
Sunday, March 19, 2017

Round Robin :: Round 1

No one said it would be easy!!  The pressure alone is enough to put one over the edge!  I was sure I'd have my round in the bag, feeling confident and sure of my contribution, but it only left me unsure I made the right decision!
Starting Block Size: 15 1/2" x 12 1/2"
I was entrusted with this starting block.  Pretty cool, right?!  I was blow away with what Emily made because first it is cool, second it was her first time making the blocks.  No applique here!  

I went back and forth on what to do.  First I thought I would make circles, then it was half circles, perhaps flying geese.  It was a strike out!  All three didn't feel right.

Mini Trajectory or Boomerang blocks came to mind and so I went to work.  After making a few scrappy still felt wrong.  I still liked the idea, just not the randomness of the block.  I let it stew over night and got back to it in the morning.

The toned down version!  I think I can make these work!  Emily's blocks are 3" and I wanted to keep the scale pretty much the same.  

Much better in my opinion!  Which is to say...I'm still freaked about my contribution!  If it was mine I wouldn't fret, but it isn't and so I shall worry and fret and freak out for a while!
Size After Round 1: 21 1/2" x 18"
I'm going to guess that the first round is the hardest.  You only have the center block to go off. The second round you at least can see what someone else has done...I'm calling it inspiration!  

I could be totally wrong!  But it sure feels good to bet one round under my belt!


  1. Jayne, I loove this Funny thing, for me usually the first one goes well and then not so easily. I guess I try harder in the beginning. I really like all these blocks and the whole thing! Emily's starting blocks is beautiful and I think you had perfect idea for the second round! I think this robin is the one I tried to join but coulnd' this time. I would love to hear more, for ex. what theme this quilt has. Happy Sunday! x Teje

  2. I like your round I think it plays really well off what was already there.

    1. I hope I did enough!! Honestly, it was so hard! That being said…it is fun and I can’t wait to see what becomes of all of our blocks! On to Round 2!

  3. Hers was not an easy starting point; I like your solution. Wait till you see what Emily did with mine; it's coming your way next!

  4. I think you did splendid. There is room to breathe and new interest added. We just started a Europe based round robin. I expect the first starter block to arrive by mail at the beginning of April. It is very exciting and hard too =)

  5. I think you did good!!! And I can understand the pressure - yikes!

    1. One never knows with these things! I figured it was about time to give a Round Robin a try. I didn’t realize there was so much pressure involved!

  6. It looks great, and I like that you kept a lot of negative space and asymmetry in your addition!

    1. Whew! I’m feeling a lot better about it now! I wasn’t sure at all about it!

  7. I like it very much! I agree with Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl about the negative space and asymmetry. Your blocks play perfectly off the center block. Great job! Nadine Willis Northern Cali.

  8. I've done some round robins and it is very difficult to respect what has been done and then add something that compliments it. I love your stars because it brings the work "together", yet the points and assymetry make my mind move to "what's next"? My mind is now playing with what I'd do next and that is one of my gifts for today. Thanks.

  9. I agree - that was a great contribution! I think the work-in-progress still looks entirely cohesive, and that your addition made it MORE interesting.

    1. Thank you! I was hoping what I added was going to be cohesive!!

  10. It looks great Jayne ! If it was mine I would be really happy with this first round.

  11. Centers are so hard! You did a fantastic job. I love how modern and unique the blocks are.

  12. I think every round in a robin is hard...each brings a new challenge. I love that what you added has brought some straight lines to the table and that even though you kept things asymmetrical, what you added brings a balance to the entire project. Take a well deserved breather, until the next are rocking it!

  13. Oooo - that effect is so cool! Super good move. :)

  14. Definitely an inspired addition to the center. It looks great!

  15. Your first addition looks awesome! You really picked up the spirit of the Center block. Each round may present ist own challenge though. Beware :-)

  16. Yep, Queen of Cool! Round Robins are so fun to watch! I think your contribution to such a fun start is spot on! Can't wait to see the rest!


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