
Sunday, August 13, 2017

Sunday Stash :: Distraction, Long Over Due

Nearing the end of a long few weeks, I'll be heading home soon.  It was nice to be with family and very much needed.  Today I was able to take a brain break from all that has been going on the past few weeks.  

Today I was out and about!  The perfect distraction at the perfect time.  My daughter's 'bestie' from first grade Anne, picked me up for a fabric diversion and lunch!  This was needed for so many reasons...I don't even know the last time I was in an actual fabric shop! Rather sad, I think!

Don't judge!  I can't take selfies...ever!  This is me and Anne at our first stop on our excursion.

So, Annie was a trooper!  I promised Britt I would be on my best behavior and try not to embarrass her too bad!  I don't think I did.  We had a lot of fun, laughs, shopping and food!   

Cool Cottons is a quilters paradise!  So many amazing fabrics!  From prints to solids...I was in heaven!  If you come to Portland, come here! 

After walking into the shop, Anne fell into conversation with the owner who she knows very well. When she asked if I was Jayne, I thought she was psychic!  How did she know my name?  Anne was just as surprised as I was!  Turns our Anne's mother, Bev left me a gift certificate!  Surprise and shock...Bev is the sweetest lady you will ever meet.  Thank you so much Bev!

I scoped the entire shop before I started grabbing bolts of fabric!  I was grabbing with reckless abandon!

I wish I could tell you the details of each fabric.  But alas, I cannot!  I am not current on any thing and tend to grab what I like regardless of who designed it or manufacturer.  

I saw this little print and about wet myself!  It was too adorable to pass up!  Carousel Unicorns!  I don't usually go for 'cute', but this is cute with a capital 'C'!

Naturally I wandered by the bolts of solids.  Bolts and bolts of Kona...which I did not buy, but drooled a little when I saw them!

Instead I hit the Studio E Peppered Cottons and Kaffe Fasset Shot Cottons.  The colors!!  I yoinked some colors I knew I didn't have in my stash.  Each one will properly petted and admired now and once I get home...I assure you of that!

Before heading to the second and last shop, we stopped for lunch and an adult beverage! Albacore Tuna Melt!  A short break to recharge ourselves.

Our last stop was Bolt.  Another fun shop full of fabric pleasures!

The neon pink caught my attention, thank you Cotton + Steel!  I couldn't resist and frankly, didn't even try!

Well, what can I say here?  Perhaps my favorite print ever!  Anna Maria Horner's Echinacea. This was a good find and rather unexpected!

The other two were impulse buys.  In actuality, all fabric from today was all about impulse! 

A few more solids made it in the stack because they were pretty...because I needed them...because, because, because...

The last piece and probably the biggest curve ball for me was this fat eight.  It's my first Liberty of London purchase EVER!  I was powerless when I saw it.  I!

The house, the colors and all those tiny details!  I may just stick it on the wall and stare at it! 

That's my story!  I don't often splurge like this, like a mad women!  But it had to be.  It was so much fun to touch, feel and ogle the hundreds of bolts from both shops.  I should get out more often! 

My day with Anne was wonderful and a day I won't soon forget.  This day I needed for many different reasons.  Moving forward isn't always easy, but a necessary step in the grieving process.  

Thank you Anne, Bev and all of you who sent prayers, thoughts and sympathy to me and my family.  I am forever grateful. 



  1. Whoa! Do I see prints in that stack? So glad you were able to get out and enjoy the day. I look forward to seeing that smile soon.

    1. Thank you Libby! I’m excited to go to our next meeting and see everyone. The perfect medicine for these past couple weeks! I know…prints! I’m going off the deep end!

  2. I also pick what I like regardless of who designed it or manufacturer. Very nice picks!!

    1. I applaud those who pick for a reason whether it be colors, a specific quilt or if they love a fabric. I’ve never been able to! I just pick, plain and simple!

  3. Lovey additions to your stash! Sounds like a fun day!

  4. I am so glad you had a day away with Anne. It looks and sounds like just what the doctor ordered. The shot cottons are divine and I look forward to seeing all the wonderful things you will make with these fabrics. Hugs and love. xx

  5. So fun!! I love your fabric choices, and heartily approve of the tuna melt and beer, too :)

    1. It was a very fun day! Fabric, food and beer…I’d call that a perfect day!

  6. So happy that you had a wonderful well deserved day! And not too shabby on the fabric collecting either, LOL

  7. Beautiful additions to your stash. I would have had a hard time resisting a few of those too.

  8. I'm happy you had a fun day Jayne! So cool to see a smile on your face after such a painful time.

  9. Quite the brain break! I'd have been overwhelmed, especially after I found out someone had left me a gift card! Glad you had such a wonderful time!

  10. So glad you had this day to explore and indulge. You deserved it!

  11. Some day, I will get to hang out with you. We will go fabric shopping and brain storm quilt ideas etc. Don't worry - I will take the pictures :-)


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