
Saturday, February 18, 2017

Round Robin :: My First

You would think after all this time I would have a Round Robin under my belt by now!  I've seen and admired many quilts that have made the rounds, and secretly hoped that one day I would be able to participate in one.  Luckily our Guild decided to try it out this year and signing up was voluntary.  So, of course I signed up!

Groups of participants are formed, usually 4-6 people.  Each person makes a center block and passes it to the next person in the group.  That person then adds to the center block. It could be borders or blocks, maybe on one side, perhaps all sides.  After that round is finished, it moves to the next person and so forth until it has made it around to every one in the group.

We can specify colors or size, provide fabric, suggest a theme.  Or like me...let them 'have at it'!  Just have fun!  

That being said, here's my center block for the Round Robin.  You may recognize those blocks from my Orange and Black paper pieced quilt.  I was testing block sizes for the pattern I'm attempting to write.

Since the test blocks were ...test blocks... the background was different on each one!  I'm cool with that and it seems to me, it will play well with each round.  No one will have to worry about variations of whites, or creams or snow.  It won't matter.  Neutrals + Scrappy = perfect!

My center block is a  rectangle measuring 12 3/4" x 15 1/4".  It'll be interesting to see if it stays that way!   I used pinks, corals and oranges to kick off the festivities, but left the color choice to the next in line.  I hope I don't stress them out with my lack of guidelines!

Look at me!  I used prints!  I needed a little extra width for my block and a row of geese came to mind.  A row of very tiny geese!  These actually should be called 'Flying Goslings', they are just little babies!  Super cute measuring in at a whopping 2" x 1".

Tomorrow we will pass our blocks to the next in line and I have to say, I'm excited to see what I get to work on!!  Suspense!

I'll keep you posted on how this all plays out!  Have you done a Round Robin before?  Did you recommend colors, themes or fabrics?  



  1. Hi Jayne! I shall follow you very excited! I love your centre block and the little geeses are so cute! Would be very nice to see the others' blocks too and of course how you continue them. x Teje

    1. I’m excited to see where my group takes this center block! I hope I can do my other group members blocks justice…which scares me a little bit!

  2. Your center block looks great and I love the colour combination ! I'm looking forward to following this journey.

    1. It’s a little scary, but I’m sure in the end it will all work out! We trade blocks today and I’m really looking forward to putting my mark on someones quilt…hope they like it!

  3. I look forward to getting your block in a few months! This is my first round robin, too, and I'm excited.

    1. I didn’t know it was your first too Libby! I full of excitement and worry! Hopefully I won’t ruin someones quilt with my ‘vision’!!

  4. Wow, color makes such a difference. I'm much more interested in this color combo. How fun for the person who gets to add on to it.... I'm one month into my first round robin with a small group of modern quilters, only difference is that our starter block is a/some orphan blocks which may or may not be modern, and the goal is to update them with a modern twist with the freedom to cut through and/or add too....

  5. The variation of white and creams for the background is nice and should make it really relaxing for the others working on your quilt. I'm looking forward to see how this grows and what you work on in return. Really fun!

    1. With so many variations of white and creams, I figured a scrappy version would really be the best option with this Round Robin! I’m excited to see where my block and the blocks I work on end up!

  6. This is just lovely! I really like the variation in backgrounds. It should be an interesting quilt with a lot of depth.

  7. I really like the creams and whites together. I did my first Round Robin last year and enjoyed it.

  8. I have not done a round robin - I will experience it vicariously through yours! Love the goslings and the colors!! How long does the next person get to keep it to work on it? One week, two? What a fun idea!

  9. I have done a few round robins. I always prefer those where you can play (both as the participant and the owner of the project). It is a great skill building project.

    1. I can see the skill building in this type of project! I also love the fact that for the most part, we can do what moves us…I only hope it’s going to be okay with the owner of the block!

  10. I have only done 1 round robin - but it was at a quilt retreat and VERY quick! Like the whole thing was 2 hours - work on it 30 minutes, rotate, repeat. I love the start of yours!

  11. That is a lovely block. It makes me think of spring. Can't to see who this story evolves. I have never done a round robin either, and would love to. Good luck with you next block, Jayne. Somehow, I am sure you will do it justice😊😉

  12. yikes! I can't imagine what I'd do next... it is going to change, and you'll be surprised at the end how much. Each person leads the next person into their round. I did one round robin... that was enough for me and I'm glad I did it. I was surprised to say the least at what came of it and how much my center changed. We chose each addition, such as next will be "triangles" or " applique" or "paper piecing" and there were about 6 people on each set.

    I'm putting myself in the hot seat, trying to think of my addition... I think it would be applique.

  13. What fun! I love the idea, I hadn't heard about one, until you wrote about yours. I can't wait to see how these turn out. I think they will be fantastic!

  14. I'd call this beauty a completed mini quilt and hang it on my wall!

  15. How exciting! I love watching Round Robins take place on blogs! I've never participated in one either and I think I would totally stress out over it. Deciding on what to do for my own projects is bad enough but to add the pressure of "will they like it or won't they" is too much! I have no doubt your Round Robin partners will be pleased with whatever you do. I'm excited to see this!

  16. I've participated in several. The first one was one I planned for my guild. The blocks/quilts were suppose to be secret until the reveal in six months. I had pieced a Christmas tree using small triangles. The person who added on to it arrived at the table to turn it in and she had it out so I could see the entire block. She had added Victorian cut outs to it! Another time a friend had my block so I wasn't worried until she told me she was adding a piece of ribbon as a border and the ribbon was too short so she had to gather it. Round Robins are a way to learn lots and expand how you see others work. Good Luck! Please keep us posted.

  17. Round robins can be challenging and stretch your creativity. I enjoyed the mini round robin I did last year.

  18. Round robins always sound fun to me, but challenging! Many of us would stress out over doing the "right thing" for the next person! I hope you have fun with yours, Jayne. I'll enjoy seeing what happens when you post about how it's going. I love your pink, coral, and orange colors together.

  19. Wow. That is the coolest block I have ever seen for a Round Robin. I hope the rest of the quilters do it justice. I know they'll have fun!

  20. From my experience Round Robins are the most stressful but fun thing EVER :) How contradicting is that? It really is a great way to push and test yourself. I love this for a center block, so many different ways it could fly...see what I did there? :) I hope you can share the block you get to work on with us as well.

  21. Your centre panel is beautiful, I love the stacked triangles all going in different directions and in different sizes. It'll be really interesting to see how your partners take that motif and interpret it. I've never done a Round Robin either, but I sure am curious to try one sometime. :)

  22. You've put a lot of variety with the neutrals and the colors are so fun. I can't believe how tiny those geese are. Great start and I hope the others do something special. I've never done one but think it would be stressful.

  23. Love what you've done, Jayne and can't wait to see how it develops!

  24. I love your centre and it will be such fun seeing how it ends up. I haven't done a round robin before, I would love to, but the thought is scary, what if they all had what I did, or thought my piecing skills were rubbish? It does appeal though

  25. Your centre block is awesome. Can't wait to see how it unfolds.

  26. What a lovely centre - it will be great to see how this progresses. I am in a travelling quilt bee and we're just over half way - can't wait to get mine back and see what everyone's done.

  27. Very nice. I think you are looking forward to a great round robin experience =)


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