
Friday, November 3, 2017

Evening Star :: Sparkle & Sass

I feel like I'm totally behind in my blogging lately.  My excuse is home improvements.  Remodeling.  Nightmare.  Money pit!  For those who have been through remodeling you know what I mean by nightmare!  Especially if you own an older home and are trying to update.  Our simple goal was to rip out the carpet in the bedrooms and install wood floors.  Well, one thing lead to another, that led to another and is still leading to another...Money Pit!

My sewing room has been set up in a small area on my dining room table where I'm able to quilt and finish small projects that have been lingering.  One of those is this project 'Evening Star'.  An enticing paper pieced block that I've had in my sights for a while now.  I saw the block at 'Swim, Bike, Quilt' blog, which was part of a Summer Sampler Series.  

Initially I had intended to just make the block.  Testing the waters.  After deciding on a rainbow theme, my creative spirit took over!

I had just enough white for the background of the star, which will explain why I ended up pulling out my bag of neutral solids for the borders.  Normally I mark my fabrics with the color and manufacturer, especially with whites.  It still amazes me how different whites can be.

The first border is made of 2 1/2" 45 degree triangles.  I could have stopped right there, but darn those scraps!  It seemed like the perfect time to use them and do a little improv.

And so it began...the figuring it out as you go, the creative bug, the thrill of using up scraps.  I wanted to use little bits of color mixed in with the improv and settled on randomly shaped triangles. It started with small blocks that were roughly 3" square that included a solid color triangle.  After I had those finished I made 'filler blocks to add between the squares and extend the border.  It took a little finesse, but it worked and was worth it! 

At least I think it was worth it!  We'll see how the quilting comes together before I start tooting my horn!

The border triangles range in size from 1/4" to 1".  Chubby ones, skinny ones, perfectly imperfect triangles.

There are rainbow quilts that call for a whole bunch of rainbow thread!  I've done it before and know first hand that changing each color time after time is a pain in the 'bobbin'!  Then again I also know that it can be very well worth the headache and time in the end.   

This quilt will require my Hera Marker and a big bunch of 50 weight Aurifil thread. 

Natural White #2021
Lobster Red #2265
Neon Orange #1104
Canary #2120
Bright Pink #2425
Spring Green #1231
Delft Blue #2730
Jade Green #1148
Medium Lavender #2540 

Oh!  Let's not forget you have to have a plan!  And boy did I have a plan.  A long and tedious plan!  I won't leave you hanging...I'll leave you with a sneak peek of my very ambitious quilting plans.

Working with one block is a great way to experiment and test a block.  You can play with color, add borders, and eventually even practice with the quilting.  

Do you make a block for fun?  It isn't unusual for us to take our stray blocks and work them into or make them into something else.  Were are a clever bunch, don't you think?!



  1. Hi Jayne! Great new photo! I love this star quilt! I like to guess who's post it is from the one photo on bloglovin before looking the name and I knew this is You! I have been away because of illness and hope to come back some how, slowly, at least to read some blogs again and yours is one of the most importanta and most inspiring! Happy weekend! x Teje

  2. ... this will change still a lot with your amazing, colourful quilting! Can't wait to see the finished art!

  3. Oh my, this is amazing. I rarely like rainbow designs but this jumps out at you. Can't wait to see it finished. x

  4. ♥ Can't wait to see it quilted. Well done.

    1. Hopefully I’ll finish it in a couple days. I have a bedroom to paint before I get that pleasure!

  5. Playing is always fun and boy does it look like you are having lots of fun. Love the quilting, can't wait to see the finish.

  6. It's a cool block Jayne ! And you're doing a great job with the quilting.

    1. I’ve got a ways to go on the quilting, but it’s coming together pretty much as I had hoped!

  7. Absolutely love it! So glad you gave in to the scraps and added the other border.

  8. Yes I am sure it will be worth it when you are done. Your remodeling sounds like those shows on HGTV-finding one problem after another. My wish for you is to be able to wrap it all up soon:)

  9. I love the little bits surrounding the star! And good luck with the remodel! We lived out of our office and bedroom for over two months when we had wood floors and new carpeting put in a couple of years ago. Crazy times!! But worth it in the end of course...

  10. I love the addition of the little impromptu triangle border. Adds a fun confetti feel to the piece. Based on the sneak peak, I can't wait to see the finished quilting. Sometimes little random blocks are the best way to practice quilting. So much easier than manhandling a bit quilt :)

    1. These mini quilts are a great way to practice FMQ! I tried to channel you, Yvonne and Renee for that…successful or not, I did try! I would seriously NEVER get crazy with FMQ on a big quilt. I know my limits!

  11. The play that you let yourself have with scraps is inspiring and beautiful, Jayne! I am excited to see how this finishes for you. And I hope the remodeling wraps up and you are happy with the results when it is done.

  12. You are not the only one to have lost your quilting mojo but you have pulled something wonderful out of the bag. Your instincts always keep you true, however, THEN you start quilting it, my reaction to seeing the quilting pic was WOW! You are surely the queen of improv, I love your work.

    1. You are so kind and have made my day! I’m not much of a FMQ expert, but I figure whatever happens it’ll wash up nicely and hide the imperfections. It has made me even more in awe of those who FMQ all the time and have amazing results. I’m pushing myself to the limits with my results!

  13. Wow! You weren't kidding when you said AMBITIOUS! Whew! But it will be spectacular when you're done. I love those little rainbow bits hanging out there randomly. I know good and well you had to do some fiddling and working to make them look random yet still float where you want 'em!

  14. What an adorable mini!!! Especially love the touch on the last border. 💗

  15. I really like the way you have incorporated the colours into the border. I was enjoying how that looked but then was blown away by the amazing quilting you are doing.

  16. Great looking block! I really like the borders with the bits of color. I hear you on the remodeling, we are getting new carpet and somehow that has created another 6 projects to work on.

  17. Oh, my goodness! Its wonderful! I especially like the different neutrals! And your quilting sure gives it pizzazz! It takes a lot of practice to FMQ! Keep up the good work!

  18. The fun thing about coloured threads is playing with the quilting design! I look forward to see this finished!

  19. Love your block! The neutral triangles are amazing, and including those little colorful bits is really inspired. Adorable! And I hear you on the flooring nightmare. Subfloor issues? Misalignments? Trim issues? Been there! It will all be worth it in the end.

  20. This is just beautiful, Jayne! I always love seeing what you do with your minis - you are such an inspiration! Good luck with your remodeling - we've been down that "one thing leads to another" road, too. :)

  21. Love this so much! I liked it when I saw the first picture with the one triangle border because I thought the variety of neutrals was so cool. But then with the confetti of triangle bits -- Oh my gosh Jayne. It adds so much. You always know how to take it to the next level - subtle but really effective.

  22. I live in an older home and know your pain! No improvement is ever quick or cheap - no matter how simple.

    Love the star! And the confetti border is the perfect addition. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  23. Start of something very beautiful! Love the confetti border. Can't wait to see how you quilt it! Good luck the the remodelling! It's a bother now, but I am sure you will love it once it's all finished.


  24. A very fun star. The improv border turned out great. Looking forward to checking out how the quilting turned out.

  25. Holy cow, that's beautiful! Following your creative instincts pays off.


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