
Saturday, May 13, 2017

Workshop Prep :: Glam Clam :: Purging

I'm super excited for the 'Glam Clam' workshop this weekend, and especially excited to meet Latifah Saafir!  Our guild 'Music City Modern Quilters Guild', has set forth an action packed weekend for members and non-members.  How fun is it to meet someone you have long admired and been a huge fan of?!

Tomorrow will begin the festivities with Latifah's Bias Tape Workshop.  I do know a little about bias tape, but if you get the chance to learn from a pro you should take advantage of it!  I've spent countless hours deciding what my bias tape project will be...fabric wise.  I guess I've come to the conclusion it will coordinate with the Glam Clam quilt.

You may be surprised to learn that I am not, I repeat...I am not using solids!  Even though every instinct I had was saying 'solids, solids, solids'!  And my heart wanted to do the 6" Clammy, but went with an 8", after all it will be my first one.


And so I contemplated.  What fabrics.  What prints.  What colors.  Along with, what size of quilt? Scrappy?  Not scrappy?

I pondered and pulled fabric.  I stressed and pulled fabric.  I threw up my hands and still pulled fabric.  

In the end I decided scrappy-ish, and I'm going green-ish!  I'm using all my funky fabric that lingers in my stash.  Stuff that sucks, stuff that I love (but never use...because I love it) and stuff that is every thing in between.  Lime green to was all going in.

The hope was it would deplete my stash, but no such luck!  I cut anywhere from one to 4 or 5 Glam Clams from various prints.  Not nearly enough!  I need more clammy's!


Tula.  Tula Plume.  Another love, another fabric that has lingered far too long.  I had just enough left over for two and of course, I had to make sure I got one bird front and center.

One thing I knew for sure about this quilt, if I didn't cut every single Clam for it at once...I may never finish it.  This way I am sure to make the quilt regardless!  I decided to make the throw quilt which required 128 - 8" full size Clams and a handful of partial pieces.  It will finish at 64" x 72", which in my mind is a very respectable throw size quilt!

My design wall was a bit small, but I managed to figure out a layout for the most part.  At least I have all the rows marked and ready to hit the workshop running!  The backing I have already decided with be all scraps, all left over prints and then some.  

If that doesn't take care of a good part of my stash then nothing will!  Purge quilt #2!

Have you made a Glam Glam Quilt?  I'd love to know what fabrics you used.  Picking fabrics is always the hardest part!



  1. Wow! This looks so oo great! I love green and I have been complaining there is a shortage of green fabrics, but it looks like you have plenty good ones! Clammy ruler is on my list...

    1. Most of these fabrics have been lingering in my stash for years! I vowed to purge myself of them one day…this workshop seemed like the perfect time to do that! I recommend the Clammy ruler, it’s not just for clams either!

  2. Ooooh sewing curves . That's a curve ball

    1. LOL! I’m looking forward to this class! I’m not afraid of curves, but this quilt will be nothing less than interesting!

  3. Oh I love it. I love anything green but wow you have a nice mix, this is going to be a lovely quilt.

  4. It looks good on your design wall. Will be fun to hear about the workshop and your progress.

  5. "The hills are alive... with the Glam Clam ruler. La la la la" Sorry for the musical diversion, but that popped into my head when I saw your layout. It's a fun layout and great color scheme. Can't wait to see what you learn in the workshop and how this top finishes. Have fun!

  6. Thanks for sharing your process... I like that you are using fabrics you like and don't like.... and keeping the back scrappy.....

    1. I’m trying to use what I have regardless if I like it or not. In my mind, when it’s all together….it won’t matter! Go Scrappy!

  7. Wow,Jayne, this looks amazing! I love all the fabrics and colours you have cut! Very exciting pattern which I haven't done. Looking for to hear about your experience. x Teje

    1. I knew if I didn’t cut all the clams for the entire quilt I might give up on it! I don’t usually do such precise pattern work, but it is fun! I’ll be sharing a lot about this soon!

  8. I took Latifah's class and made 12" clams:, mostly if not all from my Cotton+Steel stash. With all your pieces cut, you'll be well on your way to a finished top. I was surprised out quick it goes together! Have fun!

    1. I saw the 12” (didn’t buy it) and thought ‘holy hell’ that’s a big one! It wasn’t until I saw her sample that I changed my mind and wished I had that size! Initially I wanted to do the 6”! It was a great class and Latifah was amazing! I also took her bias tape class for fun and it was! It may take a while before I get this quilt finished, but it will get finished!

  9. Beautiful choice ! I'm looking forward to see what you did during the class.

  10. I love this. I wish I could take the class. It's going to be fabulous!

  11. This is going to be gorgeous. I really look forward to hearing how the class goes and only wish I could beam myself over to the US. Interested to hear that you also find that picking fabrics is the hardest part. I know for some it's the best bit but the agonies I go through when having to select fabrics. ....

  12. Your weekend sounds great. I've never made clamshells although they are on my wislist. HVe a wonderful class

  13. All set and ready to go! Loving the fabrics you chose and look forward to seeing your finished creation! ~karen

  14. That looks really amazing! (and it does look like hills! Lol!). I love the fussy cut bird. Hope you enjoyed the workshop and will tell us all about it soon!

  15. This is looking wonderful! Clamshells have been on my 'to do' list forever! Enjoy your workshop!

  16. Prints and not solids? What?! Looks like from your IG feed you had a wonderful class. I really like your color choices. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  17. I love all of the scrappy greens together!


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