
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Final Round Robin Hand Off :: Round #5

Round #5 is in the books!  I have thoroughly enjoyed my first Round Robin event.  The hardest part has been the stress.  The stress of not knowing what to do and wondering if it'll be cohesive with the other rounds.

Round #5:  45" x 45" 
I had this hanging up for weeks until I finally had a plan.  That's one of the most difficult aspects of a Round Robin.  Am I doing enough, doing too much, not doing enough, doing too little.    

Start Size: 39" x 39"
This is what came to me for my round.  Pretty, don't you think?  It's a color palette that I don't gravitate towards, so it was a pleasure being able to push myself in that department.  I love the pastels!  Weird for me to say that...but, I have been contemplating a pastel quilt for a while.  Perhaps this will push that idea closer to accomplishing!

Do these blocks look familiar?  Since my last quilt was 'Storm At Sea', I let that carry over into this round.  Which seems to be the way most of my rounds have happened.  Whatever I was or am working on it some way or another gets incorporated in the round.

Here's a little insight into my reasoning for using this block.  I couldn't very well use circles or curves because the previous round had plenty.  But I wanted the illusion of curves, and Storm At Sea does that.  Now, I'm the first to admit that the plan didn't exactly work well.  The other part of this idea (such as it is), was that the shapes and angles in my round work well with the previous rounds shapes and angles.  Grasping here?!

See the curve?  Squint with your left eye and tilt your head back and to the right...see it now?!  I used prints...that evens out the curve part in my book!

This was Marcia's center block.  Having just finished a Drunkards Path quilt myself, I was pleased to see this center for my last round!  Marcia started us off with a great block, and every round after played very well with her colors!

And with that...the hardest part is finished!  I cannot tell you how hard it is to come up with the perfect idea for a round.  Talk about being out of my comfort zone and pushing myself!

Since our quilt guild started this in February, I haven't even looked at the rounds added to my starting block.  You can see my starting block here: Round Robin :: My First.    I know...I'm on pins and needles!  I wanted it to be a surprise and it will be just that.  Will it still be pink?  Square?  As soon as I get my hot hands on it you know I'll share!

Round it or hate it?  Rules or no rules?



  1. I like your addition and yeah with a turn and a squint and standing on my head I saw the curve. I would do another round robin myself, yes it is scary at times but I also think it pushes a person to look beyond what is in front of them.

    1. I knew after I put my border on that you would have to have quite an imagination to see a curve, but I still like it! I would most likely do another Round Robin. It was fun and I cannot wait to see what has become of mine!

  2. Round Robins are some of my very favorite things to WATCH come together!!! It is always fun to see how each person's individuality shines and contributes to the whole!! I love your round...all the "robins" you've shared have been wonderful! It will be so exciting to see YOURS!!! :)

  3. This is so beautiful! I have enjoyed the Round Robins I have participated in the last two years and am looking forward to another next year. :)

  4. I love them. One of my favorite hangings was from a Round Robin with guild friends. But it is hard to know where to go with each round. I think you did a great job!

  5. I have never done a round Robin, but I absolutely LOVE reading about them on blogs. I have a hard enough time stressing out over just plain old Stash Bee blocks whether I'm making something they will like or not. I don't know if I could handle a Round Robin. LOVE the concept though.

    1. Oh, and by the way I think all the rounds in this one are fabulous including yours! I have honestly never seen a round robin result that I did not like. :)

  6. Great job Jayne ! I always find it difficult to make something that must please someone else ... Very stressing actually !

  7. Your round is perfect! I participated in my first round robin this past year and had a blast!

  8. Beautiful--and yes, I see the curve--and it can be accentuated with quilting. I love participating in Round Robins--vicariously. :) Reading everyone's blogs as they add rounds is low stress.

  9. Congratulations on making it through the Round Robin. I think you added something wonderful to each quilt you worked on and I am eager to see how yours returns back to you!

  10. I can easily imagine the stress. You did a great job, Jayne. Lovely addition to the quilt!


  11. I'm with you on the whole round robin thing being stressful. I'm even worried who follows me will kinda ruin the effect of my row by putting the totally wrong thing in her row! Yes, my kids tell me I'm a natural worrier, lol. This quilt is turning out beautifully, I cannot wait to see how yours comes back!

  12. I can relate to you feeling anxious or apprehensive about developing and adding your rounds. I think that is the same for all round robin participants. The robin I have organised this year is now only in round four of six and has way to go yet =) As the organiser I am anxious about the participants having fun, saying the truth about liking an addition, maintaining good spirits with in the group etc. So far it has been great though. Thus I think as long as you have fun with your round robin rounds you should be fine. Your addition is lovely and well thought through.

  13. I've never done a Round Robin, but I think I'd like to. I'm nervous that each time I'd want to do "too little" because often it gets a bit busy. But then people would think I was slacking off...

  14. Here is me on catch up. I like your thinking behind your round, and it also added the space it needed, any more colour in this round would have created a barrier. I can understand the stress, sewing for someone else is always more stressful than sewing for yourself, will they like what you like, will they hate it, and it is worse when following the work of others. I don't think you have any reason to worry, your instincts are spot on and as always your work is beautiful.

  15. I love round robins...and hate them. I have the same stress...what to do? am I doing enough?

  16. After recently doing my first RR, it seems important to be in a group where the members are fairly similar in aesthetic or style..... you had a lucky group it seems....


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