouch, wow do I feel for you. My poor feet have taken so much abuse over the years, I am surprised they are still with me. LOL. Once I dropped a brick on my bare foot, it landed edge wise on the cuticle of my big toe. Oh the pain. And that night I had to go to work, as a server. Yah, that was a painful three days. And my toenail did fall off. Love your paper piece pattern, Cant wait for it to be on Craftsy. I love the ideas you are playing with. Thanks for sharing. Yes, I know how you feel about your boy. Even though we know they are old enough to move out, as a mom it is tough. But so good for them to become independent. Stay strong and always keep in touch and let them know in little ways that you are always there for them.

  10. A wonderfully dramatic color choice for this fun block =)

  11. Thanks for sharing what's going on in your life. I empathize with you regarding your son. It's a heavy heart thing... may time bring certain surprises in this new venture that you didn't expect.
    What a fun project....

  12. Good luck to you with your son's transition to NYC. I know it's a scary thing for a parent, especially a big city like that. I can only imagine how scared and worried my own parents were when I upped and moved to NYC when I was fresh out of grad school. He's going to love it though and it'll be an adventure that he'll always have.

  13. I have a couple more years before my only son leaves home. And yet, I feel for you. Gosh that has to be hard.
    That design is fabulous! It would be great as a wall hanging or I love the idea of the negative black space for a quilt! Great job!

  14. orange and black... now black and blue foot. That could be a hairline fracture. Been there done that.
    The fact that modern quilts are defined by color is interesting. I've never been one to fit in any category, and don't really see the benefit of it anyway. Do you, you're really good at it!

  15. Wonderful design! I too remember when my son moved out, heartbreaking but it has to happen! Went through the same with my daughter too, only she came back & forth many many times!!

  16. Great color scheme! I hope your heart (and toe) heal soon!

  17. I love the crispness of the colors and points. So small but that adds to the design plus you've already made so many blocks. Maybe if you think of the runner as one strip in a bigger quilt then you could add a vertical strip on each ide and then make two more runners and you'd almost have a bigger quilt. I had to read the part about the door twice before I understood that the bruises were the memory and not the spiders. I think I would scream and jump each time I looked at the spider tattoo and end up with seveal bruises. NYC will be a better place with your son's energy there and you'll have fun visiting him.

    1. I’ve been playing with the design for far too long and today, it will become one! I’ve also been working on another design in hopes of making it a bigger quilt and pattern. I’m trying to decide if I should stay with the same colors though! Ha…I didn’t even think about my tattoo when I put it on my blog! Actually they are ants! Spiders are not welcome anywhere around me…especially on my foot!

  18. Oh Jayne! I will just stick to your really wonderful little block...for me, it all comes together when you pair them in that diamond, in the red orange, in the bottom photo...wherever that might lead... ;) wishing you the very best as you make that empty nest adjustment.... xo

  19. I love black too, especially with bright colours! Your design is so fun and all of the layouts have huge potential. I look forward to seeing which one you choose. I'm still a few years away from having my boys leave the nest, but I can imagine how hard it will be when the time comes.

  20. I'm liking your color choice here as well. So pretty ad striking!

  21. Love love love the black and orange combo. Sending warm hugs and feel-better vibes to you.
    You try to stay outta trouble for a bit, at least.

  22. It is difficult when they fly the coop. I have one son in the USA and one son in England. All we can say is we have done a good job when they are confident enough to head off to new experiences. I tell myself that anyway.

  23. ps You would have a quilt completed from start to finish in 5 days? I'm still trying to find a home for all the Christmas stuff!

  24. This is a striking design - and very modern even in black ;-) I actually don't think it would be as effective without the black. I also really like the graduation of colour with the orange. It's very effective.
    E xx

  25. The black is ... amazing! I love the uniqueness of it. May I offer some gentle perspective? It is _very_ hard when our children leave home, but sometimes it is harder than others . In 2002, following the attacks on 9/11, I sent all 3 of my sons off to war. After the attacks they felt a calling to make a difference, so enlisted in the Army, Navy and Marine Corp. Only by the grace of God did they all come home.

  26. ORANGE AND BLACK!!! Cool! My high school colors :o)

  27. Oh Jayne I am just catching up on blog reading after begin family changes of our own over here. I hope that Taylor is flying in NYC. Love this block and I have seen the finished item on IG - wonderful.


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