
Sunday, June 11, 2017

Sunday Stash :: Impulse + Urge began when I started the Glam Clam quilt...Or so it seems.  It felt incredibly good to finally use a lot of fabric from my stash, and what wouldn't be used for the clams would be used in the backing.  

I vowed that when I buy fabric, specifically prints, I would try to buy in order to enhance what I already have.  I'm not sure I have done that with this latest purchase.  It was totally impulse.  I had this urge.  I couldn't help myself!!

Do you ever have that kind of urge?  The kind where you look and look and look.  You keep going back to look some more.  Where you want fabric so bad you might go crazy!  Me!  I don't know what came over me.  I just knew I wouldn't rest until I did it.

My first batch I acquired on Instagram.  Probably not the best place to look, but I did.  I'm probably one of the last people on earth to catch the Cotton + Steel bug!  I figured it was a good road to take.  Can you go wrong with C+S?

For me, fat quarters are the perfect size when I buy prints.  I don't use them that often, and it lets me build a stash that has a lot of variety.

This is my favorite! It's pretty darn cute isn't it?!  The color got my attention, that aqua is gorgeous!

I came across a screaming deal from Stitch Supply Company.  Cotton + Steel again.  But look! They came in a lovely project bag...for free!    

There was a sale on fat quarters, random prints.  The kind of sale where you don't know what your gonna get until you get it kind of sale.  I'm fully aware that many of these prints are 'older' models, but they are very, very new to me!


That's a pretty good variety of color don't you think?  I'm drooling on the aqua/minty goodness colors!

I like that the fat quarters are different fabric lines.  That variety thing again!

There are some prints I'm less stoked about.  That's the risk one takes when getting a 'grab bag'.

With that, my impulse and urge has be duly scratched!  A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!

Are you an impulse shopper?  I know!  I'm preaching to the choir!


  1. Hi Jayne! You found fantastic fabrics! I love all of them! I happen to have the one aqua with tiny tiny hearts in butterfly shape and I like it a lot. x Teje

    1. I’m such a novice at buying and stashing prints! Sometimes I wonder why I even bother at all! I’m happy with my purchase and my urge has been taken care of!

  2. Guilty as charged, I am huge impulse shopper though I try to keep in it check. I manage to do that for the most part and than I go to an online shop of my choice and splurge for 200 $ in one go, luckily only once or twice year... sheesh =) I had a surprise box once, I liked 2 prints out of the lot so tha was really no success.

    1. I’m pretty sure you are not alone on the online impulse buying! It’s all about balance and every once in a while isn’t so bad. I would be devastated if my surprise box had just two prints I liked! Yikes! I guess it was a lesson learned!

  3. What??? I'm shocked! You found some beauties.

    1. You and me both! My print urge is done! I’m not good at it at all!

  4. Great find. Actually, I love some of Cotton & Steels 'older' fabric lines.

  5. I am very rarely an impulse shopper, but it can happen! I like the mix of colors and fun bag you got and look forward to seeing how this prints work their way into your quilting.

  6. Well, Jayne, having moved houses where our stuff was in storage over the winter, and I hadn't seen the majority of my sewing supplies (read ton of fabric) from November 1 until April 1, and then trying to organize as much of it as I can in a loft (1947 small 1.5 storey) that has no closets and one shelf...and discovering more fabric .... and more... and then more again...and yet I will confess I've ordered since we've moved in, uh, some more fabric...YES!! I buy on impulse, I buy for a needed or planned project, I buy because I'm in love and I can't explain it with fabric, or because it's a screaming good deal...yeah, I've got the cray-cray bad. And, like Rhett Butler said, I don't give a damn! And I, too, am a fairly recent (last year) aficionado of C&S and have some of those very prints you've shown here. :-)

  7. I rarely buy online mainly because of the darn shipping from the US. Even great sales make it too expensive compared to what I can buy here. That being said you made awesome choices.

  8. I was so taken by the C+S lines when it started AND was still a fat-quarter stasher, that I have way more than I need. The problem for me RE: fat-quarters in general is exactly what you said - 'I don't use them that often' - so I very rarely purchase them now, unless I want to see an entire line to inform me for future purchasing. So my mode of buying has changed alot, but that means I have way more fqs than I can use.

  9. wow...I can see that you are my best friend...

  10. I just wish I didn't know what you were talking about! There is no LQS here so all my purchases are online. It makes it too easy. It used to be easier to resist. You could work on a project and if you run out there will be more to purchase. The only problem would be if you get a different dye lot. Now a line is introduced and sold out quickly. The temptation is to buy before it is gone. But, I love it!!!

  11. impulse is my middle name! I buy what makes me squeal inside. I love the skelli cats

  12. Yes, I am an impulse shopper and trying desperately to curb those impulses. Your latest acquisition is wonderful! I have been admiring Cotton and Steele for quite a while not but haven't acquired any. I'm lusting after them though. :)

  13. I know how you feel Jayne ... I'm definitely an impulse shopper ;-) So much great prints added to your stash !

  14. I think I only impulse shop... :D But you are definitely not the last to the C+S party -- I'm still not really there. There's a few prints with every release that I like, but not much. I think it's because their color palette doesn't play very well with others, but look gorgeous all mixed together!

  15. Yes impulse shopping is a gene we are born with - no use fighting it. My crafting supplies are about 75% impulse - when you see a great find it's best to purchase cause you will only regret later. Why be sad?

  16. We went to the Quilt Show - Mari and me - and we bought NOTHING. Yes, I have shopped on impulse but only if it was on sale. That is my saving grace.


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