
Friday, October 13, 2017

Good Things Come In Small Packages

I'm hoping to have an action packed quilting weekend with my daughter Britt!  There was a time when we would quilt with each other, collaborate on a design and spend time cutting and piecing.  Hanging out talking fabric while I strip pieced and she pressed, making what sometimes could be a dull and uneventful process into something fun and enjoyable.  With that in mind, I thought I had better get a post put together for my latest quilt since I'll be undoubtedly preoccupied with spending time with her.  Not a bad thing at all!

5" x 6 1/4"
And now your thinking...what the heck?!  This isn't a quilt, not a real quilt...but, Oh yes it is!

I was making a Half Square Triangle quilt just like the one above, except baby quilt size, and decided to keep the tiny bonus HST's for just in case.  Normally I do not keep such small pieces, but what can I say?  I couldn't resist another challenge!

I trimmed the HST's to 1 1/4" and then stitched four of the same shades of color together.  My intention was to have each square have a center square, but as you can see that didn't work out.  Bad planning on my part!  The top left has a bit of what I wanted in all the centers.  

Not exactly a beautiful sight all those unruly seams!  I guess I must have thought it was pretty interesting since I took pictures of it!!

The inside border is 1/4" and the outside gray border is 3/4".  If you pretend there are centers in all six squares, this would be exactly like my larger baby quilts...which is where I was heading.

I layered my little quilt like any other quilt and proceeded to quilt it in the smallest of scale, exactly like I would quilt the big quilts.  I used the foot on my machine to guide the width of each row instead of marking like I normally do.  

I used Aurifil Thread #2615 Aluminum, also what I use on many of my gray or HST quilts.  Naturally on a large quilt the quilting stitches wouldn't stand out quite as much as these do.  So much for scale!

It isn't unusual for me to make mini mini's.  I had the mini obsession bug for quite a while.  Check out: Mini Mini Quilt, Star Thistle and Micro Mini Mini just to share a few.  This one was different.  I wanted to replicate a quilt, keep it to scale and piece/quilt/bind exactly like a larger quilt.

And I did just that!  I cut my bindings 1 1/4" wide, pressed the strip in half and stitched the binding on using 1/8" seams.  Mitered corners and all!

My quilts wouldn't be complete until the binding is hand stitched to the back.  This little exception!  

Making a quilt this size and quilting the bejebbers out of it tends to leave the quilt ridged and stiff.  Which makes stitching the binding on a little harder than usual. 

While making this mini quilt, I kept thinking how fun it would be to make a mini of each quilt I make.  Unrealistic for sure, but can you imagine doing something like that?  Shoot me...I can!

The sewing machine in the picture was my Mom's when she was a little girl.  She received it for Christmas in 1939, and somehow after all these years it's still around.  A little wear and tear, but it matters not one little bit to me!  I wrote a post back in December 2014 - Priceless To Me.  

I couldn't resist using the mini sewing machine and the mini quilt for a fun photo!  You could almost believe it was a full size quilt on first glance!

What do you think?  Would you like to make a mini of one of your full size quilts?!



  1. I didn't really "get" the whole mini-mini thing until I made one. Then, oh my goodness, I was hooked! I've made a big stack of 5" square quilts (I call them tiny quilts) mostly from paper pieced blocks. I use a double layer of cotton batting and quilt them heavily so they are fairly stiff. I hang them on the wall in my sewing room. I also slip them inside a greeting card and mail them to friends and family.

    1. I’ve always like to go small…but it wasn’t until the mini mini craze began that I really jumped in! I’ve made so many this past year. I love taking a paper pieced pattern and reducing it…just to see how small I can go! And yes, they are perfect little special gifts for everyone!

  2. I love making minis, they are so rewarding. I have been sewing cutoff triangle units as leaders and enders, they are 1/2'' finished HST's.

  3. The tiny sewing machine is the perfect photography prop for this mini mini quilt! I love seeing how you can take and idea and run with it, Jayne. This is stunning. I hope you have a wonderful time with your daughter. :)

    1. I think I’ll have to motivate Britt to concentrate on this quilt! We are both excited about the ‘sew in’ since it’s been far too long since our last collaboration! After I dusted of the sewing machine it became the perfect prop!

  4. No I don't think I'll be making a mini mini of all my quilts but I DO like the small project now and then. Love yours with the little machine!

  5. Adorable! I make small pieces, but not that small!

  6. Oh your 'mini mini' is adorable Jayne, though you do know you are slightly bonkers don't you :) Though, I've never seen scraps put to such beautiful use.

  7. You are just so good at the mini's and mini mini's! Nope I have not thought of doing any mini versions, but I won't say I won't ever:)

  8. Oh. Yes! The mini-er the merrier! Your photo with the machine is exquisite! I used to make teeny tiny quilts for cash--I was going to say for a living, but that didn't really happen. My big plan at one time was to make miniature versions of a bunch of Amish style quilts. I still have some of the fabric but the Amish collection never got finished. I do remember using 1/8 inch seams for piecing (the width of my Featherweight foot). I used the thinnest batting I could find--sometimes flannel, and fine thread. At that time I was hand quilting, but now you're making me want to make one to quilt by machine. That looks so fun!

  9. You bet'cha ... I LOVE making minis Not sure why but there is something special about a 3" to 4" mini mini quilt. Almost any size mini makes me happy, though. Itsy Bitsy are even better. LOL Thanks for sharing our obsession!!

  10. No minis for me! I would never get through my scrap bins if I kept leftovers that tiny. But you sure did a lovely job on yours!

  11. I just don't do tiny. But you did a lovely job. Love the photo set up with your Mom's machine, that's very cute. Enjoy your stitching weekend with your daughter.

  12. I love this mini mini. And very sweet with the tiny sewing machined. I have one of them too, from my great grandmother.

  13. Oh my, this is just too cute and tiny!!

  14. Enjoy your time with Britt. Nadine Willis N.Cali

  15. I've never tried a mini quilt, but yours looks great

  16. Unfortunately, the only full size quilt I have made probably wouldn't translate well into a mini because part of the design was to showcase some large prints but I love the idea!

  17. Wow....can't imagine making HST's that small. But boy does it look awesome!!

  18. Lovely quilt and fun pictures! I like working on minis occasionally but wouldn't be interested in replicating one of my quilt.

  19. I love minis, and yours are always so much fun! The picture with your mom's sewing machine is wonderful!

  20. What a cute little diversion! It's just darling. Love that it replicates a larger quilt, too. Using up scraps, a handful at a time!

  21. Inspirational, I now may want to make a mini. So cute!

  22. Wow! What a beautiful quilt! I can't believe how small those HSTs are. To me, a quilt is a quilt is a quilt regardless of its size.

  23. I just love this! Love how you quilted it too.

  24. I've never tried a mini that small, but after seeing yours, I might give it a try. I do keep very small triangles cut off from bindings and snowballing squares, but haven't used then in blocks YET! I love the idea of making a mini from leftovers of all our big quilts. If only I had thought of that when I started quilting! :)

  25. A great mini! I have kept lots of teeny tiny triangles ..... they are just waiting for a project like this!
    Most of my projects are mini so this is right up my street!
    Love the quilting too!
    Barbara x


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