
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Round Robin :: Sweet Delight

When this quilt was passed off to me for my round, I was pretty excited!!  With each round it is becoming more and more amazing.  I was also excited and relieved that we would be given two months on this round.  

It has a great scrappy feel, but with a sense of direction.  Even though this is a Round Robin and there were no specific requests from the 'owner, there is a definite direction with in the color department!

30 1/2" x 30 1/2"
The last round is full of fun little 'tidbits'!  Emily went c-r-a-z-y with her round!  The paper pieced butterflies, lady bug, snail, a bee are just too cute!  I had to think very hard about my round and where I should take it.  Not an easy feat!


And eventually I did come up with an idea, now to execute it!  I wanted to keep it simple and bring a little light and airiness in.  

Hearts would be rather cute I thought and found a paper pieced pattern that I reduced to meet my needs.  You can find this heart and others at Piecemeal Quilts.  

These hearts are 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" unfinished.  Aren't they cute?!  I thought they were the perfect size for this round and the best way to add prints.  We all know I'm afraid of prints!!

Of course I needed one more element...something just right, just perfect.  The cuteness factor is off the charts!

This is another free pattern available on Craftsy called 'Tall Tales' and is designed by Kate Basti.  

I reduced the templates to 75% which made these blocks 3 1/2" x 5 1/4".  They were fun to make even at the reduced size.   

Have you ever over thought a decision about placement?  It can be pretty agonizing!  At least it is for me and certainly was with this project.

Hearts were flipped, turned and shuffled.  Should they go this way or that, here or there? The books went through the same routine until I couldn't stand it any longer!  I made the decision and went with it.  Come hell or high water...what's done is done! 

That being said...I'm wondering if I should flip the corner books on the bottom!  It made sense at the time!

41" x 45"
Anytime I can paper piece, its a good day!  And anytime I can get something done early is even better!  


  1. Hi Jayne! This is awesome! Couldn't have guesse where the books and hearts end up! They are all so cute and perfect for this special beautiful project! x Teje

    1. They seemed to work out perfectly for this round. I’m crushing hard on those mini books!

  2. Nice job! I'm still mulling over what to do with the next round on yours.

    1. Sometimes we have to let the quilt stew before we have a clue what to do! I’m excited to see what you come up with!

  3. Love the round you added! Just not sure which wins more in the cuteness factor, the hearts or the books.

    1. I know…both are so adorable! I really love the books, especially in the mini version!

  4. Ohhhh, so very cute.! The books are amazing. I think I'd flip the bottom ones though, since the snail and the ladybug and even the bottom strawberry are facing upwards... Still, cute, cute, cute.

    1. I’m still debating on the placement! The round before mine is all facing up, yet a previous round is like mine…I still have time to switch it!

  5. This is just darling! I love the tiny paper piecing so much.

  6. That is a wild and crazy amazing quilt. I think you did it justice by putting in some solid calm sections in your round. The little book blocks are adorable!

  7. I love the way you maintained the color change in your border. I say that the books make sense like that if the hearts are pointing in as well; leave it!

    1. Thats what I thought about the books and the heart. Then looking at it…I wonder if it is just too glaring! I have time to make the final decision! While I wanted to bring a lightness to my round, I still managed to keep the theme going with the color change!

  8. Oh my goodness - those little books are so adorable! I think I might lean towards putting the bottom books on the other way, but I really like the hearts the way they are. So a split vote? ;P Either way you decide, it looks great!

    1. Me too!!! I just don’t know what to do! I guess the fact that they have a high level of cuteness going for them…It could go either way!

  9. I love how you kept the colour order while adding airiness to the quilt. And the books are so cute !

  10. Well, it will work either way and it's easy to tell it was an intentional decision because of the way the hearts are pointing. Those tiny little books are the best!! So how do you find the free patterns on Craftsy? I'm not very experienced in using Craftsy other than buying FMQ classes. :)

  11. Seeing your cute heart and book blocks over on Instagram had me curious about where they were heading for. They looks so sweet in this border!

  12. I really like how this quilt turned out, just so lovely and fun.

  13. Looks beautiful and the hearts and books are perfect!

  14. Tiny things are so special. You've got the cute factor all sewed up. I'm wavering on the books. Part of me thinks all facing "up," but if the other elements in the quilt can be viewed from any direction, then it makes sense for the books to face different directions, too.

  15. Those Books-OMG! Cutest things ever. Love your round. Perfection.

  16. What a fantastic addition! Super fun project - I've always wanted to be in on a Round Robin, but haven't done that yet. Love your hearts and books with the cute fabrics!

  17. Oh your two blocks are gorgeous, and very well executed, adding a lovely round to the quilt... that book block!!! Love it! :)

  18. Lovely round, great use of colour and I have to echo the sentiments of others, the hearts and books are beautiful Jayne.

  19. Love the hearts and books. Adding a bit of white space really helped highlight the blocks. A very cute round.

  20. I completely love this quilt. Round Robin's are such fun, as they really do evolve in such unique ways. E xx


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